Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 765 Ma's Performance

In addition to those counselors and brave generals, Ma Chao also specifically points out the expansion of the scope of this year's imperial examination and the establishment of special subjects for good workers. Those who have the ability to work and ingenuity will be requisitioned by the Ma family at a high price. Others, such as those who are proficient in business finance or * skills, can be reported to the Ma family, and selected by the Ministry of Ceremonies and Ma's Arsenal, they will be included in the Ma family.

In addition, Ma Chao also has good policies. Anyone who can put forward good policies such as governing the country, enriching the people, financial management, water control and strengthening the army according to the framework of the outline, whether it is the on-the-job civil and military of the Ma family, the civilian people, or even the enemy chieftain, will be rewarded...

After the three-long conference, the Ma family, regardless of literature and martial arts, men and women, and regardless of their positions, have entered a dark and busy state.

The first thing Ma Chao did was to take the picture of Dayu Dingding made by shadows over the years and marked all the information that could be grasped under the Ma family. Its degree of detail is the best of this era.

On that picture, there are not only mountains and rivers, geography, soldiers and horses stationed, official placement, and folk customs annotations, but more importantly, where there is good copper and fine iron, where there is good field pasture, where there is well salt, and where there is well fire coal.

After reading the map that could cover a room, Ma Chao sighed for the first time that he had achieved such an achievement. Standing in Guanzhong, the land of Longxing, which was owned by the emperor, he saw that this place had iron, salt, coal, and even resources that he could not imagine.

For example, Ma Chao never thought that the Ma family would turn the barren field into a good field by building dams and overturning cars. They could also artificially change huge pits into fish ponds and carry out fishery farming next to the river. It was at this time that Ma Chao knew the story that Duke Huan of Qi dominated by the benefits of fish and salt in the Spring and Autumn Period, and Liu Bei, the king of Wu in the Han Dynasty, held the benefits of fish salt and copper mountains.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, new breakthroughs have been made in fishery breeding technology and fishing technology, and artificial breeding technology has also made significant progress. Fish farming has emerged, and its economic income has been 'and thousands of households and so on. It is recorded in Xijing Miscellaneous Records: Han Wu made Kunming Pool, raised fish in the pool, and returned 40 miles to the ground. In addition to sacrifices, the remaining fish were sent to Chang'an market for sale, and the price of fish fell.

With the encouragement of the Ma family's new policy, the benefits of fish farming in Guanzhong are even stronger than growing grain, and a pool in Kunming can raise tens of thousands of people. Especially the Majia Kunming Baths, which Ma Chao doesn't know, can actually be used by tens of thousands of people!

No wonder that since ancient times, emperors have been obsessed with the land of Guanzhong's talent and dragon vein, and they can unify the world by staying here. The Ma family has not acquired Sili for a long time, but under the governance of the Ma family's new policy, the huge energy of Longxing in Guanzhong has been excavated for the first time.

During the reign of Dong Zhuo, the area of Sili suffered a lot. Especially in terms of grain and money, it has caused an immeasurable disaster in the Sili area. Among them, not to mention Dong Zhuo's brutality and looting of the people, Dong Zhuo will turn Chang'an's copper man into penniless money to plunder wealth from the hands of the people, which makes the Guanzhong area full of mourning and the people unable to make a living.

Since the Ma family took charge of Guanzhong, Ma Chao's first order was to abandon Dong Zhuo's penniless money and restore the credit purchase of five baht. With this alone, the people of Guanzhong are grateful to the Ma family: money is valuable in their hands, which is a guarantee of survival!

At the same time, for the big rich families in the Sili area who have been staggered and sticking to it for a hundred years, the Ma family resolutely cracked down on the scum who bullied good. Especially during the migration of the victims, the Ma family eradicated nearly a thousand rich families in Sili overnight, including many powerful families such as the Wang family. Meng Da, the Ministry of Household, was amazed at the good land collected by the Ma family: "These scum actually account for almost half of the land!"

Subsequently, in accordance with the New Deal Regulations, the Ma family department transferred Liangtian beautiful houses and mulberry garden fruit trees under the name of large households to the local people. For a while, those people who once struggled on the death line in Guanzhong turned into 'upstarts' who had dozens of mu of fertile land and did not dare to think about one or two mansions. In the whole area of Guanzhong, I burned incense and prayed for Ma's furniture, and tears filled my eyes.

And other good families who guarded themselves and even helped the disaster victims, and the Ma family hardly dealt too much. In addition, they also used the reputation of Liu Yue and Fu Shou to gather these large households to engage in commercial agriculture encouraged by the Ma family, and tie their interests closely with the Ma family to form a benign development model of 'good for the Ma family and you are good'.

By this time, the Ma family has clarified that all industries such as purifying salt, iron forging and coal and are related to military affairs, and have enacted comprehensive laws to strengthen the management of the Ma family. Moreover, the laws of the Ma family are also made according to time and place, meticulous and prudent, providing strong and comprehensive law enforcement provisions for those law enforcement agencies.

Moreover, in the law of the Ma family, the principle of 'the broad is broad, and the strict is strict' is also followed. Previously, the laws of the Han Dynasty were loose and disorderly, but by the time of Dong Zhuo's rule, the law and discipline almost became a dead letter, and the dictatorship of local forces led to chaos. The law of the Ma family has also become an incomparable code of this era after a year of efforts by the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Since ancient times, every monarch has thought that tolerance is the way to win the hearts of the people, but Ma Chao has been managed in accordance with the law, and has been severely punished for minor crimes. As a result, the law was used in the world under the rule of the Ma family, and the punishment was added to the crime committed by himself. Jue is not selfish, and there is no one in the world who refuses to complain.

Of course, the Ma family can achieve such results naturally because of the effectiveness of the implementation of the new policy in the early stage. The people have land in their hands, and they naturally look forward to the bright world of politics and law. And the passage of the law of the Ma family came out on this basis. Naturally, it was supported and affirmed by the people under the rule. With such orderly implementation, the Ma family has achieved other Chinese dynasties before and after the Han Dynasty, and has never had the effect of governance as the rule of law of the Ma family.

However, in any case, although the Ma family has done its best to change the poverty and ignorance in the vast land of this era. However, when the natural disaster lasted for half a year came, all the efforts of the Ma family turned into starting from scratch.

Fortunately, with these fores and foundations, the Ma family can walk more steadily and smoothly. Ma Chao, who put all his energy on the Ma family's outline, experienced an unprecedented training.

In the next few months of Xingping's first year, Ma Chao began to review the provincial memorial at dawn, and then went to the palace to deal with government affairs. After lunch, he would convene department officials involved in matters to discuss matters on Shangshutai. Sometimes you can't close your eyes until the time of the update.

No one knows why Ma Chao, the god of murder, is so obsessed with government affairs. Only when Diao Chan was heartbroken and saw Ma Chao's eyes full of blood and even cheekbones protruding, did she say to herself leisurely: "Just for the cup of bow and snake shadow mentioned by ugly brother and Gan Ning, are you so tired?... Chaoer, is it worth doing this?

"It's worth it, not because of the luckous concern I'm in, but because of the peace of the Ma family and the people under the rule of the Ma family..." Before Ma Chao closed his eyes, he muttered, "Maybe, when I really feel that I don't have to be busy, I will go to find out in person. But don't worry, cicada, I know where my heart is... Go to bed early, and tomorrow we will discuss the reform of Ma's business..."