Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 768 Flowing Gold

The merchant's sense of smell is the sharpest, and although information does not have feet, it runs faster than things with feet.

The cold winter of the 12th lunar month was originally the lightest scene for merchants. But the winter month of the first year of Xingping is completely different. The Ma family's investment attraction and the news of re-engagement to the Western Regions spread to every corner of the Han Dynasty. Moreover, I heard that in order to ensure safety, it was escorted by the invincible Ma family army. Such a good thing immediately squeezed through the door of the household division in Chang'an.

Nowadays, none of the merchants in the 14 states of the Han Dynasty do not know that the Ma family is the most tolerant of business. Even its tolerance has reached the point of encouragement.

Who doesn't know that the Ma family has a light tax insurance policy? Who doesn't know that the Ma family itself is a huge consortium? Who doesn't know that the owner of the Ma family, the murderous demon, also flashed golden in his eyes when talking about 'money', exactly like those old deep-fried dough sticks in the mall?

Those merchants who have cooperated with the Ma family or heard of the Ma family know that in addition to their vast magical power, the Ma family only recognizes five baht money!!

What are merchants afraid of? What they are afraid of is being cheated. The Ma family has always recognized the tradition of only five baht, which has given merchants great confidence. Because in this era, the government that uses five pieces of money is a trustworthy government, and the government's method of recovering five pieces of money into "hundreds of thousands" is really terrible. In the blink of an eye, a rich businessman can become penniless. What merchants want is a word of profit. For profit, they can run without their lives. But if you run around and finally let the government slaughter it as a fat pig, it will definitely be a great injustice.

In fact, princes from all sides treat merchants with such a rude concept. Only the Ma family, under this strict society of 'man, industry and commerce', resisted the pressure of public opinion and implemented an equal attitude.

Moreover, merchants choose the Ma family, in addition to making money safely, they can also obtain a height that is difficult for merchants to reach in their lifetime: they can get a cordial reception from Liu Yue, the princess of the big man. You may even receive the glorious integrity business card issued by the Ma family!

That gold medal, placed in the whole business circle of the big man, is a famous name: the gold medal personally awarded by the big man princess, such as glory and status, can it be comparable to those small merchants?!

There is no need to mention the local merchants under Ma's rule. After receiving this news, they took out the speed of grabbing shit. Merchants from other places are also afraid that they can't grab the heat. They rushed to Chang'an regardless of the cold winter and wind: they went to the Western Regions, where money is everywhere, and were escorted by Ma Jiajun. There is no risk, only a large amount of money wading to themselves!!

In less than a month, thousands of merchants have come to sign up to pay fees. The merchants who can hand over 10,000 yuan are naturally large. Although some people are under the rule of the Ma family, it is obvious that their family background is very thin. This time, it is a little excessive, which shows that they have been "rich" for a short time, and naturally someone will support them later.

In this regard, Ma Chao ordered the Ministry of Household and the Ministry of Officials to strictly investigate and severely removed those merchants with the Ma family as officials: although the Ma family wants to develop rapidly, power and wealth must not be linked together. Otherwise, in small words, there will be commercial disputes over corruption, bribery and illegal competition. At large, it is more likely to cause the rapid degradation of this era!

Ma Chao always keeps in mind that integrity and development should be both hands strong. The spiritual and material harvest is the real progressive development.

For a while, under Ma Chao's busy guidance program, bold reform, and the dedication of all the good ministers and capable men in the Ma family, Chang'an City gradually became lively, and there were more and more outsiders. Later, some people obviously had a Central Plains or Jiangnan accent. There are also many Hu merchants who buy houses and build industries in Chang'an City and build workshops to recruit people. For a while, the prices of construction craftsmen and textile craftsmen in Chang'an City soared, and even the price of rice began to rise.

Subsequently, under the tolerant policy of the Ma family, those powerful merchants saw Chang'an's business opportunities and brought food in from all over the world. After that, Chang'an really survived: the local Chang'an people have dozens of good fields in their hands, and they work and do business in their spare time, which is quite profitable. Naturally, merchants from other places also rely on the industry to make a lot of money in Chang'an. Although none of these people have to pay some commercial taxes, the Ma family's commercial tax is strict and the tax is very low. Second, there are also monitoring agencies that can complain. Everyone feels that the heart of Chang'an, a big man, can regain its glory and is just around the corner.

At this time, Chang'an had nothing to say about Dongcheng and Xicheng. Yes, there are only commercial areas and residential areas. Yes, this division naturally refers to the planning of Fufeng New Town. With the maturity of brick and cement technology and the influx of a large amount of labor. The Ma family paid from the proceeds and hired tens of thousands of civilians to carry out the post-disaster reconstruction and renovation of Chang'an. Salary is the first in this era. Many foreign workers did not go home during the Spring Festival. And a group of early people have made up their minds to settle in Chang'an.

There are hot scenes everywhere, and all parties have a colorful future. Ma Chao saw the workshops, and the houses rose as if they were blowing. He sometimes stood on the wall of Weiyang Palace and looked north at Chang'an. He simply didn't believe his eyes: Will Weiyang Palace be repaired after this year? At the beginning, the demolition of the Weiyang Palace was so fierce that it was really more bandits than bandits. Now that the Ma family is rich, it's time to talk about show, right?

However, just think about it, Ma Chao knows that the Ma family is not enough to squander. In the past six months, everything has started. In order to completely make the determination of the Ma family, Ma Chao also sent a document to Chang'an in other states and counties, requiring the county officials under the Ma family to take care of the caravan. Except for the relevant officials responsible for taxation, the rest of them are not allowed to investigate and deduct at will. We also need to eliminate bandits along the way to ensure their safety.

On the other side of Liangzhou, Ma Chao specially transferred Su Ze and You Chu to rebuild the Western Regions in order to completely open the commercial road this year. He also said that he should try not to use force easily. He could take advantage of the opportunity of this caravan to resume business exchanges with the countries in the Western Regions. It was really not possible to use the Ma family's army's quick knife: during this period, the Ma family already had some money in their hands and rushed thousands of miles to make military achievements to go home for the Spring Festival, which was already a longing for the Ma family army. Again, they also want to form a team to escort the caravan. And I sincerely pray that I will meet some eyeless thieves.

Ma Jiajun is different from any prince of the Han Dynasty. They are a professional army built by Ma Chao, and their combat effectiveness far exceeds those semi-professional armies that farm and fight. However, this time, the veteran soldiers of the Ma family were a little sad, because the Ma family recruited another 50,000 new soldiers. After nearly half a year of training, they were sent to escort caravans in batches. Those veterans can only take advantage of the benefits of those recruits* without violating the Ma family's military rules.

However, those recruits have almost no military service except for the reward of escort. The banner of the Ma family caravan has hit the whole big man. All the poor thieves, even if they can no longer celebrate the New Year, they dare not touch the Ma family caravan. At the beginning, there was something that was not long-sighted. After accidentally committing a mess, it directly attracted a large number of Ma's army's encirclement and suppression, killing them without chicken feathers, and also other bandits who were on the same territory.....

Su and You Chu are definitely unique talents. You Chu does things freely and unconventional, but Su is people-oriented and sincere. The two joined hands, and the construction of the Western Region Capital Protectorate was as prosperous as Chang'an.

Of course, the lowest-profile one this time is still Li Zihao's caravan. However, it is low-key, but the sweaters transported by Li Zihao are quite valuable. More than 5,000 cars and goods, with a total value of more than 2 billion yuan, but when they come back, they are afraid that the value will double: on the side of the Xiongnu side, there are many horses and livestock, but what Hanzhou County needs... If the goods are not empty, it is the nature of business to make money back and forth.

'I'm greedy when I look at it.' Ma Chao looked at Li Zihao's departure, licked his lips and said, "Not much. As long as there are another five years, no, three years, the Ma family can definitely become the richest prince of the Han Dynasty. At that time, even if you throw money, you can kill other princes!"

Looking at the caravan, Ma Chao really saw a flowing river of gold...