Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 778 Li Zihao who played too much

Li Zihao raised his hand and motioned, and the caravan behind him immediately stopped.

When the Xiongnu was in chaos like this**, especially when they received a secret order from Ma Chao to return to Chang'an as soon as possible. Li Zihao has no choice but to be energetic.

Originally, this return trip should also be escorted by Ma Jiajun. But the plan really couldn't keep up with the changes. Li Zihao found another profiteering industry in the Xiongnu, which delayed the trip and had no choice but to let Ma Jiajun go back first. But this time difference, the Xiongnu is in chaos!

After getting off the horse and walking slowly, stepping over a low shrub, the world in front of us seemed to open up. The blue sky extended to the end of the earth. The half-human-high thatch covered the rugged earth tightly. There were no birds singing or beasts, and the whole hillside was filled with thick blood. Qi, even the crow who likes to eat carrion is far away from this place of death.

After pulling away the grass, Li Zihao suddenly found that a young body that had had already lost its life was lying on its back in the grass, and its wolf's teeth had penetrated his throat, permanently fixed his life in this most beautiful years. The wolf's teeth on the cluster of arrows also collapsed, as if laughing at the incompetence of the Ma family.

Going further, the thatched grass on the ground was trampled to pieces, and there were more relative corpses, all naked Han people: those dog-like Huns not only killed them, but also stripped them of their clothes.

This is a smuggling team, and Li Zihao came up to determine their identity. From those dresses and the wheels on the ground, he knew that this was a pathetic caravan.

Since the Ma family opened the Xiongnu trade, many lively caravans have come up with ideas. At first, they also paid the escort fee and hired Ma's army to escort them. But later, as the Ma army became more and more powerful on the Xiongnu territory, many Xiongnu tribes did not dare to provoke the Han caravan at all - as long as they moved a trace of goods, the Ma army would flatten their tribe! Moreover, the court of the Xiongnu will not make any tough response.

The reason is very simple. Most of those goods fell into the hands of the Huns. They will not allow those third-rate tribes to plunder their fruits.

But that's it. Those caravans in the later period became bold. They directly waved a Ma family flag and swaggered to the Xiongnu trade. Until today, after the chaos of the Huns, these lowest-level caravans are the first to be slaughtered and looted by those Huns!

There are no sists, a total of 42 people, which is the number of this caravan.

It can be imagined that these strong businessmen who pin their heads on their belts should still talk and laugh when they return. After making this money, they brag to go to the Longmen Inn to eat the most delicious food in the world, drink the most mellow wine, and then go to Baihualou to find the most beautiful singers...

But at this time, every body opened its eyes wide and looked at the blue sky. They may want to remember the last beauty of the world.

Li Zihao, who traveled south and north, has seen too many tragic scenes. He did not show irritability or special sadness. He just closed the eyes of these people one by one, and then, together with other people, he dug a big pit with the engineers produced by Ma's arsenal and buried them together. There were no vertical tablets or vertical Monument, no one will come here to pay tribute.

But at this time, Li Zihao suddenly saw crows flying in the distance, faintly accompanied by the sound of horses' hoofs: this is the Huns who came with their children to watch their glorious achievements. They are such teachings and inheritance from generation to generation.

Moreover, Li Zihao, who is familiar with the Xiongnu tactics, knows that this nomadic has a more terrible skill, that is, one person can find the enemy and gather all the warriors of the tribes to slaughter and plunder within half an hour!

Li Zihao immediately stopped digging the pit in his hand, narrowed his eyes and looked carefully at the place where the crow took off: there were undulating hills. It seems that in the shadow of layers of hills, something is rapidly approaching. Before he could tell what it was, the bloody memory in his brain was immediately turned up. Li Zihao was the first to leave the military shovel and shouted hoarsely: "Hide at speed, lie on the ground, carefully circle the car and fight back at the enemy within the circle!!"

Li Zihao has not participated in the special training of the Ma army, but his broad knowledge has given him the characteristics of a qualified general: the Huns' favorite is the scattered Han army, so that they can kill the Han army as their prey one by one with their skillful equestrian skills!

The correct thing to do is to follow Li Ling's ten thousand crossbow formation, divide the troops into several ramps, guard them together, move forward and aim at the arrows, go back as a preparation, retreat and fill them after shooting, and then go forward to launch. Shoot in this way, so that you can give the enemy a strong blow back and forth without interruption.

Li Ling's 5,000 soldiers were surrounded by tens of thousands of Xiongnu. Although they eventually surrendered due to the loss of arrows and their support, they also made a proud record of killing tens of thousands of enemies.

What Li Zihao needs is not to fight the Xiongnu troops. He needs to delay the time and wait for the Ma army to come to rescue: By the time he returned, Li Zihao had already sent the news to Chang'an with a carrier pigeon. Presumably the Ma army was on the way to respond at this time!

But as soon as Li Zihao's voice fell, there was a sharp sound from all directions! At this time, Li Zihao saw the Huns pouring out from behind the hill: less than 200 people came, less than half of his 500 caravan. But obviously, even if there are less than 200 people, they also play the role of hunters!

Because Li Zihao clearly knows that these 200 people will call thousands or even tens of thousands of tribal troops in just a cup of tea!

The best estimate is to kill these 200 people quickly and then escape from this place quickly!

But at the same time, Li Zihao also knew that this was simply delusional. These people in the caravan are not Ma Jiajun who has won a hundred battles at all. After the first round of strong shots by the Huns, some people were already overwhelmed and completely fell into a state of chaos and despair.

However, there are also many strong men who are very familiar with the Ma army. After hearing Li Zihao's warning, they immediately reacted and turned over and hid behind the cart. Then, the big cars began to move one by one. At this critical moment, everyone struggled desperately and soon formed a round car array in the open space.

Li Zihao, who hid behind the big car, ordered everyone to curl up one by one, so that most of the arrows crossed the grain truck and harmlessly inserted them in the open space in the center of the car array. After such a short period of chaos, Li Zihao successfully became the soul of this caravan.

But in fact, Li Zihao's palm is also sweating! Although he also has martial arts, he has also learned family boxing. But he was completely based on the requirements of Hu Kan with the generals of the Ma family. After panic, Li Zihao also knew that this was not the way. He bravely said, "Who has the Yuanrong crossbow?"

As the God of Wealth of the Ma family, it is normal for Li Zihao to have some Yuanrong crossbows. However, after all, those things are 'Majia sharp weapons'. In Li Zihao's memory, he only has more than 20 Yuanrong crossbows.

Fortunately, those strong men with Yuanrong crossbows are the extraordinary old men of the Li family who travel around the world. After this round of riding, Li Zihao obviously heard the slow horseshoe and arrogant laughter of the Xiongnu. For a moment, Li Zihao gritted his teeth and took the lead in standing up suddenly: "It's now, shoot!"

With a click, Li Zihao saw the stunned face of the Huns on the horse. At the same time, Li Zihao also saw that he forgot to install crossbows on his Yuanrong crossbow because of his nervousness...

"It's Yuanrong crossbow!" The Huns obviously knew the guy in Li Zihao's hands. Seeing Li Zihao's stunned look, he couldn't help screaming and showing fierce eyes like a wolf: "Children, we have sent it!!"

And Li Zihao only felt that his brain was blank at this time: Damn, Lord, I played too much this time...