Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 680 Filial Piety

"Since Master Chen has an old friend to visit, he will visit him first..." Although the fire of gossip is burning, Ma Chao knows that at this time, it is better to avoid suspicion first.

"General rider, don't go!"

Before Ma Chao finished speaking, before Chen Ji opened his mouth, there was a rapid voice outside the door. Ma Chao was stunned and then saw a man dressed a little shabby?....... No, it can be said that a shabby old man broke into the door. With his almost dry hand, he tightly grasped Ma Chao's brocade robe and urgently said, "Tai came here today that he learned that the general was here. I came to see him!"

After saying that, Guo Tai wanted to salute Ma Chao regardless of his old age. At this time, no matter how asshole Ma Chao is, he can't let this poor and shabby old man kowtow to himself. He hurriedly held Guo Tai and said, "Master Guo is famous all over the world, and he is like thunder. At first sight today, it's time to give the gift to the master, how can the master turn the cart before the horse?

But as soon as he finished saying this, Ma Chao found that he really helped Guo Tai's hand and had not touched Guo Tai's body. The old man got up automatically. Obviously, the 'true love' just now was just Guo Tai's superb performance. Think about the sincerity of Chen Qunshi's practice just now and his father didn't speak up. Ma Chao felt that a little hypocrisy on his body was really a little witch compared with this old guy!

Moreover, from watching, Ma Chao was stunned to find that the old man's rippled robe was actually dressed in a dress made of good silk! You know, with Ma Chao's strength at this time, he is just wearing a silk-stitched brocade robe. And this old man is actually wearing clothes that are several times higher than silk!

Seeing this, Ma Chao inevitably smiled bitterly: At the beginning, when I was brilliant, I wore the most expensive white practice among silk cloth, which was more than ten times more expensive than your old boy's clothes! But now, as soon as millions of disaster victims opened their mouths, swallowing brother can only down three grades in a row, so that you can compare with the old boy!

I have to say that you are really 'deceiving the world' as Xu Shu said! It's the same as when Chang'an Dong Zhuo was in power, 'the scholar and doctor insulted his clothes and hid the public opinion'. On the surface, it seems to be willing to suffer, but in essence, it is dressed in gorgeous clothes and greedy for enjoyment. A benevolent, righteous and moral, and awe-inspiring. It's really the greatest sadness of this era to dare to do it!

From this, Ma Chao has no good impression of Guo Tai. The smile on his face has also become much lighter. But Guo Tai, an old man, was dizzy. He really thought that Ma Chao was under his reputation and boasted, "Isn't General Qiqi here recruiting talents? Yingchuan College gained a false reputation, and the students taught by them changed their power and did not exercise discipline at all. If the general is confused by his false name, won't he lead the wolf into the room and cause himself trouble?

After saying this, Guo Tai still felt that although the blow was wide, it was not fierce enough. After taking a look at Chen Ji, he threw a head of dung on Chen Ji's head and said contemptuously, "How can Chen Ji teach good students who are greedy and afraid of death and violate filial piety? The so-called upper beam is not straight, how can the lower beam be straight?..."

"Guo Linzong!" Chen Qun couldn't stand it at this time. After all, he insulted so much in front of his father and even said that the whole Yingchuan College was a place to hide dirt. How can Chen Qun, who is upright and clear about right and wrong, endure it? Therefore, Chen Qun ignored the obstruction of Chen Ji and Xu Shu and said angrily, "Old man! You are full of benevolence and morality, pointing to heaven and earth. But I didn't think about who talked about ambition at the beginning, but even my mother dared to starve to death!!"

Speaking of this, Ma Chao listened to the words of 'filial piety' and finally remembered the resentment between the Chen family and Guo Tai. And this is still an old thing. At that time, Ma Chao was still young and had no impression of it at all.

In those years, after Chen Shi's death, Chen Ji*fang was also a temperamental person. He cried to death. He was so thin because of excessive sadness. His mother felt sorry for him and was wrapped up in the cold for him. It happened that Guo Tai and Guo Linzong came to mourn him and said to Chen Ji, "The talents in the sea are in the four directions. How can they be mourned and the brocade is covered? Confucius said: The man is beautiful, and the food is rice, is it safe for you? I won't take it!" After saying that, Guo Tai left in his clothes. Since the guests heard about this, hundreds of days later, another person will mourn Chen Qian.

Ma Chao later heard about this when he had just crossed over and chatted with his old servant. At that time, Ma Chao was very surprised by this. Obviously, filial piety to relatives cannot be determined by whether it was brocade at that time. Ma Chao has always despised the hypocritical practice of ignoring true feelings in form. In the official history, the filial piety of the two brothers Chen Ji and Chen Chen Chen's adoptive parents and boudoirs are clearly recorded, and it is a way of filial piety.

On the contrary, Guo Tai, this man's filial piety really shocked Ma Chao: Guo Tai's family was poor, lost his father in his early years, and he depended on his mother for a miserable life. When he grew up, his mother wanted him to find a job in the county government to change his previous embarrassment. However, Guo Tai, in the name of his ambition, roared loudly that how could he be with those obscene villains in the government? After that, he did not follow his mother's order and studied under Chenggao Qu Boyan.

While studying, Guo Tai's mother was seriously ill, and Guo Tai never went home to take care of his mother on the grounds that his studies were important. Three years later, Guo Taibo's "three graves and five classics" exercise "good discussion, beautiful sound system", coupled with his "eight-foot height, strong appearance" body description and ability to fool, won the praise of the world. But his mother starved to death on the grass bed because of poverty. Therefore, Guo Tai made a great article of filial piety, saying that his mother knew reason and virtue, completed his studies, and recited it to his mother's grave with tears. After the world knew it, they praised Guo Tai's filial piety, mother and son, who was really a model in the world.

Comparing the two sides, Ma Chao is not really a fool. How can he not know which is right or wrong between Chen Ji and Guo Tai? From this, he looked at Guo Tai's eyes, which became more strange and indifferent. Even in the depths of his eyes, there is a deep contempt!

Although Confucian culture is broad and profound, the word 'filial piety' has been so tossed out. For example, Guo Tai's hypocrisy enters the house through the so-called 'way', which has led to many people's sexual confinement and many spiritual distortions, and also led to many hypocritical and even vicious stories, and even became Chinese. An important part of the inferiority of the Chinese nation! Such 'filial piety' is really ridiculous! - Guo Tai, a wolf-hearted person, doesn't think about it. Isn't it his son's last sight that his biological mother wants to see most on the sickbed?!!

The idea was established, but Ma Chao became calmer and calmer. After slowly walking to the lecture table, he took a sip of tea and watched Guo Tai's poor performance coldly. Ma Chao didn't say anything. Guo Tai thought that Ma Chao supported what he had been doing, so he was furious and scolded Chen Qun loudly: "The boy is a treacherous sycophant, and does not follow the etiquette of Confucianism. How can he slander the old man so much? Usually, you are cold and talkative. Don't you even shed a drop of tears after Chen Ji's death?!"

Guo Tai came to slander repeatedly, and at this time, even Chen Ji cursed. Chen Qun was blushing and full of righteous indignation at this time. Even Xu Shu couldn't hold back his anger. When he was about to fight back for Chen Ji, he suddenly saw Ma Chao still drinking tea quietly... After this discovery, Xu Shu immediately wink at Chen Ji. Then he hurriedly covered Chen Qun's mouth. Don't let Chen Qun argue again: "Brother, the clear one is self-clear, and the turbid one is self-turbid..."

Sure enough, Ma Chao began to speak at this time, and his tone was not light or heavy. He said slowly, "When Super's father died, Chao was not in front of him... Although he shed a few tears, he couldn't come back to life after all. In this way, Chao is also a very unfilial person.

Guo Tai was overjoyed when he heard the words and couldn't help saying, "General Wencheng Wude, after taking over the Ma family, he expanded the Ma family to Si Li, Jing and Yu. General Zhengxi knows under the spring, and he will definitely close his eyes for the general.

"However, I would rather not have these. I just hope that when my father died tragically, I would be able to accompany my father to live and die together!" Ma Chao drank all the tea in the cup angrily and said sadly.

And Guo Tai's face, like June's eggplant, was frosted and solidified on his originally happy face, which was very funny and shocked.......