Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 776 Yuvro's action

"Burt her, burn her, burn her!" 300,000 people shouted in unison, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

However, in the face of the flame, Wang Huayu did not have a trace of expression. She even pulled her clothes and gently pulled her hair.

Standing on the altar, she is still as beautiful as before, and her eyes are still shining with charm and pure light.

"I am the princess of a big man, with the most noble blood flowing in my body. My arrival allowed your Xiongnu tribe to get the Ma family's coal, purified salt, tea, sweaters and everything you have never seen before. What did I do wrong for the friendship between the Xiongnu and the Han Dynasty?

At this moment, Wang Huayu turned her head sideways and seemed to state an indisputable fact. Finally, she looked cold, stared at the tribal leaders fiercely, and said, "Is it just because of a scum who wants to insult the king of the grassland that you insidious things have to put all the blame on me, a weak woman for your own ambitions?"

After saying that, Wang Huayu went further and looked coldly at 300,000 people under the stage. At this time, she did not look like a sinner to be killed at all, but like a queen who dominates the world. She slowly stretched out her right hand, pointed to the Huns, and said proudly, "Tell you, I'm really just a weak woman. But behind me is the cavalry general of the Han Dynasty! The general of Tianwei God who completely conquered outside the fortress with only 30,000 Xiliang iron horses!"

After a while, the 300,000 Xiongnu could no longer drink. Even though they are Xiongnu who regard death, they only worship the illusory Kunlun God and the Sirius God who symbolize them. But Jinma is invincible, and his reputation has long been famous all over the world. And the battle of Liangzhou, which had just faded half a year ago, reminded these people of how Ma Chao treated his enemies!

Moreover, the Ma family items mentioned before by Wang Huayu did change the living standards of the Huns. Thinking of such an unbreakable interest chain, the leaders of the Xiongnu tribe lowered their heads one after another: Now it seems that this woman is indeed unmovable... However, who really wants to kill such a coveted beauty?

This situation is a great opportunity: don't touch this beauty, the only way is to take the Xiongnu Laowang! And as long as you bring down the old king of the Xiongnu, this beauty may...

Everyone thought of this for almost a moment. The first to shift the spearhead was the Hu Yannu who regarded Wang Huayu as his granddaughter. He relied on his old reputation and raised his arms and said, "We don't want to deny the friendship between the Xiongnu and the Han Dynasty. Today, we just invite the princess to be a witness."

Speaking of this, Hu Yannu suddenly pointed to the gloomy face and slowly came to the Xiongnu Laowang in front of the altar and said angrily, "Four thousand men under Huntuo have lost your hands, and the blood has not yet flowed! And the reason why you calmed the whole tribe is just to vent your anger for a moment!"

Hu Yannu's words came out, and the Huns under the platform shouted in unison again, and the atmosphere was extremely warm. And Huyannu seemed to be encouraged when he was about to scold the Xiongnu Lao Wang again. Jin Buya suddenly came forward and said, "As the grassland king of the Xiongnu, you provoked us to kill Lao Shanyu. And now it is even more the warriors who play with power, oppress our tribes and abuse our grassland. When did you distribute those traded goods to us fairly and justly?!"

The crowd was excited. For a while, the evil deeds of the old king of the Xiongnu during these days were exposed by the leaders in front of 300,000 warriors. And those Xiongnu men heard that their mother-in-law and children, as well as cattle, sheep and livestock, were frozen to death because of the old bastard, and the anger in their chests had simply rushed to the sky.

The whole scene is a little uncontrollable. Everyone raised their knives and shouted to kill the old king of the Xiongnu. And those Xiongnu warriors who couldn't hear clearly in the distance, after hearing about what was ahead, they wanted to rush forward and cut the old Xiongnu Wang with a knife!

Wang Huayu is very satisfied that things have developed like this. However, when he saw that the old king of the Xiongnu was still angry at the beginning, and later he was said to death by everyone, Wang Huayu knew that he was going to make a final move to strengthen the decisive battle between the old king of the Xiongnu and these tribal leaders!

"King! I'm not guilty and won't die under the pressure of these people. At this time, Wang Huayu looked haggard and sad, and slowly walked to the fire. And as she opened her mouth, every step forward, the restless people below held their breath and listened to the Han princess on the grassland, saying, "However, I'm still going to die. Because my body is dirty, and I can no longer serve the king with this dirty body. This shame can't be washed off with water, and it can only be washed with fire..."

Before Wang Huayu came to the Xiongnu, he was no longer a virgin. However, with the Ma family's advanced medical skills and Wang Huayu's mental scheming, it is not difficult for the Xiongnu Lao Wang to see a little red. At this time, she was affectionate, and her disheartened look made Lao Wang of the Xiongnu think of the bits and pieces of him and Wang Huayu...

"No!!" The eyes of the old king of the Xiongnu suddenly turned red, and he wanted to run to the altar. In my eyes, there is only the falling figure. The moment the figure jumped off was like the last broken-winged butterfly struggling in winter...

Lao Wang did not receive Wang Huayu in the end, but Wang Huayu did not fall into the fire.

The person who picked her up was not someone else, but Yuvro who never said a word but kept paying attention to her!

Then, with a flash of the knife, Yu Fuluo hugged Wang Huayu's delicate body and hit the Xiongnu Laowang with a knife! At the same time of the knife, he whispered in Wang Huayu's ear, "Promise to be my woman, otherwise, I will immediately incite these people to become enemies of the Ma family and rob the goods of the Ma family!"

Wang Huayu has lived in the Huns for so long, and she really knows the nature of these Huns. As long as it is something that can be robbed, even the Heavenly King will not let it go. Even if it is Jin Ma Chao, the general of Tianwei, only he has what the Huns want, and they will immediately forget the fear of death!

This man has been hiding for so long. Does he have to wait for this moment?

And isn't he a vassal of Ma Chao? Why do you have to...

"I promise you, will you complete my plan?" Wang Huayu didn't think much about it and asked quietly before landing.

"Of course!" When Yu Fuluo landed heavily and hid Wang Huayu behind him, he picked up the head of the old Xiongnu and shouted, "He deserves to die!" The Huns don't need such a king!!"

This change is too sudden. In addition to extreme surprise, there were also some quick-witted people who immediately thought of an urgent problem!

The power of the Xiongnu is going to be re-ranked!

However, to Wang Hua's surprise, the sound of soldiers, horses' hoofs, hiss and chaos in her imagination did not come. However, under the machete, one-third of the warriors under the old Xiongnu's subordinates were subordinate to Yuvro's feet.

And the remaining two-thirds were also under the leadership of their generals, under the subordinates of Jin Buya and Hu Yannu!

It turns out that they have already conspired!!

In this era, no woman can change...

Wang Huayu quietly watched the three people come out to calm down the riot. He was in a trance and understood that Yuvruo did promise himself: although there was no internal strife at this time, the grassland forces would have to be reshuffled. The great turmoil I imagined will definitely come. Only after the addition of the variable of Yuvro, this turmoil seems to fall to the edge of controllable and uncontrollable......

And my extravagant hope of returning to Chang'an will be completely cut off in the short term. The rest is the fight between men... However, Wang Huayu looked at the south with a smile: She firmly believed that the general in Chang'an would not lose to this grassland wolf!