Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 899 After eating, quarrel

Wang Huayu's door is indeed not closed. In fact, the door of the whole Ma family's backyard has a faint light. However, when Ma Chao walked into Wang Huayu's room, the light in all the rooms in the backyard went out at the same time.

Seeing this, Ma Chao's face showed a bitter smile for the third time. Although this time, he didn't know what he was laughing at.

Wang Huayu, who was lying in **, didn't seem to expect Ma Chao to go straight to her room. At that moment, although her face was calm, her eyes trembled slightly, and she had already betrayed the restless beating in her heart. It's just that she didn't know that when the light went out in all the rooms, there was a clear sigh in those rooms at the same time.

However, with the unique talent and sharpness of women, Wang Huayu seemed to hear the sigh that could not be heard at all. From this, under the fiery beating in her heart, she suddenly felt an unprecedented sadness: she had long known that she lived in this backyard and was destined to end like this. In fact, he also knows that it is difficult for the daughters-in-law of the Ma family to do this.

What's more, isn't your fate already doomed?

Ma Chao, who is a beginner, does not have mind reading skills. He does not know Wang Huayu's psychological monologue at this time. However, goodbye to Wang Huayu, he saw Wang Huayu's broken peach-colored water-colored skin, which was even more charming under the candlelight that slightly shot into the room. His watery eyes were full of smoke, his plump lips and white teeth were reflected, and the hanging hair hung in front of the delicate black eyebrows like willow leaves... All this is really seductive. It's simply a goblin that harms the country and the people - no, she has destroyed the court of the Xiongnu! She is that kind of deadly poppy, which makes people addicted!

Therefore, without saying a word, Ma Chao quickly took off his uniform and weighed Wang Huayu like a hungry tiger. Her pajamas were completely separated from her body almost in an instant.

I was speechless all night until the sky was slightly bright.

When Ma Chao opened his eyes again, he found that there was no food at the table. Presumably the noise last night had made those servants retreat. And the woman around her is as warm as jade, and her white and flawless body exudes infinite charm, and is lying on her body with infinite tenderness.

Thinking of last night's absurdity, Ma Chao smiled shyly at Wang Huayu, but before Ma Chao could speak, Wang Huayu said directly, "Lord, has you made a decision about Yanzhou?"

Ma Chao was stunned, and a trace of displeaggeration flashed on his face. But then, after he took a look at Wang Huayu, he was relieved: if a woman like her wants to spend time with peace, it's better to let her go. Maybe there will be unexpected gains.

Therefore, under Wang Huayu's careful service, Ma Chao quickly dressed neatly: although looking at Wang Huayu, he did not avoid shyness and dressed himself naked, he had the impulse to fight again. But Ma Chao knows better that the gentle hometown has always been a hero's tomb, and he hasn't become a king yet, so he doesn't want to stay in the morning from now on.

"After discussing the matter of Yanzhou with the ministers today, there will be a decision." When he left, Ma Chao replied to Wang Huayu's question, and when he walked to the door, he said, "No matter what the result is, I will come to you to discuss it. Don't worry, you will never die like this, sad spring and autumn, sighing about life..."

After listening to Wang Huayu, she couldn't help smiling, which was really as beautiful as a beautiful flower whisper.

Deyang Hall.

"Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde and Liu Xuande bullied my Ma family too much!" At the morning meeting, after Ma Chao told the truth about all his experiences in Yanzhou and Xuzhou, his face gradually turned cold. After looking around all the literary ministers and generals in the hall, he asked, "If you have something to say about this matter, it's okay to say it!"

In fact, before that, Ma Chao had a vague plan on the way back to Chang'an. Of course, at that time, he was still full of self-reproach and hatred. Therefore, that plan has not been clear. Until last night, after listening to Diao Chan's persuasion and having a romantic with Wang Huayu overnight, Ma Chao suddenly became enlightened this morning and had a feeling of seeing the sun.

However, although the plan has been finalized, Ma Chao knows that one person is short and three people are full, especially his idea, and he still tends to open the big policy of the Ma family to become the whole Kanto, which is too big. In such a cautious and cautious thing, he must hear the opinions of his foxes before he can be completely relieved.

The reason why he didn't tell his strategy at this time is that he wanted to listen to everyone's opinions first. After all, as a prince, if he comes up and tells his general, the content of the whole meeting will be changed.

It is what he, the prince, wants to figure out people's hearts and plan to move later. If the wind direction of the whole meeting is completely contrary to his general idea, he would rather not say his own general idea, so as not to bring centrifugal trouble to the whole group.

"The lord has governed the Ma family for several years. During the years, the Ma family settled in Chang'an, Pingliang Prefecture and Jingzhou. The world was shocked, and the Ma family became the first prince of the Han Dynasty." Peng Yang, the right supplement of the province, took the lead in opening his mouth. After patting Ma Chao, the madman turned to be more arrogant and continued to say proudly: "Weichen believes that the Ma family is now in the sky, and the lord is the uncle of the Han Dynasty, and Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde and Liu Xuande humiliated the Ma family, causing waves in Kanto and harming us. The people's livelihood is in a loss. Weichen believes that the Ma family should enter Kanto at this time and dominate the Central Plains!"

'Good!' When Ma Chao heard this sentence, he felt that Peng Yang's words made him excited and catered to his desire to enter Guandong. He couldn't help but be very happy and wanted to clap his hands. However, after trying to restrain his emotions, Ma Chao still looked unchanged and looked indifferent to this, waiting for everyone's reaction.

Peng Yang finally put the whole topic on his attitude towards the three families. After that, the old general Zhu Jun, who rarely spoke, also stood up and bowed and said, "Lord, after the old minister entered the Ma family, I also knew the big strategy of the Ma family. If the old minister guessed well, it would be to rise in Yongzhou, prosper in Sili, then pacify the rear of Liangzhou, and finally enter the Central Plains.

Zhu Jun's words are quite correct. The Ma family also has its 'longzhong pair', and it is really implemented step by step as Zhu Jun said. Therefore, Ma Chao did not deny this at all. He smiled and acquiesced and motioned Zhu Jun to continue.

After Zhu Jun saw Ma Chao's move, he had a lot in his heart. In the last sentence, he actually retreated back with just a few words: "In this case, it's time for the Ma family to continue the big strategy."

At this time, Ma Chao couldn't help but feel a little moved: one article and one martial arts, all agreed to move to Kanto, which is a good beginning. If everyone means this next, then Ma Chao feels that he can start to express his big strategy and let everyone participate in detail.

However, there is still a discordant voice after all. And first of all, it was Cai Yong, Ma Chao's other cheap father-in-law, who stood up against the Ma family's entry into Kanto.

"Lord, Youzhou's cavalry and Jizhou's strong crossbow have always been the world's elite soldiers, the country's gallbladder core, and there are things in the four directions, and they have to do it in the two states." Speaking of this, Cai Yong frowned, and then had a sense of risking and continued: "Yuan Benchu is now in Jizhou, and most of Gongsun Zan's riding is also controlled by him. Under Yuan's rule, the people are rich and prosperous, and the spring and autumn are prosperous. The literary ministers and good generals are like clouds and rain. If the lords send troops to resist each other, how can the common people win?

Looking up at Ma Chao, Cai Yong knew that Ma Chao had never liked him, but at this time, when he saw that Ma Chao had no intention of blame on his face, he said again: "What's more, listen to the lord's intention is to fight against Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde and Liu Xuande at the same time. Cao Mengde's reputation for treachery has long been famous all over the world, and Liu Xuande is well-known. In this way, how can the lord have a chance of winning?

"Cai Shilang, you think too much." At this time, there is no need for Ma Chao to speak, and the person with his own knowledge refutes it. However, compared with the literary Cai Yong, there is a real contrast: "The lord has suffered from the birdishness of those three people, and we will naturally take their territory - well, by the way, let the people on their territory also live a good life. - No, I mean, although we want to beat them, it is not necessarily Pick three, you can pick soft persimmons first..."

Everyone listened to the sound and recognized the position. When they saw an ugly brother with a fierce face pretending to salute Cai Yong and tried their best to say profound words, they couldn't help smiling. However, what everyone can't deny is that although Brother Chou's words are rough, they are very reasonable: at present, what needs to be discussed is an attitude, whether to fight or not. As for how to fight, that's the content of the military discussion later, not in this discussion.

However, everything in the world can't be as open-minded as Brother Chou thinks. After laughing, Yang Fu waved his hand and said, "Ying Yangzhonglang is too optimistic. Who knows whether we should beat them or not is to consider whether they will unite. If it is..."

As he spoke, Yang Fu's face became solemn. He stepped forward, saluted respectfully and said seriously, "Lord, Weichen believes that we still need to wait for it to change, and we can't use force lightly!"

"Why? Is it true that Feng Xian's hatred is like this?" Now Zang Ba, who is also a general of the Ma family, can no longer stand it and stands up after hearing Yang Fu's words.

At this time, Ma Chao glanced at Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, but saw that although their faces were still, the expectations in their eyes had already expressed their thoughts.

"Didn't we say that once we move, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and Liu Bei will form a group. One hit three, not to say it's hard to fight - of course, it's very likely that we will lose - even if we win, we will play for three or five years. In that long period of time, how many bad things will happen. It was not Yang Fu who said this, but the lazy Fa Zheng: after this guy was defeated once in Liangzhou, his whole heart became less enthusiastic and utilitarian. Coupled with the abduction of such a free and easy person as Guo Jia, he has a more sense of a ghost hermit.

"However, we can gradually advance and stop it. In this way, the Ma family can still fight steadily!"

Zhang Liao finally stood up.

"General Zhang thought that Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and Liu Bei would not see through the Ma family's tricks and let us encroach on Kanto? In fact, as long as we leave Kanto, the whole land of Kanto will have three earthquakes!"

Yang Xiu also came out.

"Even so, we can do diplomacy. The territory of Kanto is not necessarily a piece of iron plate!"

Gao Shun couldn't help it at this time.

"Talk on paper! The Ma family has such a grudge against the Yuan family, against Liu Biaoyang, and Cao Cao. There is a land-grabbing dispute with Yuan Shu. Looking around, are we going to go to Jiangdong to find Sun Ce?

Hua Xin contributed a lot to Ma Chao in the past two years, and finally spoke a lot.

Next, the general came out and the minister refuted; or the minister proposed by the general and denied it. In the end, there was no division of literature and martial arts, and the whole hall had begun to quarrel. You talked to each other, tit-for-tat. Ma Chao, who was in a high position, looked at the sun in the sky and finally said a very hurtful sentence after a morning of silence:

"Don't say anything, lunch is ready. And none of you should think about going back. After dinner, we will continue to quarrel..."