Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 683 Time Travelers Create Miracles

"How about it?" Ma Chao asked this question with a sad look. He really didn't know how he walked through Chang'an official road.

After Yingchuan Academy, Ma Chao can be said to have returned with a full load. He not only achieved the expected purpose, but also caught Chen Qun, the future lord of Sikong of the State of Wei. What's more gratifying is that the Xun family and the Chen family seem to value the Ma family, especially Chen Ji, and introduce several of their successful disciples to Ma Chao.

Under Chen Ji's first statement, Xun's six dragons also recommended their proud students to Ma Chao. And the horse is so happy that he can't close his mouth and accept it all. He also drafted a letter of intent to cooperate with Yingchuan College to educate talents, indicating that those students who failed in the list want to further their studies after the Ma family takes the imperial examination in the future. Then the Ma family can bear the tuition and come to Yingchuan College for further study. Until the title of the Golden List, it was filled into the Ma government agency.

With this proposal, those old foxes immediately saw how famous it was for Yingchuan Academy! When Ma Chao left, the six dragons of the Xun family and the second elders of the Chen family directly sent him out for 30 miles, and they were still upside down when they went back.

But after leaving Yingchuan this time, Ma Chao did not return to Wancheng. Instead, it follows the lines of Yiyang, Yongning and Mianchi, and enters Sili in the north. After passing through Caoyang, Hongnong and Tongguan, they went straight to Chang'an. When passing through Hongnong County, Ma Chao also worshipped Linghu County guard who was buried in the sea of fire with locusts when the locust disaster came.

And along the way, Ma Chao once again experienced the ruthlessness of the natural disaster. In Ma Chao's imagination, the end of the world is just a miserable situation where the fields are barren and full of thorns and weeds, the mulberry forests are abandoned and full of cocoons, and the farmhouses in the city are burned and smoking. But the reality hit Ma Chao's fantasy, and he found that he was thinking too well.

After the drought and locust natural disaster, Sili was dead and silent. The people who stayed here were not living, and they were hungry for thousands of miles. Ten rooms and nine empty? Then there is still one room left! But when Ma Chao looked around, he could hardly see human smoke at all; the barren grass was everywhere? After the locust drought, is there still a trace of green there? Except for the dry land and the grassy ground, Ma Chao's eyes are covered with gray yellow.

Occasionally, there is such a trace of chicken barking and dog barking, which is weak. It seems that their only remaining role is to cry out for their helplessness...

Along the way, Ma Chao, Ma Chao's relatives and those students all looked sad. Ma Chao, in particular, is even more like a knife.

Until he entered Chang'an, Ma Chao saw occasional merchants selling fur and animals on the street, as well as the heat from the porridge shop set up by the Ma family, and the disaster victims left behind were working hard on the reconstruction of Chang'an. He even saw Cai Yan teaching those children to read aloud outside. Ma Chao's face softened a little. However, it is just a relief.

As soon as he entered the Weiyang Palace, before Ma Chao could drink a sip of water, he called Huangfu Li of the official department and ordered Huangfu Pi to settle these students first. Then, he came to Shangshutai and called Zhong Yao, Meng Da, Han Feng and his virtuous helpers Liu Yue, Diao Chan, Fu Shou and Shadow first, and began to ask about the relief work and the movements of the surrounding princes.

"Husband, Yue'er has to admit your understanding!" Liu Yue's face is not much decadent. Although it can be seen that she has been overworked recently, she is still in good spirits: "Guan Shanxue, Li Zihao and Yu Pan are indeed business people. Guan Shanxue directly held auctions all over the Western Regions and sold them at a sky-high price for the previous sale of treasures in Jizhou. Although Li Zihao did not dared not hold it in Jizhou Auction, but secretly contacted the large households in Jizhou, which satisfied the appetite of those rich people and sold the treasures in the palace at a high price. And Yu Pan, who is simply more hateful than a locusts. In the rich family around Sili, nothing valuable can escape his eyes. That guy can even guess where those rich people buried their treasures!"

"Oh?" After Liu Yue's strong heart injection, Ma Chao immediately felt a little refreshed and asked, "How much did you get back this time?"

"I have got back as many as 900,000, and the subsequent treasures have not been taken. I estimate that I can at least get back about a million!" When Liu Yue said this, her eyes were a little shining. Where is the resentment that she was unwilling to sell the treasures in the palace as a million-year-old princess? She has already been as happy as a rich woman who suddenly made a fortune. And her dazzling amorous feelings couldn't help but make Ma Chao suddenly fall in love with him: the suffering of being a woman for more than a month made Ma Chao almost forget that he was still a man...

"Two million?!" Ma Chao immediately wanted to jump up and hold Liu Yue fiercely and nibble two bites! You should know that Yongzhou's one-year tax revenue is only 227 billion yuan. And 2 million, that is, 2 billion yuan, is enough for 30,000 soldiers a year! If it were this battle, the Ma family's 30,000 iron riders could play for another month!!

"husband!" Seeing that Ma Chao was so happy, Fu Shou couldn't help but taste something. He said coquettishly, "There is also good news here, my concubine."

"Hmm?" Ma Chao became more and more energetic and said unscrupulously, "Shouer, how much did you sell?"

"husband!" Fu Shou was a little angry. After stamping his feet, he glanced at Ma Chao: "Do you want to sell Shou'er for food?"

"My husband is wrong, my husband is wrong..." Now Fu Shou is the owner of gold, and Ma Chao dares not offend her. Whether it is in the face of the hand or not, this posture must be enough.

And Fu Shou is also a general person. After seeing that Zhong Yu, Meng Da, Han Feng and others are looking up at the sky and giving Ma Chao a look of 'cleaning you up after returning home', he said, "Thanks to the reputation of my husband's migration of disaster victims thousands of miles and saving the world. My father contacted all kinds of merchants and called on merchants to take and use them for the people. In addition, the business plan in the husband's new policy has indeed attracted them to Sili trade. As a result, merchants from all walks of life have donated more than one million yuan, and there are also 300,000 stones in grain!"

"So much?!" Ma Chao was already a little overrided at this time: in this way, 30,000 horse horses can play for another month!

"Not only that!" Seeing that Ma Chao was so happy at this time, Han Feng couldn't help but come forward and say, "The winter wheat, potatoes, black beans, soybeans, rape, sugar beets and other crops on Ma's farm have been harvested. Although the planting scope is still a little insufficient, it is sufficient to provide it to the disaster victims. And when the autumn harvest in September, Yongzhou can feed Si Li!!"

"Oh...." Ma Chao is happy: a county in Nanyang and the west of Yingchuan County can also harvest a lot of grain. And if the group of miners in the arsenal successfully find the coal mine in Luoyang, the disaster victims of the whole Sili can successfully survive this winter until tomorrow's spring planting!!

Although Luoyang does not have more coal than Taiyuan (that is, Jinyang in the Three Kingdoms era), it does have coal mines, and there are many more. Ma Chao still knows this geographical common sense. With food wrapped in his stomach and coal mines for heating, Ma Chao really put down a big stone in his heart.

"Not only that, the winner has made great contributions to prevention, and there has been no plague in the area of Sili." At this time, Zhong Yu couldn't help reporting and told Ma Chao a more gratifying news: "And the locust plague in the area of Sili has been effectively controlled. Thanks to the example of Hua's magic doctor, many disaster victims feed on locusts and rice porridge made from Ma's porridge, including locust powder, which is loved by the victims. ....... I have also tasted the fried locust. As the lord said, it tastes like chicken and is not greasy. It is a good food.

After saying that, Zhong Yu also showed his white teeth and smiled slightly. But after hearing this, Diao Chan, Liu Yue and Fu Shou's three daughters looked happy and immediately became disgusted and depressed. When Ma Chao saw this, he couldn't help laughing. The previous depression was swept away: In this way, the Ma family will not die! Even, I may promote the big strategy of "raising war with war" in my heart!

Not bad! Ma Chao will never let the Ma family suffer for two years. What he wants is to attack, kill and rob with all his strength! Let the iron horse of the Ma family walk all over the rich land of the Han Dynasty. Use other people's granaries to raise your own people!!

Slow digestion, keeping a low profile?

Is that what time travelers do?! Who knows that time travelers come here to break the routine and create miracles!