Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 749 Hometown Revisit

After the First Battle of Longxi, Ma Chao immediately returned to Chang'an. In the four counties of Xiping, Zhangye, Jiuquan and Xihai, Ma Chao did not enter the army again.

For a time, Ma Chao knew that with the current financial resources of the Ma family, he could no longer support Ma Chao's army to go deep into the bitter cold land of Liangzhou. The strong expedition can not only take the merit of size, but also outweigh the losses. Second, the Ma family's attack has been a great success. You only need to wait for the time, and the remaining four counties of Liangzhou will naturally take the initiative to join the Ma family.

On this expedition, Ma Chao occupied the two counties of Jincheng and Wuwei in Liangzhou and defeated all the old troops of Han Sui with 60,000 troops. The whole Liangzhou civil unrest was wiped out by the Ma family. Even if there are small bandits, as long as the other four counties are not too incompetent, it is impossible to cause a terrible disaster.

From this, the name of Yongliang Jinma Chao once again resounded in the frontier of the Han Dynasty. The people of the two states are proud of Ma Chao's birth in Yongzhou and Yangwei Liangzhou. Countless Yongzhou children also put a white cloth on their backs to imitate Ma Chao when they play and play.

However, the real Jinma Chao does not have much joy. After ten consecutive days of travel, Ma Chao said almost nothing. And because of his greed, he was stripped of the law of the historian of Zhongshu Province by Ma Chao, and he was even more silent along the way. Finally, when he arrived in Fufeng County, Ma Chao issued an order to rest for two days.

Fufeng is the hometown of Ma Chao and Fa Zheng. Although there is no grudge between the generals and ministers in their hearts, resting in their hometown for two days can always make them feel peaceful and relieved. After all, the grief of the death of 5,000 horse's iron riders in a foreign land cannot be eliminated by a ten-day journey - although there is a saying in Sun Bin's Art of War: Chizi, love it like a cunning child, respect it as a strict teacher, and use it like earth mustard. However, the iron riders of the 5,000 Ma family are really like earth mustard and do not cherish being destroyed, which really makes it difficult for Ma Chao and Fa Zheng to let go.

But another more important reason for entering Fufeng is that both Ma's Arsenal and Ma's Farm are still Fufeng. Ma Chao didn't want to take a look at these two ongoing studies: At the beginning, Liu Yue took Ma Chao out three space-time books from Liu Xie's secret grid, Iron and Steel Smelting Collection, Crop Hybridization Manual and Construction Engineering Materials Manufacturing Process. Within three months, Ma Chao tried his best to extract the content that could be promoted in this era and gave it to Han Feng.

After Han Feng got these three books, the first thing he did was to study movable type printing according to Ma Chao's instructions and print several copies of these three books. After being listed as a top-secret book of the Ma family, he invited the technical backbone of the arsenal and farm to study it.

In order to keep it secret, Han Feng also tried his best to deal with it. For the research direction of each technical backbone, let them see different content. Nevertheless, the Ma family has stbbled a lot on the exploration of these new technologies. However, Ma Chao feels that these three scientific and technological achievements are absolutely meaningful to change this era.

As a result, what Han Feng did was a little ridiculous, but it was forgivable. After all, technology is the first productivity.

After re-entering Fufeng, Ma Chao suddenly found that Fufeng, after three years of governance by the Ma family, was no longer the desolate ancient city at that time. On the contrary, in a peaceful and prosperous place, there are signs of a new socialist town.

All the way, Ma supernaturally experienced the outer city of Longxi. Most of the residences here are disaster victims who have moved from Si Li. The rich Fufeng County has long built a unified wooden house for them. At this time, the newly planted winter wheat in the field has just sprouted, and a tender green can be seen from afar.

The sad faces of the victims gradually faded away, and there was no longer a sad look when they migrated. The children were healthy like calves, running wildly in the fields. The old people who were taken care of were scolded and chased away. The women hid at home and sewed leather robes one by one - as long as these clothes were handed over to the Ma family with a unified logo, they were Ma's casual clothes, in exchange for five baht of rice noodles.

Naturally, there are barracks for the Ma family's army to be stationed in the outer city, and when he learned that Ma Chao would be in Fufeng for two days, he naturally prepared to welcome Ma Chao at the barracks early. But when Ma Chao saw such a scene of Fufeng today, he couldn't help but give up the 'official reception' prepared by Zhang Ji. Instead, after letting Pang De lead the soldiers into the barracks, he took Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Xun You, Fa Zheng, Guo Jia and others and went straight into Fufeng City.

In the Fufeng Inner City, the road is bustling, and the houses on both sides are connected by tiles, and people and dogs bark everywhere. It is a peaceful scene. Ma Chao has been away from Fufeng for a year. At this time, he was really amazed by the prosperity of Fufeng. At this time, like the ordinary redneck who had just entered Fufeng, he suddenly dazzled and was attracted by this lively scene.

Since Ma Chao vigorously promoted commerce, the conventional restrictions of "opening the market at noon and sunset" have long been broken. In addition to the noon market, there are also night markets and morning markets in Fufeng County, which are almost the same as Ma Chao's previous life. With the completion of the new city commercial area, the area of Fufeng Center has become more prosperous, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as an inch of land and an inch of gold.

Ma Chaoxin entered the market and saw that in the market, there were brewing, vinegar sauce, honey pulp, grain, cooked food, bamboo and wood, lacquerware, dyes, gold, silver, copper and iron, cattle, horses, pigs and sheep, streaked sand, silk flocs, literary couch cloth, leather medicinal materials, books, calligraphy and paintings... There are all kinds of goods in all walks of life, and the goods are dazzling and lively.

Walking and walking, Ma Chaoyue integrated into it, and suddenly felt that he had returned to his previous life. In addition to those who are dressed in a simple style, the enthusiasm of merchants, the number of shops, and the happiness and pleasure of people here are almost the same as in previous lives.

This is the change I brought about through time travel, Ma Chao said to himself.

A great sense of pride arises spontaneously,

After marching again, Ma Chao and others have already walked to the residential area of Fufeng Inner City. Standing in place and looking at Fufeng Zhuanghu, when it was time for Fufeng people to cook dinner, the whole residential area seemed to be shrouded in a mist. The bright green bricks and green tiles were coated with a layer of almost flame-like light by the sunset.

"Lord, this may be the most beautiful place for a big man, right?" After Yang Xiu was a famous family of the fourth generation, he saw Chang'an, which was more brilliant than Fufeng. But he had to admit that even if it was Chang'an, he did not walk for three hours like Fufeng, which was completely rich and prosperous.

In the past, the prosperity of Chang'an was only in the west city, which was full of scholars, and it only took less than two hours to get out of the west city, and you would see another world: a miserable and dirty slum in the east city, where there had no other look except sadness and fatigue. .

So, everything in Fufeng City is Ma Chao's pride, and he should be proud of it. At this time, Zhang Ji, with a big man's face, found Ma Chao pitifully, got off the horse and said, "Lord, why are you fooling Weichen like this..."

"Derong is a great talent of the Ma family. At the hands of Derong, he has become so rich and prosperous that he is overjoyed." Speaking of this, Ma Chao's stomach screamed inappropriately, which made everyone smile. Ma Chao continued awkwardly, "Since you have come here, why don't you let Derong lead the way? Shall we help the people ask for a bowl of rice?"

Zhang seems to have great confidence in his safe work and the people's living standards. After listening to Ma Chao's advice, Zhan Yan smiled: "Since the master is so leisurely and elegant, it is better to obey..."

The group of people walked into this paradise indifferently under the sunset. As if the expedition a few days ago, like Nanke's dream, he couldn't tell whether this was a troubled time or a peaceful and prosperous era.