Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 733 Is it Ma Chao? It's Ma Chao!

In the eastern sky, a round of red sun is about to shine, painting a layer of pink oil on the once prosperous Longxi City. Cheng Gongying's subordinates outside the city had already eaten breakfast and lined up.

Cheng Gongying looked up at the red sun, walked to one person and asked, "Military division, are you still attacking Longxi today?"

"No!" The man is still dressed in a purple robe. This time, he should have a feeling of being one with the red sun in the sky. After he withdrew his eyes from the red sun, he looked at Cheng Gongying with a meaningful smile: "Today, we should spare no effort to capture Longxi County with all our strength!"

"Why today?..." Cheng Gongying was stunned when he heard the words, and his hard face couldn't help showing doubts. Randomly, he thought that he should not ask more about this matter, so he stopped talking.

But the man seemed to be very interested today. After submitting a report to Cheng Gongying, he said, "Ma Chao thought that with their prestige, he could subdue everyone in Liangzhou, which is really ridiculous. Han Sui has been operating Yongliang for several years and has always carried out the inevitable belief of the Ma family to Liangzhou soldiers. Now Han Sui died tragically and was killed by Ma Chao's specific murderous spirit. How can those soldiers and county guards let Ma Chao go? It's too violent that we don't take advantage of such advantages.

"Why didn't we move until then?" When Cheng Gongying saw the report, he couldn't help moving and said, "Is it just to besiege Pang De and wait for Ma Chao to go to rescue?"

"Not bad!" The man opened his mouth decisively, looked straight at the dilapidated Longxi City, and continued, "Ma Chao is not a stupid person, but he is as cunning as a fox. It is certain that Ma Chao has seen a trace of the change of Liangzhou at this time. Therefore, I designed to surround Pound, causing Ma Chao to think too much. Today, after capturing Longxi County, the next game is when Ma Chao dies!!"

"The military division is smart, and the last general is admirable." After saying that, Cheng Gongying retreated and commanded the siege of the city.

In the land of Qianghu in Liangzhou, the folk customs are fierce, used to war, and there are many famous generals. Cheng Gongying's command of 50,000 elite soldiers of Han Sui was even more able to fight. After a dull sound of horns, they immediately stimulated a fierce and fearless momentum. After hearing Cheng Gongying shouting 'break through Longxi County today, chickens and dogs will not stay', the long-standing tyrannical and murderous mood suddenly broke out.

For a while, the turbulent Liangzhou army, with only fragmentary scattering against Longxi City, carried the ladder and struggled forward. The skilled skills and battlefield intuition honed in the battlefield over the years have made it easy for most people to escape the attack of the rain of arrows and come to the city almost unharmed.

At this time, the creaking winch sound of the Liangzhou army sounded harshly behind the array, accompanied by a huge roar, and huge stones soared into the air. Some of them flew into the city, and some accurately hit the wall, and the broken human body and fragments of the wall broken into mud and stone flew all over the sky.

While Gongying made a sham attack a few days ago, an engineering team of thousands of people was secretly supervised by Yan Huan and has been cutting down trees day and night to make heavy siege equipment. Today, 34 stones have been thrown, and this day is also the first day they go to the battlefield.

Fortunately, these catapults are really useful, although two catapults have injured the climbing army because they did not adjust the angle. However, after Cheng Gongying cut off the heads of the soldiers who manipulated the catapult, the engineers who replaced him successfully adjusted their angle and smashed behind the city of Longxi City under the threat of death.

Under such a powerful stone-throwing, in less than a moment, all the horns and gate buildings in the west of Longxi City have collapsed, and the city is dusty and messy, with endless screams.

At the same time, a group of soldiers arrived under the gate with a huge siege hammer and hit the gate heavily. Every impact sets off a vibration as if it can knock down the wall together. Six cloud carts and hundreds of ladders were pushed under the city wall, and countless roads to the city were built in an instant. On the contrary, the reaction in the city was extremely weak, and no response method of resistance could be exerted - it was not the incompetence of the defenders, but the bloody masque battle that filled the lives the other day, which had exhausted the arrows and oil of Longxi City. As for the rolling stone, it disappeared a few days ago.

The wooden board of the cloud car leans obliquely on the wall, and the ramp is more than 200 steps long. Some of the siege men on the ladder have jumped to the top of the city and fought a bloody battle with the county soldiers of Longxi County. Although the Longxi soldiers are also strong and good at hunting and shooting, they are already powerless in the face of Liangzhou soldiers who are ten times theirs.

"Okay, that's good!" Cheng Gongying saw this scene from afar and couldn't help pounding his fists and saying, "The city is about to break!"

Sure enough, as if to prove Gongying's words, the rushing car of the city gate smashed the gate of Longxi the next moment. But at this moment, 500 cavalry rushed out of Longxi City. Under the leadership of a young general, they quickly killed all the Liangzhou soldiers rushing by the car, and then attacked and set fire to the cloud cars.

Unfortunate, the number of 500 cavalry is too small. In front of 50,000 and more proficient in riding Liangzhou army. They just splashed a drop of water in the boiling oil and were soon found and surrounded by the brave Liangzhou soldiers in the city. However, the current young general is very brave. Unexpectedly, he broke through the interception of the Liangzhou army several times and continued to set fire fearlessly.

"Who is that man?" Seeing this, the military division couldn't help asking. Because he felt that the bravery of the young general reminded him of the person he hated the most.

"That man is the guard general of Longxi City these days. After Li Chi, the only son of the Li family of the Longxi hero family, Nafei General Li Guang, is skillful and famous." Cheng Gongying opened his mouth. This half a year is enough for him to familiarize himself with the information of everyone in Yongliang.

"Premation?" The man couldn't help humming and said sarcastically, "Is his prestige comparable to Ma Mengqi? Send 2,000 cavalry troops quickly to kill this man!"

Two thousand cavalry have come out, and Li Chi no longer has a chance to show off his power. After being surrounded, he could only watch the chaotic army on the cloud car, easily pouring into the wall of Longxi City like ants, and roared loudly, "Heaven is dead in Longxi!!"

And after Li Chi's roar, everyone heard an extremely loud female voice shouting: " Longxi can be broken! We can die! But Longxi will be destroyed, and all the jade will be burned!!"

Hearing this shout, the military division of Liangzhou Army couldn't help frowning and asked Cheng Gongying, "Who is this woman?"

"This person is the queen of the rich royal family in Longxi, and she doesn't love red makeup and military uniforms. Some time ago, the plan to dig deep into the trench pits and trap our army came from this woman. Cheng Gongying replied, and for a while, he sighed with emotion about the Longxi Wangzu.

And the military division also knew that the three Wang clans in Longxi, Li, Wang and Jiang, almost took turns to control Longxi, each with its own heroes. At this time, he remembered Li Chi, Wang Yi and the late Jiang Qian, and couldn't help sighing, "How can Ma Chao help such a rich family? ....... And the same Wang clan, why is he so kind to the Yongzhou Wang clan? Is it so cold and ruthless to the Siliwang clan?"

In the last sentence, the man whispered to himself. In his thoughts, he prefers to see the moment when the army breaks into Longxi City. Fortunately, that moment is coming soon.

However, at this critical moment, Cheng Gongying and the military division suddenly heard another extremely loud horn on the battlefield. The horn was long and powerful, not like the horn of the Liangzhou army, as if it filled the ears of the Liangzhou army.

"Who blows the horn?" Cheng Gongying was furious, but when he turned around, he saw it from afar. Above a big bar, the blood-red 'horse' flag is in the air. At this time, the sunset has not yet fallen, and the remaining red light penetrates the flag, as if the flag is burning brightly: burning out the majesty of the whole battlefield...

"Is it Ma Chao?" Cheng Gongying was shocked.

"It's Ma Chao!" The military division was suddenly furious!