Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 877 Inner City Official Residence

As soon as I entered the gate of the official residence, there was a faint fishy smell in the air.

Puyang official residence is a double courtyard. After entering the gate, you first go to the outer courtyard. This is the office space. The row of rooms on the left is the residence of the duty servant, and the right row is the stables. Across the courtyard facing the gate is the council hall.

Along the way, it was only 200 steps from the gate to the council chamber, but it was full of blood and corpses, which was unbearable. It seems that before Ma Chao came here, Cao Jun had launched several charges. However, under Lv Bu's brave resistance, he was unwilling to retreat.

Therefore, Cao Cao came up with the idea of setting fire to the official residence. He wanted to roast it with smoke and force Lv Bu out to surround him and kill him!

At this time, Ma Chao and the small school also set up to do some preparations for the fire. At the same time, with the help of this cover, they slowly approached the edge of the quadrangle courtyard.

This behavior, in the eyes of other Cao Jun, is purely a death-seeking act. However, those ferocious Qingzhou troops have long been used to life and death. Instead of scolding and reminding him, he stared at Ma Chao with a joking look to see how he would eventually be shot by Lv Bu!

numbness and indifference make them regard life as a good play. This despicable human nature is really chilling. However, Ma Chao wanted to thank them for their indifference, which made them slowly rub into the outer courtyard gate of the courtyard.

As soon as he stepped into the small door, a pungent smell of blood suddenly rushed out, making Ma Chao's brain dizzy. Looking up, I saw that in the courtyard, the bodies were piled up layer by layer, with a total of one or two hundred people, each of whom were muscular men, all dressed like Cao Cao's soldiers. At this time, they lay on the ground, and each of them was shot with an arrow through their throats. The ground was covered with a sticky layer of dark red, and the walls and doors were splashed with blood stains, which was shocking.

Seeing this scene, even though he had been psychologically prepared, Ma Chao still felt a burst of tension in his heart: it seemed that Lv Bu inside was already weak and trapped.

Ma Chao carefully observed the terrain when he pretended to be mixed in. The archers in Cao's army have stood firmly at several points around the official residence, monitored the streets, and sealed several roads with long-distance hard crossbows. As long as Lv Bu came out, he would definitely be pierced by thousands of arrows!

Even if Lv Bu can rush out of the inner city, there are more than 20,000 elite soldiers of Cao Cao in the outer city, and more than 15,000 people under the hands of Zhang jaw and Yan Liang. Even if Lv Bu is really an unparalleled god of war, I'm afraid it's difficult to get out of trouble.

Moreover, Ma Chao also knew that it was the speculative Tian family that caused Lv Bu's defeat so simply. Only then did Cao Cao capture the heart of Lv Bu's princes overnight. After all, he didn't learn much. For speculators like Tian, he did not have any restraint at all, allowing him to hand over his biggest flaws to outsiders.

However, at this point, Ma Chao knows that it is useless to say more. He was about to dodge, but he suddenly heard a "bang" sound, and a strong arrow flew past him and tremblingly nailed to the door of the council chamber. Ma Chao's foot stretched forward suddenly shrank back, and his body retreated sharply. He hid behind the door, his heart pounded wildly, and he was shocked by a cold sweat: the speed of this arrow, with Ma Chao's martial arts, did not see clearly at all! This sudden shock and fear was felt by Ma Chao for the first time in more than a year.

It was so easy to come back, and Ma Chao began to observe carefully around. Judging by the momentum of the arrow, Lv Bu should hide in the martial arts hall behind the council hall. Carefully looking through the crack of the door, Ma Chao found that next to the porch pillar not far from the back door, a crossbowman fell to the ground, his forehead was pierced back and forth, and the milky brain was mixed with bright red blood flowing to the ground. Presumably, he was careless for a moment and failed to hide his figure, revealing a small half of his body. As a result, he was shot directly by Lv Bu.

This arrow lightningly crossed the 200-step distance of the inner courtyard. After shooting through the crossbowman's head, it continued to fly forward into the council chamber and nailed it directly to the front door - if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that it was done by manpower.

Looking further, I saw the door of the martial arts hall open, but I couldn't see anything clearly inside. On the way from the council hall to the martial arts hall, there were also corpses in the outer courtyard, but more than 20 people lying in the middle of the yard were no longer Cao Cao's personal guards, but cavalrymen who were killed by powerful arrows.

Judging from this, Cao Cao found Lv Bu's hiding place after paying a great price. However, Ma Chao has a deep resentment about Lv Bu's arrow: Don't save people by yourself, but be hedged by Lv Bu's range, which is extremely unjust!

"Who is coming?" At this time, Lv Bu's gentle shout came from the martial arts hall. Ma Chao was overjoyed and immediately replied in Lv Bu's voice, "Feng Xiangong, it's me!"

Ma Chao's voice was quite similar to Lv Bu's - when Ma Teng died, Ma Chao was heartbroken and cried hoarsely, like metal friction - it was difficult for others to imitate, so after hearing Ma Chao's voice, Lv Bu's voice was obviously happy and said, "Come in quickly!"

Walking into the martial arts hall, Ma Chao found that the situation in front of him was worse than he thought. In the whole hall, there were the bodies of Cao and Yuan troops. Obviously, Cao Yuan's army had attacked here. And these are not the most worrying for Ma Chao. What he is worried about is Lv Bu's situation!

At this time, Lv Bu looked the same as usual. In addition to being embarrassed and thin and covered with blood, he was almost the powerful god of war. But after a closer look, Ma Chao found that Lv Bu's face was full of hagnation at this time, and no longer the previous bronze healthy skin color, but a faint red in the gray darkness: although Ma Chao is not familiar with this phenomenon, he has also heard of that word and returns to the light.

At this time, Lv Bu's eyes were red and swollen, but his eyes were still like eagles and hungry wolves, staring and cold. When he looked at Ma Chao unnaturally, he actually showed a little touch of gentle doting that his father had - this strange feeling made Ma Chao's heart like steel, and he couldn't help but feel sad. He choked and said, "Father-in-law, you have suffered, Chao'er came to eat..."

Ma Chao called Lv Bu like this for the first time, and Lv Bu also moved when he heard this. However, then he remembered

What generally said, "Meng Qi, did you see Xiuer, Chen Gong and others break out of the siege when you came?"

"What?!" Ma Chao was shocked when he heard the words. Along the way, he didn't notice anyone breaking through. That is to say, Lv Bu's breakthrough can only be before he sneaked into Puyang City, and before that, Ma Chao and others did not see the breakout Lv Bu's army at all.

It can only be said that Liu Xiu and Chen Gong are either fighting with Cao's army in the inner city or have become prisoners of Cao Cao!

"Father-in-law, there is no time. We must break through as soon as possible!" Ma Chao looked around, looked at the guards beside Lv Bu, and said, "How many soldiers are there under his father-in-law at this time?"

"There are only more than 50 people..." Lv Bu's face was gloomy, and at the same time, he understood the harsh situation of Liu Xiu and others. He couldn't help saying anxiously, "If I can ride the red rabbit, there is no problem to rush out of Puyang City!"

"This is easy to do. Chaoer also brought 5,000 white horses from here. When they were young, they would attack. After causing riots, we took the opportunity to rush to the stables and rushed out together!"

"Good!" Lv Bu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and his whole body immediately exuded an unparalleled murderous spirit. He put the halberd to the ground with his right hand and said, "Let this world see my bravery for the last time!"

Ma Chao couldn't help frowning when he heard the words: Lv Bu said 'for the last time'. It seems that he is already very clear about his own physical condition... Moreover, he still has a dying heart!