Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 888

Raising the Panlong crouching tiger gun up, Ma Chao felt bad as soon as he raised his hand: the strong wind was extremely strong, and if Han Rong did use a gun, then...

There was a big shock, and it took all my strength to finally block the shot from the top down. And the elephant dragon BMW hissed, and the four hooves were slightly soft! At the same time, Ma Chao, who quickly fled and reorganized, also felt that his whole body's qi and blood were running wildly in his body, and several blood actually wanted to shoot out of his facial features!

The body is shaky, and Ma Chao quickly adjusts his internal breath to suppress the restless qi and blood. When he turned around, Ma Chao suddenly saw that in front of him stood a pale veteran with a height of white beard. His straight posture seemed to cover the light of the rising sun in the sky. A huge long gun as thick as an adult's arm in his hand is about one foot long. Judging from its color, the body of the gun is actually made of mixed iron and fine steel. The head of the gun is in the shape of a golden tiger's head, and the tiger's mouth swallows the blade, which is awe-inspiring and cold, and extremely sharp.

At this time, the west wind was flinting, blowing Han Rong's white hair and beard. Thousands of Yuan soldiers around saw Han Rong's move and shouted enthusiastically. For a moment, Ma Chao was in a trance as if he saw an old god of war from ancient times!

Although people are old, they are not old-willed to fight!

And, in the faint, there is a rising momentum, which rolls up the whole air, and the cruel and tyrannical like a evil ghost roars!

Da Damn it!

Ma Chao's heart was shocked. He never thought that Han Rong, the king of Hebei, used such a huge golden tiger head gun! What's more horrible is that his fighting skills are not the endless road in the world at all, but the same as Ma Chao, he is the most powerful and unrepentant!

Only with a sudden blow before, Ma Chao fully felt Han Rong's realm. His strength, skills and even his understanding of martial arts are absolutely high or low compared with himself!

That bitch in history!

It has never told Ma Chao, Yuan Shao's men, and such brave, resourceful and powerful generals!

At this time, Ma Chao began to regret that he was alone in danger. But strangely, after such a blow, his heartbeat suddenly doubled faster than usual, and the enthusiasm in his eyes also burned. The whole body is excited, roaring, and eager to fight with such a strong man!

"You are the first one who can suppress qi and blood like this after being shot by me." Han Rong stroked the long beard on his jaw and said.

"Well, it's just not painful or itchy!" Ma Chao replied contemptuously. After his fingers jumped twice on the Panlong crouching tiger gun, he suddenly clenched it! His eyes were like electric ejaculation, and he rushed straight to Han Rong: "Old man, you know, if it's not painful or itchy, how can you be happy?"

"Good!" Han Rong was not angry at all when he heard the words, but in the face of Ma Chao's impact, he was still waiting. He coiled the big gun in his hand into a giant dragon to protect his chest, staring at Ma Chao as steady as a mountain, and the master's demeanor was undoubtedly obvious.

However, the one he hit was the general of Yongliang's first shot!

Ma Chao seems to come out easily, without any fancy, and seems to be able to open it with just one easy block. But Han Rong's face gradually became dignified in the face of the gun, because he could see that Ma Chao's gun seemed to be slow, but when he suddenly accelerated, he could launch an attack from any unimaginable angle, as if the antelope was hanging horns and could not be found. Once the gun winds and the body, it will be a landslide!

And to deal with such a blow, Han Rong's choice was also to stab a slow and ordinary shot, which is equal to the tip of Ma Chao's big gun!

Seeing this, Ma Chao no longer restrained the murderous atmosphere in his body and released it turbulently. Facing Han Rong's big gun, he shouted and suddenly sent it out at a speed 100 times faster than before!

A soft 'ding' sound,

In the noisy battlefield, the slight sound is almost pitiful, but those who hear it feel that the eardrums are extremely uncomfortable. Then the attraction was pulled, and they looked at the confrontation between Ma Chao and Han Rong in the field.

The confrontation between the two is an appetizer. After a deeper understanding of each other, they take out what they have learned in their lives. For a while, the big guns left by each other with spare strength immediately rushed like the Yangtze River. The two were ferocious and roared like tigers. The big guns in their hands were either chopped or cut, or waved or smashed. There was no emptiness of guns at all, as if the weapon in their hands was an axe, a hammer, and the most ambitional force between men. Quantity collision!

At this time, the two people fighting, one old and one young, one black and one white, are interesting and tragic. Later, Ma Chao was already blushing and roaring, and Han Rong was also furry and like a crazy tiger. In the eyes of outsiders, the two had been entangled, waving the weapons in their hands and stabbed and beating each other. There was no way to say~~

However, only the two people in the battle know how dangerous their seemingly messy shooting skills are: both of them are masters who have entered the gate of martial arts, and their moves will no longer be old. They are all about taking the arc route and spiral shock, and there is always room for continuous attack. Once the enemy is found to find a gap, the offensive will immediately be like mercury leaking, pervasive and can no longer be suppressed.

However, after such a long battle, the two found each other, and there was no flaw at all! Only the restless and unpleasant sound of blade impact, under the unloading of the spiral force, strange sound waves occurred, shaking all the soldiers around, with a splitting headache!

Finally, when Ma Chaoyi* went, Han Rong was in the horizontal gear with a gun. It seemed to be another ordinary fight, but as soon as the Panlong Reclining Tiger Gun touched Han Rong's golden tiger head gun, Ma Chao instantly felt a hidden force coming from his gun gently sticking to his big gun, and then went out. Panlong's gun was broken, and its strength was like a mud cow into the sea, empty and empty.

'It's not good!' Ma Chao's mind moved, and his heart was already extremely angry. However, Han Rong's gun in his hand kept, and in the wild laughter, a cold arc-shaped cold light suddenly appeared in the smoke and dust, circled Ma Chao's neck!

Ma Chao suddenly struggled with his right hand and fought back, while his left hand suddenly pulled out the iron blade at his waist, sprinkled a snowflake-like sword light, and rolled straight up and down to the big gun like a whirlwind, with a powerful sound.

Han Rong still laughed when he saw this. The big gun picked up, and the moment the blades met, the big gun rotated quickly and twisted Ma Chao's iron sword. Ma Chao couldn't hold it, and the blade flew out of his hand. But at the same time, Ma Chao still did not dodge, and his right hand kept rolling the gun. Just as Han Rong's big gun was half an inch away from Ma Chao's body, his big gun finally swept back to Han Rong's chest, like a spinning windmill, slapping on Han Rong's chest and abdomen, breaking Han Rong's killing!

The war horse hissed, and the insoluble battle between the two finally came to an end in danger. Ma Chao ran back and took a deep breath of cold air to relieve his suffocating chest. And Han Rong also opened his mouth wide and breathed the cold air - after all, he was old and the fierce fight just now made him a little exhausted.

"Good boy, you really have a way to kill without retreat. I'm really relieved to see you and other talents in this life!" Han Rong said these words sanctimonously after breathing evenly.

However, Ma Chao just snorted heavily and thought to himself, "Old man, how dare you play tricks with me?! Lv Fengxian, who is unparalleled in the world, has also suffered several times under my insidious tricks. You play such means with the young master and play a big spoon in front of the big axe and picking up dung in front of Luban's door!

In the hundreds of battles, Ma Chao looked at the white horse Yicong, who was diverted, under the leadership of Zhao Yun, Taishi Ci, Gan Ning, Lv Bu and Lv Qiling, and his mood gradually loosened. The corners of his mouth couldn't help smiling again: Come on, old monster, I'll show you how to play the tricks in the battle!