Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 739 Noise Attack

The sun gradually sets on the mountain.

Longxi City, dark, seems to sink into a night dream. But how many alert eyes are still open in the dark?

Li Chi didn't know. All he knew was that these days, he stood on the wall day and night, supporting himself with the belief that he would live and die with Longxi. From the initial panic to the current indifference and numbness, Li Chi felt that half a month seemed to be as long as a hundred years.

The pressure and hesitation during this period, Li Chi did not tell anyone, and it was pressed to the bottom of his heart. It's just that when he inattentionally enters the dream, he will be awakened by the remnants of the nightmare on the battlefield. He was sweating all over and didn't know how to face it.

But why is the person around him sleeping peacefully under the current situation of such a great enemy? Moreover, he slept so peacefully and quietly, as if he were enjoying the peace and comfort in his dream.

Li Chi did not dare to wake up that person, even though that person was only about the same age as him. But Li Chi knew that the man had experienced too much expedition and killing, and the many glorious auras on his head were enough to make himself awe.

However, at this time, Li Chi saw a sudden fire in the sky in the distance. The flame ignited the sky and the grass together, as if it were going to burn out Longxi City. When the torches all over the sky surged like a rolling tide of fire, Li Chi hesitated whether he should wake up Ma Chao.

Maybe stimulated by the firelight, Ma Chao has opened his eyes slightly. After getting up and quickly running to the top of the city to have a look, he thought for a moment and then relaxed his waist and came back to lie down behind the city stacks. Li Chi couldn't help it at this time. He dared to say to Ma Chao, "General, the enemy is so blatant that they are obviously going to attack. But why don't you seem to see it? Instead of defending your command, you have to sleep soundly?

"They won't attack the city tonight." Ma Chao muttered a few words, and then arched his head, as if to find a more comfortable posture.

"The soldiers are in danger, and the attack and defense change rapidly. Since the enemy has come, even if it is possible to camp, we must not take it lightly!" Seeing that Ma Chao was so careless, Li Chi really felt that Ma Chao was a little strange. He couldn't help saying again, "General, the last general is not sleepy. If the general can be trusted, let him prepare first!"

After being persuaded by Li Chi twice, Ma Chao seemed to be sleepless. He took a closer look at Li Chi and then said, "If I remember correctly, you are the son of Li Xiangru, the governor of Longxi, whom I just appointed. The surname is Li Mingchi and the character Liaoyuan, which is after General Li Guang..."

Li Chi, who stood in front of Ma Chao, was a young general who led troops to burn Gongying's city siege equipment a few days ago. Ma Chao had some impression of him in a trance. Li Xiangru was the governor of Longxi before Jiang Qian, and he had also killed the governor of Liangzhou with Han Sui and Ma Teng, which was also a little affectionate with Ma Chao. In addition, Li Chi's body is strong, his martial arts are extraordinary, and he is born as a general. Ma Chao feels that this person can also be another young general of the Ma family after several times of blood and fire.

From this, Ma Chao wants to test Li Chi's understanding. After standing up, Ma Chao pointed to the dense torch outside the city and asked, "Can you guess what the enemy is based on these torches?"

"At night march, it is enough for everyone to hold a torch. According to such a number, I'm afraid the enemy will not be less than 100,000!" After Jiang Qian was killed, Li Xiangru was old and weak. Li Chi has been guarding the city for half a month and has learned some war trails.

"Well, that's good." Ma Chao nodded slightly when he was about to say more. Suddenly, I saw the sniper charge of the enemy under the city, the rumble of horses's hoofs and the roaring shouts, as if it had suddenly lifted the sky and opened the ground at night. It's like a strong wind sweeping the sea tide and roaring, and like a rainstorm washing the forest. The whole ground of Longxi City seemed to shake slightly under the enemy's charge, and the approaching horseshoe seemed to step on the tip of people's hearts, which made people couldn't help tremble.

"The enemy is going to attack the city!" Seeing this, Li Chi couldn't help but change his face and said to Ma Chao in panic, "General, please order as soon as possible to let the last general go out of the city to fight, otherwise the enemy will be as powerful as a tiger, and Longxi County will be in danger!"

Ma Chao was silent at this time, like an iron sculpture standing at the head of the city. And the contempt at the corner of the mouth is the most finishing touch of the iron carving: that kind of contempt is ridicule, sneering, and contempt to see through the enemy's tricks!

"I said that the enemy will not attack the city." Tie Diao finally opened his mouth, but after he opened his mouth, he was still more boring. After seeing Li Chi's anxious face, he actually pulled Li Chi back to the city stack: "Sleep for a while. The second half of the night is the most difficult time..."

"General!..." Li Chi broke away from Ma Chao's pull and was about to fight, but when he saw that every guard around Ma Chao was lying behind the city stack, as if he had not heard the shouts outside the city, and fell asleep safely.

"Stepping down Longxi and kill Ma Chao!" The roar of the enemy gradually became clear.

After Li Chi heard the shouting of the enemy troops in the city, he couldn't help but look more anxious. After taking a look at the indifferent Ma Chao, he said angrily, "Since the general does not care about the life and death of the people of Longxi, the general will dare to ask for a fight!"

After saying that, Li Chi wanted to greet hundreds of soldiers of the Li family and go out of the city to fight with the enemy. But Ma Chao seemed to be intentional and unintentional. He leaned over, raised his foot and tripped Li Chi to the ground. He muttered, "The enemy's first arrived, and they came to attack the city before they camped. If you were a general, would you be like this?"

When Li Chi turned over, the anger in his chest was already soaring. But after listening to Ma Chao's muttering, Li Chi couldn't help but be stunned.

"I occupied the land in the city, and the enemy's tricks could not be carried out. The only way was to attack the city. And the night has advanced, with its own shortness and the longness of attacking the enemy, can you do it?"

"Shadow intelligence, the enemy has only 60,000 people, but there are more than 100,000 torches at this time. Isn't it a way to attack the heart to make such noise?

Ma Chao finished three sentences, and every sentence hit Li Chi's heart like a heavy hammer. Li Chi, who listened to Ma Chao's analysis, did not have a tenable argument to refute Ma Chao. Because what Ma Chao said is indeed a golden stone and jade saying, unless the enemy generals are stupid, he will never attack the city so strangely.

"The general said that the enemy's plan was just a bluff. First, to shock the hearts of the defenders of Longxi, and second, to prepare enough time for the enemy and camp?..." After carefully understanding Ma Chao's meaning, Li Chichi doubted.

"Of course, it is possible that it is for them to arrange momentum in the second half of the night." Ma Chao then turned over again and said confusedly, "The enemy has attacked Longxi County for more than half a month, and it is a tense every time. I really can't think of any reason why he didn't take advantage of this half month to go to Longxi?

"This is impossible!" Li Chi heard Ma Chao question the detailed work of Longxi County, and refused without thinking about it. But although his mouth is absolute, but in the bottom of his heart, he gradually loosened before Ma Chao's casual and indecent sleep...

"Maybe, maybe I'm suspicious, but it's also interesting to have nothing to do in the middle of the night..." Ma Chao is too lazy to argue with Li Chi, because in the second half of the night, what he has to do is out of nothing!

There are fine works, but it's good, but they are cooked together. Without careful work, the shadow and the Ma family's personal guards pretend to be the enemy's detailed work. Anyway, there are conditions to do it, and if there are no conditions to create conditions, you have to do it: who let Ma play with that guy? When Longxi County took the oath, it was so sincere that it was almost comparable to the power of Ma Chao, a super movie emperor!

"Ma Wan, don't let me down. If you are not the best actor, this era is too empty..." Ma Chao muttered to himself with a voice that only he could hear. After saying this, he fell asleep again.

And Li Chi is not in the mood to listen to Ma Chao's self-chao. Because when Ma Chao finished speaking, the drum noise in the city gradually subsided. Li Chi stretched out his head and vaguely saw the enemy. He rode with two torches and retreated back dejectedly...