Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 801 Which General!

The blue sky is like washing, the bright moon is in the sky, and the stars of different sizes, light and dark are dotted with the night sky, giving the world a dreamlike brilliance. Even the grass on the grassland shows a completely different posture from the day. What a quiet and peaceful night.

However, Yuvro is not in the mood to appreciate it, and Wang Huayu he wants to see has no time to appreciate it.

When Frau opened the two letters of Bu Dugen and Ma Chao and thought about the Tuoba who appeared out of thin air, he never thought that at this moment, in a leather tent in the camp, a man and a woman with a very complicated relationship were undergoing a hand-to-hand play that was regarded as 'luanlun' by the Han Dynasty tradition!

The emotion between Wang Huayu and Liu Bao is ignited, and there is no reason at all.

For such a long time on the grassland, Wang Huayu only found a person with the shadow of the general: he was strong, honest, straightforward and even a trace of shyness. Wang Huayu couldn't help thinking, did the general still hide such a naive side after a decisive appearance of princes?

However, Wang Huayu still regrets more than he likes Liu Bao. After all, Liu Bao is compared with the handsome and elegant man who often has an inadvertent smile at the corners of his mouth and occasionally has a feminine temperament. Liu Bao was as thin as a wind-support paper, which did not let Wang Huayu fall into it without hesitation.

But no matter what, Wang Huayu can be sure is that Liu Bao loves himself. Or directly, Liu Bao wants to get his own body. And I was trapped in that man's mysterious conspiracy, and I felt a sense of fear every moment.

She needs some stimulating things to relieve her stress. After seeing that the man's conspiracy was about to crush Liu Bao's life, Wang Huayu had already opened his body by the Huns and didn't mind giving Liu Bao an unforgettable night...

She will do what she thinks of.

At this time, Wang Huayu, who broke the front dress, gave a clear view of the beautiful scenery of su chest. The soft skin exposed was whiter and more delicate than white jade sheep fat, and a pair of round and plump chests exuded infinite charm. In the scattered lowers, two slender, beautiful and straight snow-white ** half-posts make people can't help but want to explore their nature. The blue silk scattered because of confusion, coupled with the desire to welcome and refuse, made people feel a feeling of pity, which also added a little touching to her.

When Liu Bao first entered the account, he did not expect such a situation at all. At that time, he only came to the tent like a demon after receiving a message from Wang Huayu. As soon as he entered the tent, Liu Bao found that today's Wang Huayu seemed to have prepared everything. When he couldn't say a word, he took the initiative to tear open his front.

The beautiful and soft lines appeared in front of Liu Bao's eyes. He only saw that Wang Huayu was not young at all when he first saw her. The female body that has become a young woman is so round and lubricated and fascinating.

"Mother..." Liu Bao never thought that his voice would become so hoarse and dry, as if these four words were difficult to say after suffering a hard struggle in his throat.

However, when Wang Huayu heard these four words, he covered Liu Bao's mouth with his hand at the first time. She didn't say anything, but there were hot feelings in her beautiful eyes, like a shy smile on a beautiful flower, which had told Liu Bao everything.

Smell the unique fragrance of Wang Huayu's body, and then was stirred by the Qianyu hand between his lips. How can the young and powerful Liu Bao stand this**? Everything that Wang Huayu inadvertently made Liu Bao feel that she was more eager than the most powerful ** in the world.

'She must be very lonely, right?' Somehow, a scene of himself with Wang Huayu suddenly appeared in Liu Bao's mind. He could see that this woman must be very lonely at this time, and there are many things that can't be said to him...

"Mother..." Although Liu Bao has felt that his body is about to be out of the control of the brain, he still doesn't want Wang Huayu to regret before his whole reason is completely annihilated: "If you have anything to say, just tell the child. The child will definitely keep your secret!"

"I have nothing to say, because in a while, I will be returned to Chang'an by your father as a useless item." Wang Huayu continued to circulate in Liu Bao's body. With sadness in her eyes, she said angrily, "You can't stop all this at all, and what I can do for you is to give you a good memory at the last moment. And you also want to make me happy..."

The words were like a flash of lightning in Liu Bao's head. Liu Bao's whole body beat a little. He suddenly grabbed Wang Huayu's hand on his lips and asked in astonishment, "Mother! Are you going back to Chang'an?!"

"Leopard, as I said, it's best if you don't know anything. And now, you remember, as long as you make your mother happy..." The soft jade hand gently wrapped around Liu Bao's head and neck and pulled his body to himself. Wang Huayu's wet cherry lips approached Liu Bao's ears and whispered, "Love me!"

The sweet and greasy feeling went straight to Liu Bao's forehead, and at the same time, the bitter and astringent mood filled his chest!

'If she doesn't give her happiness, then her memory of the grassland is only the harsh winter. Without the warmth of spring, what is the meaning of her life? Liu Bao felt his nose sour, and he couldn't help holding his fists: Wang Huayu was right. He couldn't stop anything at all. Under his father's wings, he was just a minor child.

What he can do now is to satisfy Wang Huayu's last wish! Of course, he knows more that Wang Huayu should leave him with the best memories!

With tears in his eyes, Liu Bao bowed his head and kissed Wang Huayu's tender face heavily. * In the sound, the hot female body rubbed and twisted violently in his arms.

After a while, a man and a woman, in the sourness of each other's hearts, were gradually replaced by the soaring desire to accumulate love for many days and completely broke out.

Liu Bao felt as if he had been invaded by the devil at this time. He tore off Wang Huayu's clothes without pity, allowing the beautiful young woman to struggle and twist under her magic palm, and his expression became more and more confused...

"Leopard, at this moment, you are really like that (one) man..." Wang Huayu couldn't help muttering. At this time, she didn't even hear whether she said the word 'that' or 'one'. At this time, she was completely immersed in the fantasy pleasure of imagining the man in her arms as another man.

The rough palm fingers have been forced to reach the round and straight *. * In the grip, Wang Huayu gradually trembled and moaned in a trembling voice, "General, be more brave... Huayu likes your masculinity to conquer everything..."

'General?' Liu Bao was surprised, but suddenly thought: It turned out that Wang Huayu had always longed to be a powerful man, so that he could completely cherish and protect her!

After thinking about it, Liu Bao suddenly stopped her and picked up Wang Huayu and put her heavily on the sofa with thick animal skin and grass mat above it. After quickly removing her clothes, Liu Bao rushed to Wang Huayu like a tiger: "Huayu, I will make you unforgettable today. I will tell you with action that I am a general who conquers the world!"

But Wang Huayu, who was thrown on the straw mat, suddenly faded from her body. Because she felt that the general could never be so rude to herself. And.........

Humph! What kind of general is a general who can only fight on women?