Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 712 Uncle of the Han Dynasty

"Uncle of the Han Dynasty?" Mu Yuanfeng took the secret order given to him by Ma Chao and stared at Ma Chao: "Lord, it's just a small plain county magistrate, why do you praise him so much?"

Ma Chao smiled bitterly when he heard the words: History has become completely different, but his plan must go down step by step, right? Fortunately, Liu Bei was really lucky. He found Liu Sheng, the king of Jing of Zhongshan, as a shield.

After reading the genealogy of the old Liu family, Ma Chao suddenly found that King Jing of Zhongshan was really the best. He lived 42 years old and did nothing, so he gave birth to children and played every day. Not to mention the daughter alone, the son alone has more than 120, more than a dozen more than Liangshan.

No matter how those scholars in the previous life studied Liu Bei's life, anyway, after looking at Liu Sheng's glorious deeds, Ma Chao thought that Liu Bei was definitely a relative of the Han clan: Liu Sheng has been dead for 200 years since the end of the Han Dynasty, and there are five or six generations among them. To say something disrespectful, Ma Chao even thought that if he caught a person surnamed 'Liu' on the road, he might be some kind of man's clan.

In this era of birth and fame, even the ridiculous hat on Liu Bei's head is also a decent red hat. After wearing it, it is easy to mix like a tiger with wings. Compared with the cuckold worn by Cao Cao, the green hat is really like the Red Sea.

"Execute my order. If necessary, you can also ask the Propaganda Department of the Ma family to help." Ma Chao did not answer Mu Yuanfeng's question: even if he wanted to explain this kind of thing, he couldn't explain it clearly.

History chose Liu Bei, the lucky man to win Xuzhou, which is much better than Xuzhou's real beating down by Cao Cao, right?

And Ma Chao's confidence in the military council that he would not let Cao occupy Xuzhou so easily came from Liu Bei: others don't know Liu Bei's ability, how can Ma Chao not know the unique charm of Liu Bei?

"Lord, you asked me to make a rumor in Chen Liu that Yuan Shao asked Cao to kill Zhang Miao, and my subordinates can still guess one or two." After hearing this, Mu Yuanfeng did not follow the order as Ma Chao expected. Unexpectedly, he raised the thought of breaking the casserole and continued to say, "But this Liu Bei is just a small plain county magistrate, thousands of miles away from Xuzhou. Your divine pen is too strange and stupid. I beg the lord to teach me more?

If it were other Shadow members, Ma Chao might refuse, but Mu Yuanfeng is different. After all, Ma Chao robbed his first lover. No matter how boss he is, he feels a little guilty about him. Secondly, since Mu Yuanfeng joined the shadow, he has made rapid progress. In addition to the highest martial arts in the shadows, he has obviously seen the overall situation recently. If you cultivate more, Shadow will not have an additional think tank that can help Diao Chan.

From this, Ma Chao took a deep look at Mu Yuanfeng and said, "If I remember correctly, you investigated Liu Bei's resume, right? Therefore, the question buried in your mind is not a day or two, is it? Moreover, you said at this time that Liu Bei was just an ordinary county magistrate, but you kept asking me why I praised Liu Bei for no reason... From this point of view, you must have seen the extraordinaryness of Liu Bei, right?

was recognized by Ma Chao's words, and Mu Yuanfeng couldn't help blushing. When Ma Chao saw Mu Yuanfeng's point, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Yuanfeng, you are still a little short of heat. It should be noted that one of the most basic requirements of this politician's commander is to be thick-skinned! Although there is something good and obedient in front of the collapse of Mount Tai, the reason is the same to trace the source.

"My subordinates have been taught." After these words, how could Mu Yuanfeng not hear Ma Chao's guidance? Therefore, he meditated for a moment and said in a condensed voice, "I just don't understand that Liu Bei, in terms of learning, he is just not a contemper; in terms of martial arts, it is also common; in terms of Tao strategy, it is even more careless; such a person whose knowledge, martial arts and Tao strategy are not as good as the master, why does he let the master in the wind? Did you choose him when the clouds were in chaos?

"That's right, your comments are very objective." Ma Chao grinned, but then after carefully recalling the evaluation of Liu Bei by scholars in his previous life, he gradually enlightened: "The depth of learning is nothing. Not to mention anything else, he said that my father-in-law, Cai Yong, has achieved a hegemony? And martial arts, um... Isn't my other father-in-law, Lv Bu, like a homeless dog so far? Finally, Taolu? Or my father-in-law Han Sui, he knows a little strategy, but now he is also the hegemon of Liangzhou?

After saying this, Ma Chao couldn't help smiling, thinking about his father-in-law. I don't know how Cai Yan, Han Ying and Lv Qiling will make him feel bad after knowing it? However, this absurd idea also flashed in Ma Chao's mind. After he settled down, he continued to say, "If a person's achievements can be measured by knowledge, martial arts, and strategy... Does Han Gaozu have a way to be shortlisted as emperor?

When Mu Yuanfeng heard this, he couldn't help nodding and very much agreed with Ma Chao's statement. Ma Chao then took out a stack of Fufeng paper and said, "This is the information you investigated and sorted out at the beginning. I have carefully analyzed it. It can be seen between the lines that Liu Bei has at least three advantages. First, he is quiet, but he must do what he says, and he is very powerful; second, this man's city is extremely deep, and he is usually happy and angry, and no one can guess what he wants to do; third, he is easy to make friends with heroes. No matter how humble the other party is, he is willing to socialize, so people are eager to get close to him... Judging from these three points, although Liu Bei's identity is not ambitious at present, he has the legacy of the old hooligan of Han Gaozu.

"What did the lord say? This person only owes one opportunity. If he enters the stormy meeting, he can fly to the sky? Mu Yuanfeng couldn't help saying that Ma Chao's evaluation of Liu Bei was so high.

Ma Chao nodded his head and definitely nodded. But at the same time, a complicated look flashed in his eyes: Will pulling Liu Bei into this troubled times too early make this chaotic era more unpredictable?

But at this time, after listening to Ma Chao praise Liu Bei, Mu Yuanfeng seemed to think of something and said, "Lord, I remember that this person is gloomy and ambitious, especially good at doing things because of others; on the surface, he treats people respectfully and politely, but he has no benefactor in his heart, and no one pays attention to him... . He is not so much a descendant of King Jing of Zhongshan, but more like a Zhongshan wolf!"

"Yes, chaos collapse, wolves dance. This world is a time for wolves to travel thousands of miles and show their power. Ma Chao raised his eyes, and his eyes were complicated but a little helpless and said, "Does Yuanfeng think that Chao may rely on this person's loyalty and trust and try his best to work for the Ma family?"

"In this way, the lord strongly supported Liu Bei at this time, but he threw another stone in a pool of muddy water, making the already chaotic Xuzhou more chaotic?" Mu Yuanfeng was shocked when he heard the words. Ma Chao's handwriting was really afraid that the world would not be chaotic... However, he still doesn't see what is the benefit of the Ma family?

"Liu Bei's uncle became famous, and Tao Qian was in a hurry to seek medical treatment. If he suddenly heard that there was such a person in the world, how could he not send someone to ask for help? As soon as Liu Bei moved, how could Tian Kai in Qingzhou and Kong Rong in Beihai be saved from those who were dissatisfied with Cao Cao? In this way, Cao Cao is trapped in the world's criticism, and Tao Qian has the help of Austrian aid, so Xuzhou may not fall into Cao Cao's hands so easily!"

After saying this, Ma Chao's eyes came out of the window and seemed to directly see the devastated situation of Xuzhou. He said leisurely, "Cao can't get Xuzhou, and Lv Bu rises as promised... At that moment, it was the time for the Ma family to send troops!"