Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 891 Mount, Dark Arrow!

A huge blank war circle has already been vacuing in the whole Chinese army.

At this time, in the war circle, the strong and domineering momentum collided recklessly, and the powerful turbulent flow jumped wildly. In the center of Ma Chao and Han Rong's battle, it seemed that the air had formed an invisible vortex, tightly adsorbing the two bodies and killing them indissoluble.

Ma Chao, who lived in his previous life, thought that the little ones around them were afraid of swords and no eyes, so they avoided Sanshe. But after all, a few feet of white land was empty, which made Ma Chao always feel that the scene was a little overshoot.

However, it was not until he crossed the Three Kingdoms and really understood the martial arts that he understood why the veterans on the battlefield were so afraid of the duel between the two masters and avoided them like tigers and wolves.

Because the real master duel is often not a slashing of tricks, but more often a momentum competition. After practicing martial arts to a certain level, the murderous spirit around the body will definitely lead to the change of the air, making the aura of the battle become extremely oppressive. Those who have weak will and martial arts become difficult to breathe and move, and the whole person seems to be absorbed by the viscous vortex to the center, as if to send their bodies to be slaughtered.

At this time, the air vortex formed by the confrontation between Ma Chao and Han Rong is deeply powerful and murderous: this cyclone not only paralyzes and stabs the enemy's actions with dense and viscous killing gas characteristics, but also because the whole space is filled with highly condensed murderous gas, the war circle is equivalent to a closed at this moment. The boundary. With the help of it, martial arts people can grasp the next posture and movements of the enemy through the detection of changes in the strength of the enemy's qi machine, so as to formulate the method of attack and defense, advance and retreat. This is an advanced form of the "heart of martial arts".

At this time, if the two people in the battle have a slight flaw or weakened momentum, the gun will take advantage of the weakness and strangle the other party into pieces. However, if the two are evenly matched, with the rising momentum to the peak of gas, the next attack of the two will be like a river that breaks the dike, forming an irresistible force, straight Until you try your best to win or lose!

With another shot, Ma Chao's eyes flashed, took a long breath and restrained his mind, focusing all his thoughts on the big gun in his hand. For a moment, I only felt that I gave up the big gun in my hand, and there was nothing else between heaven and earth. I drew a perfect circle in front of my chest and gathered the awe-inning murderous spirit in the circle. Just when it seemed that the defense was not an attack, the gun stabbed forward without warning, and the murderous spirit gathered into a line was like a gorgeous silver thread, attacking Han Rong's throat.

Han Rong obviously sensed Ma Chao's intention, retreated like a tide of the cyclone, and the light flowed, and put a layer of defense network in front of him in an attempt to resolve Ma Chao's offensive in a delicate way.

But after all, it's too late.

This is the light that Ma Chao suddenly bloomed after the precipitation of martial arts. The gun seems to be completely unfettered by space and time and has broken through the limits of physics.

The light reflected a faint light, and the two shots finally collided again, making a loud noise. It seemed that a thousand pounds of boulders were thrown into the lake, setting off waves: the huge and dense cyclone vortex suddenly disintegrated, and countless fine and chaotic airflows wandered around, making a sharp roar like a ghost crying god, making the two**'s horses overwhelmed and made a sad wail!

However, Ma Chao's mount is, after all, the best of the big Wanliang horse. His four hoofs are only slightly soft, and then he stands up again and his head high. Although Han Rong's mount is also a BMW in Jizhou, it is still a little worse than that of Xianglong. Therefore, his mount barely stood up after a few steps back weakly. And, even so, the body trembles, which is obviously extremely uncomfortable.

However, this is a momentary opportunity for Ma Chao to wait. Ma Chao did not stop at all. While the elephant dragon hissed, he jumped up, and the big gun in his hand bloomed again, like a black mixed fireworks in the air, blowing brightly towards Han Rong!

Han Rong is in the face of danger. Seeing Ma Chao's killing moves, he will not change. He only stood up the long gun and stared at the flow of Ma Chao's gun tip for the next moment. However, to Han Rong's surprise, Ma Chao's big gun was weak and not strong at all when it rushed into his big gun. And at the same moment, Han Rong was stunned: It's over!

Sure enough, Han Rong suddenly heard another sad and wail on the mount, and his majestic body was also unstable for a moment and fell from the mount: it turned out that after Ma Chao's big guns crossed, then circled the big gun and swept across, breaking Han Rong's two front legs!

It turns out that Ma Chao's goal was Han Rong's mount from the beginning!

'Playing on the battlefield is not to seize the opportunity. But it is necessary to be invisible and gain an absolute advantage as soon as it is sent!' Ma Chao rolled over, and a trace of sneer flashed unnaturally at the corners of his mouth: Long ago, Ma Chao speculated all the comparisons between the two. Whether it was skills, will, martial arts or anything else, they were between them. Although Ma Chao may be more durable than Han Rong in strength, Han Rong's more than decades of experience is completely Make up for this defect.

The only opportunity to take advantage of is Han Rong's war horse, which is inferior to Xianglong. And after the cold, it is the essence of playing on the battlefield to further expand such advantages!

Sure enough, at the moment of losing the war horse, Han Rong's tightly stitched defense state was immediately broken. And Ma Chao's eyes flashed sharply, and he had already seen the flaw before Han Rong fell to the ground!

If the master moves, it will be life and death in an instant!

At present, Ma Chao did not hesitate at all. After rolling down to the ground, taking advantage of Han Rong's unstable center of gravity and incomplete defense, he quickly shouted, exhausted his physical strength, shook the Panlong crouching tiger gun into a circle, gathered the aperture, and stabbed Han Rong's left eye!

Ma Chao is confident that if this shot is stabbed, Han Rong will definitely be killed by one shot. Even if he flashed and dodged this shot, he also had the upper hand. Whether it was sweeping, splitting or any serial moves, he could follow up like a storm until Han Rong had no power to fight back and kill him!

However, Han Rong saw that Ma was beyond this move and didn't have time to say much. His face was full of death, and he didn't even look at Ma Chao's big gun. Unexpectedly, before he stood straight from the underground, he had swung a shot and swept Ma Chao's waist!

This shot is so fierce that it really opens up the world and sweeps the power of thousands of troops. Don't say that it was cut down and only takes a star and a half, which is the end of broken tendons and broken bones.

However, for such a trick, Ma Chao also chose not to defend at the same time! Instead of turning a blind eye to this, he also made the speed of his right hand shoot faster - Ma Chao's heart was as hard as iron. He bet that his first move would definitely break Han Rong's Jedi counterattack, which took attack as defense and hurt both sides!

Because at this time, the two bet on their strong will as warriors!

If you take a step back, you will lose all your previous achievements. And if one step is achieved, the enemy's life can be taken away!

Ma Chao will never allow his painstaking advantage to gain and become a bubble under timidity and cowardice. He has long known that the first place in martial arts character is firm will and extraordinary courage. Only those who have a heart like a stone and a will like a mountain can welcome the dawn of victory!

Sure enough, within milliseconds, Ma Chao saw the timidity and panic in Han Rong's eyes, because when Ma Chao's big gun was only half an inch away from Han Rong, Han Rong's gun wind had just swept Ma Chao's body: in just the next millisecond, Han Rong would lose control of the opponent's big gun under the stimulation of severe pain, thus Let Ma Chao remove his head!

However, at this point, even if Han Rong regrets, it is in vain, because there is no regret medicine to take in this world!

However, at this time, with a slight sound, the big gun in Ma Chao's hand had to leave Han Rong's reach...

Dark arrows on the battlefield!

It has always been the most hated thing for generals!