Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 743 Beautiful Longxi sunrise

"Retired..." The military division estimated that the time had passed, but the gate of Longxi City was still motionless. The flame of revenge burning all over was gradually extinguished, and finally said helplessly and sadly, "Ma Chao... His life can't be easily obtained.

When Cheng Gongying, Zhang Heng and Yang Qiu heard the words, they had no choice but to have more expressions. Although Yan Huan was full of anger and hope, he only had blood and tears in his heart when he looked at the war situation in Longxi City.

In this hasty expedition, the Liangzhou army has not had time to make siege equipment. Most of the northwest warriors swam across the moat regardless of their lives. Climbing up with bare hands - unfortunately, Longxi City is not a small city. The city is more than ten feet high. Although it is built on earth, it is as hard as iron stone. The moat, drawn from the Jingwei water, also cleaned up the sand a few days ago - although there were few guards, they stood on the advantage of waiting for work and kept pouring down by arrows. The huge rolling stone smashed the Liangzhou army into meat mud, poured hot oil on their heads, and the enemy who climbed halfway fell to the city, immediately. The rocket was fired, the oil was lit, and there was a sea of fire under the city. Sometimes someone climbs up, a burst of knives and stabs, and people fall to the ground from a high place.

Thirty mountain-destroying crossbows guard the hundred-foot wall, while the semi-automatic Yuanrong crossbow can almost withstand the guards of dozens of people, making it impossible for the enemy to advance at all. Although the steel nail crossbow was small, it was smeared with poison. After shooting it, it was immediately poisoned, and the wounded soldiers shouted in the city.

At this time, if you rule out the fluke of opening the gate from the inside, you can only achieve unexpected results by relying on well-equipped siege equipment. But at this time, the enemy occupied the strong city, there was no shortage of food and grass, and the equipment for defending the city was also complete, and the generals were not too incompetent. Therefore, it is understandable to achieve the results of one enemy two, one enemy five, and even one enemy ten at this time.

Before that, the military division and the generals of Liangzhou dared to attack after seeing the civil strife in Longxi City. But after such a long battle, there was no sign of the opening of the city gate. The heat in my heart gradually extinguished, and I was secretly angry with the idiots who mixed into the city!

They just don't know that Li Chi, who guards the city, has just experienced a heart tsunami. Just before the time of incense, when he was concentrating and trying his best to command the soldiers to guard the city, under the inner gate of the outer city of Longxi, suddenly became chaotic. More than a hundred thieves came from nowhere, and one person was holding a big knife, like a flying electric machine. Li Chi immediately saw that this group of thieves were going to open the gate, put down the suspension bridge, and take Cheng Gongying into the city. When he urgently sent a small number of soldiers to stop it, he found that the group of thieves was extremely brave. With a knife, he split the person who blocked it into two sections, and it turned out to be like a tiger entering the sheep.

"Quick! Three hundred soldiers, no, five hundred soldiers!" Li Chi could fully imagine the horror after the gate was opened. He didn't care about the rushing offensive in front of the city wall, and finally wanted to lead the crowd to stop the enemy.

But as soon as the words fell, Li Chi was stunned to find that countless crossbows suddenly shot out of the shadow of the inner door of the outer city. The group of thieves were caught off guard and did not wear armor. They fell to the ground with arrows and howled. After that, 200 soldiers with Ma's standard armor suddenly gushed out. Although they are not many, they are full of long guns, knives, shields, bows and crossbows. The bow and crossbowman fired a long shot, the knife and shield and fought against the enemy. The long gunman raided, and the method of fighting together showed his power and killed the group of thieves almost no resistance.

"General Li, don't worry, the lord asked me to ambush here in advance just to wait for the rabbit." The speaker is 20 years old, dressed in a scribe's robe, and is incompatible with this tragic battle. However, its gaseous state is calm and gives people a strange beauty.

Li Chi recognized that the young man was a scribe who often accompanied Ma Chao. It was said that he was the only son of former lieutenant Yang Biao and had a prominent background. After hearing Yang Xiu's shouting like this, there was an indescribable admiration in his heart: Ma Chao's subordinates, how many good ministers are there?!

With the mood, Li Chi was not willing to show weakness after responding. But Yang Xiuxin stepped onto the flying city, came to Li Chi's side and said, "General, get ready to attack."

"What?!" When Li Chi heard the words, he almost wanted to throw Yang Xiu down the head of the city: there were 60,000 troops outside. Although the siege of the city was unfavorable, the cavalry was brave. There were only less than 5,000 soldiers at the head of the city to fight a decisive battle, which was tantamount to die!!

"General, don't doubt that the lord is below and should have obtained the command of horses, just wait..." Speaking of this, Yang Xiu's eyes in the distance suddenly flashed with excitement and excitement. He stretched out his hand and said, "Here it comes!"

"What's coming?..." Before he finished speaking, Li Chi heard a long horn coming through the battlefield shouting to kill the sky. And a sudden fire in the far away seems to burn the night sky!

After that, Li Chi saw that in the firelight, a team of metal monsters faintly stepped out. They were like revenge demons coming out of the sea of fire, stepping on the broken Mars, fearless of the wildfire, and just came out of the firelight. What suddenly broke this shocking beauty was the plagiarismacious cavalry suddenly gushing between their two wings. Those cavalry seemed to be chaotic, but they were determined. They quickly bypassed metal monsters like flower butterflies and rushed to Longxi City!

"What's going on?!" Obviously, this change also shocked the Chinese military accounts of the Liangzhou Army. And the hot Yang Qiu was even more angry: "Why was our camp burned by the enemy?"

"It's not good! Grain and grass!! Damn it! Ma Jiajun did not go to rescue Pang De at all, but ambushed and waited for the moment when we attacked the city!!" The military division suddenly woke up and said inexplicably, "I got Ma Chao's 'fake idiot' plan! Quickly retreated, and the rear army turned into the front army and resisted the offensive of the Ma army behind them!"

"You son of a bitch!!" Zhang Heng was also furious at this time, but after all, he still had reason. Under the cold stare of the military division, he roared, "What the hell are you doing?" Hurry up and do what the military commander said! Hurry up!!"

However, the facts are often so cruel. When you react, things are already out of your control. After all, the military division has entered the circle, how can it be easily escaped? Not to mention, the wild horses under Zhang Liao have always been fast and roaring like the wind!

Moreover, after being equipped with the Yuanrong crossbow, the power of riding and shooting in Yanbei is even more defenseless!


In the endless sound of breaking the air, the steel nail crossbows in the Yanbei riders are like dense rainstorms. It poured out crazily into the rear of the Liangzhou army. The thin leather armor on the Liangzhou army was not enough to resist sharp arrow clusters, and the dense formation almost made Yanbei's shooting arrows worthless~~

Before receiving orders on how to meet the enemy, a large number of cavalry fell down like cut down weeds.

When the order arrived, the cavalry saw the heavy armored iron horse behind Yanbei riding and began to accelerate again. In a miserable situation of people turning upside down and shouting, who has the courage to carry out the absurd order to face the enemy? Even if you are in a hurry to form a loose charge formation, how much fighting spirit can match the horse's iron horse's horse's hoof sound and fluke look?

The morning sun is slowly rising in the eastern sky, and the jumping Phnom Penh brings infinite vision and beauty to the new day. But on the field of fireworks and blood, these killings and howlings set off a very different shock and sarcasm against the gradually bright sky. It seems that the new day will be a bloody day.

In the inner city of Longxi, Ma Chao, who has killed several important confidants of Ma Wan and Ma Wan, and controlled the 10,000 troops under Ma Wan's command effortlessly. What's more shameless is that he also claimed that Ma Wan was surrounded by Cheng Gongying's spies and died heroically. At this time, under the banner of revenge for the horse, he quietly waited for the sunrise to rise to the highest air: a more suitable and more defensive time when he attacked...

Looking at Li Chi having led only a few hundred cavalry, Ma Chao smiled and said, "Liaoyuan, after this battle, will you come to Chang'an with me? After this war in Longxi, there will be no more war, and the descendants of General Fei will no longer be brilliant here.

Li Chi was slightly stunned. After thinking about what Ma Chao said, he sighed and said, "I dare not invite you!"

"Very good!" Ma Chao raised his eyes and looked at the rising sun. After smiling again, he muttered to himself, "In such a beautiful sunshine, I would like to see if the shrunning military division can still hide!"