Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 836 Change tactics!

The night was as cold as water. After a day of travel, the troops were finally stationed in an unknown valley.

After the camp was arranged, Ma Chao casually took off his beautiful robe and sat on the ground with a huge Panlong crouching tiger gun in his arms, allowing the evening wind to blow through his temples and flutter slightly. Looking up, a bright moon hung high in the sky, covered with a veil by dark clouds, and scattered the light on the ground hazyly. Under the moonlight, countless black spots shuttled through. The soldiers were running around to prepare their armed forces, scattered with messy armor and blades on the ground, emitting cold light under the bright moon.

Seeing this, Ma Chao couldn't help but move his eyebrows when he saw that the soldiers below did not have a trace of Ma's army's regular iron-blooded nonsense. When he got up to say something, he suddenly heard someone among the soldiers below. Although it was a little far away, Ma Chao had a sense of super, and his voice followed the night wind and clearly penetrated into his ear.

First, a slightly immature Yanzhou accent said, "I heard that we are going to fight Cao Cao this time... Dad, you said that Feng Xiangong is unparalleled in the world and the first god of war in the whole world, but we followed Feng Xiangong and was defeated by Cao Cao three times... This time, can we win with such a young general? Although his voice was lowered, the anxiety and panic came out of every word. When the young soldier talked about the war in front of him, he immediately caught Ma Chao's interest, which made Ma Chao give up the idea of rectifying the military law. His heart moved and listened.

"Don't be afraid, Dad may not keep his word before, but as long as we follow this general this time, Cao Cao will be a bird!" The person who was called the father was Sili's accent, but he was like a veteran who transferred from Chang'an under Lv Bu.

Ma Chao can also vaguely guess a * point for the name between the two: there are no knives and guns on the battlefield, and most of the young recruits died on the battlefield for the first time. However, many veterans, when they see their favorite recruits, either recognize them as father and son or brothers, so as to take care of them for any reason. Sometimes even life is saved.

At present, this recruit is a blessed person. After joining the army, he found a 'godfather' and taught him by himself, so that he could be much luckier than other unlucky people and have more chances to survive.

Of course, it's just a few ethereal opportunities.

"Naturally, you don't know that you are a recruit recruited by Fengxian in Yanzhou. And your father and I followed Feng Xiangong all the way. Do you know who the young general we are following now is?

Listening to the veteran talking about himself, Ma Chao couldn't help but be more interested: he walked with these soldiers for a day, during which he also asked questions. Although Ma Chao thought that his military governance was not too bad, he wanted to hear real comments.

"Lao Yang, don't sell it. My time with Feng Xiangong is not short. Why haven't I seen such a young and majestic general under him? Is it possible that Feng Xian's father and son, who had been separated for many years, came back to find his father? This voice is obviously also a Yanzhou accent, but it sounds older than the previous childish voice.

However, his words made the 'Lao Yang' laugh. Ma Chao was hurt and it was not easy to attack, so he had to listen to Lao Yang continue to say, "What you said is not wrong. There is a saying that your son-in-law is half a son. It's not too wrong for you to say that General Jin is the son of Feng Xian!"

"General Jin?!" It was the previous young Yanzhou accent. At this time, he was obviously happy and surprised. He quickly asked, "Dad, make it clear, which general is it?"

"In addition to General Jinma Chao, which general in the world can afford such a name?" Lao Yang's tone was full of pride and pride, as if he was Jinma Chao. He continued, "You ignorant children, every time I tell you Fengxian's fair life and three defeats, but now General Jin, who defeated Feng Xiangong, is in front of you, and you don't even know him!"

There was a gasp on the ground, and there was an exclamation near Lao Yang. Obviously, when he spoke, many soldiers were listening, and when Lao Yang said Ma Chao's identity, he showed an unbelievable look.

"Lao Yang, you didn't talk nonsense, did you? The Jin general who unified the whole West is the Jin Ma Chao who led us in front of him?!

"Lao Yang, this is impossible, right? I heard that the Xiongnu is not honest again during this period. General Jin is waving troops to deal with them. How can he lead us to fight again?

"Lao Yang, don't joke. How can an invincible person like General Jin suddenly appear in our Yanzhou? However, looking at the general's majestic and handsome appearance and the white robe, it may be that General Jin came to save his father-in-law!"

"You know nothing! Now which young general is not wearing a white robe. I really don't have the money to buy it. If I have money, I would have been addicted to General Jin!"

"Then you can put it on. My brocade robe is made of high-quality white practice, which is very expensive." Everyone was disturbing and talking one after another. Suddenly, a word came. Everyone looked back and found that the 'General Jin' in their mouth had stood behind them at some point...

"General forgives you!" Everyone was scared by Ma Chao for a moment. Lao Yang was well-informed and immediately pulled his "god son" to kneel in front of Ma Chao and begged for mercy. Then everyone woke up, followed Lao Yang's example, and quickly apologized to Ma Chao.

But Ma Chao didn't think it. He smiled and made everyone get up. He also pulled the soldier who just said he wanted to wear a robe and said, "I'm indeed Ma Chao and Ma Mengqi. This robe is also specially made by my subordinates. When I went to the battlefield at the age of 14, I thought, I was so desperate to play hard. If others didn't recognize me, wouldn't it be a big loss?

With that, Ma Chao also put the brocade robe in his hand on the soldier and patted him on the shoulder and said, "You put on this robe first. After you follow me to capture Puyang City, I will ask the next person to make a suit for you and wear it every day!"

"Go to fight Puyang?!" Hearing this, Lao Yang was dumbfounded and didn't care about his superiority and inferiority. He said, "General, before we set out, didn't Feng Xiangong say that he was going to fight Cao Cao's troops?"

"Yes! General, although I am small, I have fought several battles. Lao Yang's god son listened to Lao Yang's opening his mouth and continued to say, "We have fought with Cao Cao several times. His soldiers are simply amazing. I don't know when they came out..." At this point, his voice trembled slightly. Obviously, he recalled the bloody battle at the beginning and couldn't help but be afraid: "Feng Xiangong is The first fierce general in the world is also your father-in-law. Why don't you listen to him to fight Cao Cao, but go to fight Puyang!"

"Lord, they are reasonable," Gan Ning obviously saw the ** here and secretly understood the reason. Chen Yi said, "In the military hall, I heard that the policy of the lord, Feng Xiangong and the military division was very subdued. Why did the general change his words and say that he wanted to send troops to Puyang at this time?"

"Yes, husband, the military has been decided. How can it be easily changed?" Lv Qiling also emerged from nowhere. Looking at Ma Chao's upper body, she couldn't help blushing, but her expression was still worried, "We only have 3,000 soldiers and horses. How can we take Puyang guarded by Xiahou Dun?"

And Ma Chao looked at the single that came back from spying on the information in the distance and knew that he had got the information he wanted. He couldn't help laughing and said, "That's why I can win Feng Xiangong. Maybe it's also for this reason that I can defeat Cao Cao in one fell swoop!"