Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 736 Wang Yi's request

I haven't felt so tired for a long time.

In his memory, Ma Chao felt that except for his hard work with Yan Xing when he first started his business, he was no longer as exhausted. Even when he fought with Lv Bu many times, it was a dangerous death threat for a few moments, more than the numbness of mechanical killing the enemy for such a long time.

After sleeping for two days and one night, when Ma Chao opened his eyes again, the first sentence he said was: "How's Pound?"

Pound was besieged by Longyou, which was Ma Chao's most worried thing during this period. He tried his best to attack Cheng Gongying, which was also a plan to besiege Wei and save Zhao. But now, Ma Chao still doesn't know whether the Ma family's plan has succeeded or not.

However, after saying this sentence, Ma Chao felt a pain in his throat like a knife. The dry tear pain couldn't help making Ma Chao moan slightly. At this time, Ma Chao suddenly saw that a spoonful of warm water had been handed to his mouth, and in his ear, there was also a strange female voice that had never heard: "General Tian don't worry about the situation. Although my concubine doesn't know the military affairs, you entrusted Xun Junshi when you fainted and fell asleep. So far, everything is under control.

Ma Chao first drank the spoonful of hot water and moistened his throat before turning his head to see the girl who served him. This girl's clothes are simple, which is the most common style worn by civilian women in Liangzhou. Ma Chao has traveled through this era for more than three years. After inheriting the characteristics of the 'beautiful instrument' Ma Chao in history, he also has appreciative of beautiful fabrics. At this time, he saw at a glance that the woman's clothes were not made by a famous tailor, but as if they were made by a woman who was good at weaving and cutting clothes.

But Ma Chao will never think that the girl is a maidservant, not to mention the woman's previous insightful words. That is to say, the woman's jade-like face and the cold and calm look between her eyebrows are by no means the appearance and temperament that ordinary maidservants can have. Especially her tender fingers, it is obvious that she is not a maid who often serves rough work.

However, after recalling the scene before he fell asleep, Ma Chao guessed the identity of the woman. After drinking a few sips of water again, Ma Chao said, "Thank you, Miss Wang."

After the name blurted out, Ma Chao couldn't help laughing strangely in his heart: thanks to this pure end of the Han Dynasty, the word 'Miss' is still a respectful title at this time.

"Does General Tian recognize my concubine?" Wang Yi obviously did not expect Ma Chao to recognize her identity at a glance, and stopped feeding Ma Chao water in surprise.

"Miss Wang scattered all her money to help Longxi fight against the enemy, and also set up several strange plans to block the thief army." Ma Chao first glanced at the water in Wang Yi's hand and showed that he wanted to drink it again. Wang Yi was reminded by Ma Chao, and his cheeks couldn't help but turn red. Then, Ma Chao continued to say, "And yesterday's 'longxi can be broken!" We can die! However, although it is not very true to hear the words of "longxi's death, jade and stone will be burned, but it is deeply impressed and admirable."

When he said this, Ma Chao was sincere. Because when he carefully looked at Wang Yi's fingers, he had found that there were several needleholes on her fingertips, which were obviously broken when he sewed clothes - such a large woman was actually light in wealth and heavy, and there were men in troubled times, which was really rare and heartfelt admirable.

And more interestingly, this woman, in history, is also quite related to the Jinma Chao. However, the two are not as friendly as they are now, but the relationship between Ma Chao and Wang. Even in history, Ma Chao killed Wang Yi's son with his own hands, causing the grief-stricken Wang Yi to almost kill himself.

Historically, Wang Yi was the wife of Zhao Ang, and Ma Chao returned to Xiliang to attack Jicheng. Wang Yi helped her husband Zhao Ang guard the city with many meritorious deeds. From Ma Chao's attack on Jicheng to Qishan, Zhao Ang had nine strange tricks, and Wang Yi participated in it. Subsequently, after Ma Chao captured Jicheng, Wang Yi had a lot of contact with Ma Chao's wife, which made Zhao Ang gain the trust of Ma Chao. After Yang Fu and Jiang Xu counterattacked Ma Chao, Zhao Yue, Wang Yi's only remaining son, remained in Jicheng as a hostage and was killed by the sad and angry Ma Chao himself.

At this time, Ma Chao looked at Wang Yi's quiet and elegant face and suddenly felt that sometimes it was okay for history to change. But then, Ma Chao's mind returned to his current situation. Under Wang Yi's embarrassment of pretending not to know that Ma Chao was staring at him, he suddenly asked, "Has all the Cheng Gongying army been killed?"

As soon as this problem came out, Wang Yi's calm and elegant face immediately became a little cold. However, she then said, "All 43,700 Liangzhou soldiers were killed. Even the defeated army who fled to the mountains and forests on the battlefield was later dispatched by the Ma army and brought back from the head.

"Well, that's good." Ma Chao did not look at Wang Yi's face, but said to himself, "Did Xun You order to transport these heads to Jincheng?"

"Once the general's order is issued, the wolf under his command will naturally obey his orders." After saying that, Wang Yi angrily put down the water bowl in his hand and got up and left, "My concubine still has something to do. The porridge and cooked food have been prepared early. Please use it slowly."

Ma Chao smiled bitterly when he saw the situation. Naturally, he knew why Wang Yi had such a reaction. However, when Wang Yi left, Ma Chao still shouted, "Please invite the Ma family's Wenwu here. I will deploy the next arrangement here."

"Is the general going to start another round of slaughter?" Wang Yi paused and said sarcasticly. However, just as she wanted to leave angrily, she seemed to think of something and stopped again. And it was this opportunity that she heard Ma Chao's next sentence.

"40,000 people were slaughtered, but 400,000 people may be saved in Liangzhou. It's much better for me to do this than to make Liangzhou unrestled for several years, and hundreds of thousands of people died tragically under the horse's hoof..." He sighed deeply and said these words. Ma Chao himself didn't know whether he felt it or comforted himself.

After all, at this time, Ma Chao suddenly thought of a person: Cao Cao.

That man also massacred more than 60,000 people in Xuzhou. And the blood in his hands is definitely no less than him!

Now the only reason left to comfort and fool himself: Cao Cao slaughtered unarmed people, and Ma Chao killed soldiers who had become demons in troubled times!

However, whether it is the people or soldiers, they are all struggling with their lives in this troubled times...

But when Wang Yi heard this, he also had a sense of sadness in his heart: the reason why the war kept women away was not only that they were physically weaker than men, but also because of their sentimentality in nature, which made most of them become victims of war.

Before Wang Yi, he hated Ma Chao precisely because 40,000 people were slaughtered. Even though she knew that what Ma Chao did might be for the overall situation, she still couldn't talk to Ma Chao rationally. I don't even want to look at Ma Chao. But Ma Chao's sigh at this time made him feel weak in her nature...

In a word, women are strange creatures. A man doesn't want to understand his whole life.

However, the reason why Wang Yi still stayed here at this time is not just because of Ma Chao's emotion. But because of Ma Chao's emotion, which prompted her to say what she wanted: "General Tian, I have a small request. I don't know if the general can agree?"

Ma Chao, who was thinking about whether he was already worried about the demon, couldn't help frowning: whether it was in his previous life or now, the most unbearable thing for him was for a woman to ask a man to agree before making a request. However, in his previous life, he slightly speculated about women's thoughts, and now...

"No!" Ma Chao definitely rejected Wang Yi's request. Although it was so cold and hard, Ma Chao said it like this.

"General!" Wang Yi was annoyed and turned around and hurriedly said, "My concubine hasn't said what kind of request it is. You are like this..."

"It's because you didn't say a request, but you asked me to agree first. In this case, it is most important to refuse!" Ma Chao's face was still cold and hard, and he choked back to Wang Yi. Immediately, he said impatiently, "There are hundreds of thousands of Li concubines in Liangzhou, and the war is changing rapidly. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. If you really have something to do, say it quickly!"

When Wang heard this, he couldn't help but have an impulse to turn around and leave. But at the same time, she looked at Ma Chao's cold and persistent eyes and unexpectedly said the request in her heart: "Jiang Wei, the son of Jiang Yan, is less than three years old this year. His parents died in the tricks of the enemy army, which is very pitiful. My concubine has a lot of sisterhood with Jiang Wei's mother, so I want to recognize Jiang Wei as my adopted son and stay in the Wang family to raise..."

Wang Yi believes that Ma Chao will definitely agree to this request. After all, Wang Yi believes that these little things can't be seen by Ma Chao at all. At most, Ma Chao may give some rewards to the Jiang family, and giving Jiang Wei some titles is enough for him to buy people's hearts. Unexpectedly, Wang Yi saw that Ma Chao's face suddenly complicated, and then said the three heartbreaking words: "No!"

After saying this, Ma Chao looked at Wang Yi's face, with a complex color in his eyes, and then added strangely: "Because Jiang Wei is already my adopted son from now on. And his adoptee mother has as many as six people... This amount is already too much!"