Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 934 Is Lv Bu alive?

Winter is really coming. Ma Chao reached out and took a few charcoal sticks and threw them into the stove. He rubbed his hands on the rising flames and felt that the temperature in the room rose slightly.

At this time, his face was a little excited. After all, he never thought that Duan Mu Ruoyu, who came out of the world again, inadvertently smelled Gongsun Zan's clues and let Yuan Shao intercepted Gongsun Zan's secret letter. Thus, under the overall layout of Chang'an, Gongsun Zan's whole power completely collapsed.

After this, Ma Chao's plan was completely revealed, and the situation became more obvious - Yuan Shao has written a letter to fight against Cao Cao in black and white - it can be expected that the famous battle of Guandu in history is about to be staged ahead of schedule.

Of course, this big battle will not be interpreted as history, but what Ma Chao needs is the chaos on the Kanto side.

In addition, there is also good news from Hanzhong: Gan Ning and Zang Ba are indeed from robbers. They use those bandits to make it easy. Overnight, they destroyed four Majia Exchanges and burned down the 'materials' inside. Moreover, when the Ma family later investigated, they also found Zhang Lu's standard blade fragments and Jizhou's clothes and silk fragments.

Soon, Qin Yu of the Ma family's ceremonial department entered Hanzhong to question Zhang Lu with these two kinds of 'evidences'. In the face of 'iron evidence like a mountain', Zhang Lu didn't know how to answer - he had twice attacked the Ma family exchange, once in the era of Dong Zhuo, at the behest of Li Ru, and the other was to participate in the chaos in Liangzhou under the temptation of Cao Cao.

And this time, the world saw that Ma Chao and Yuan Shao had torn their faces. However, the Ma family's exchange was destroyed by a group of bandits during such a ** period, and evidence of Zhang Lu and Yuan Shao's collusion was found. Such an incident made Qin Yu scold Zhang Lu for being ungrateful and ambitious in the Hanzhong Hall!

After that, the Ma family immediately cut off the trade with Zhang Lu and transferred Han Feng and others back to Chang'an. At the same time, the Ma family's army was frequently mobilized, and 50,000 elite soldiers of the Ma family were gathered on the Hanzhong border.

In the face of the flying disaster, Zhang Lu was also helpless and had to dispatch troops to strictly guard the pass. However, when the war between the two families was imminent, the subsequent performance of the Ma family was very strange, and they did not make any attack or testing except for strict protection. This made the hanging hearts of everyone in Han gradually fall back to their stomachs.

However, after losing the financial support of the Ma family, Zhang Lu was stunned to find that he could not find refined carbon for warmth in winter, and the food he ate returned to its previous bitter and astringent taste. What's more, after losing the Ma family's good and cheap sweaters, Zhang Lu found that this winter was particularly cold.

However, this is only Zhang Lu's life difficulties. The recent turmoil in Hanzhong has broken Zhang Lu's hearts and eyebrows: the people in Hanzhong who grow tea, tangerines and raise livestock can't get the money for the winter at all because of the Ma family's business. They had to go to the post house to get food for the winter, because they knew that there was warm charcoal fire and plenty of food.

However, under the economic penetration of the Ma family, Zhang Lu's set of faith management has been deducted layer by layer by insatiable middle and lower-level officials such as ghosts, sacrificial wine, headdressing, etc., and the heating and food money of this post house have been emptied. After the people of Hanzhong did not get enough food and clothing, several protests broke out. Many believers destroyed the post house and burned the portrait of Zhang Lu. In particular, Du Yu, Pu Hu, Yuan Yue and other leaders of the Bayi minority who used to support Zhang Lu, rebelled against the five-dou rice religion and became independent under Zhang Lu's rule.

For a while, under the whole rule of Zhang Lu, the wind and clouds surged, and the contradiction between rulers and believers intensified to the extreme. The power of faith is gone, and only repression and slaughter have become the main theme of this winter. At the same time, in the turmoil, another force appeared, that is, the people who openly opposed Zhang Lu and defected to the Ma family.

Although he has broken off diplomatic relations with Zhang Lu, Ma Chao is happy to welcome the Hanzhong people who fled to Yongzhou and Sili. Along the way, there were food and clothes, and there were also guards from the Ma army. Due to the population battle, several small-scale battles finally broke out. Of course, the Ma family army generally won more and lost less.

Zhang Lu's rule is as cold as this winter. But the more so, the more people know that winter will pass sooner or later, and the foundation of Zhang Lu's rule will melt and collapse.

"I didn't expect that the turmoil under Zhang Lu would be so uncontrollable. In this way, it is hard to say whether Comrade Zhang Lu can survive this winter. Ma Chao looked at Hanzhong, who had been densely inserted with the red flag representing the rebellion, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly to mourn for Zhang Lu.

"The first news came from Xuzhou. According to Mi Zhang, Liu Bei has received a secret letter from Yuan Shao. It seems that this winter, he will be fierce. When the weather gets warmer next year, he will plan Yanzhou with Yuan Shao. Diao Chan took out a letter and shook it in front of Ma Chao's eyes, deliberately letting Ma Chao see the beautiful font on it and said, "In addition, there is also a sentimental love letter, which makes my concubine can't help crying..."

"Liu Bei is calculating well. Does he really think that with Yuan Shao's support, Yuan Shu will not touch his Xuzhou?" Ma Chao seemed to care about Mi Zhang's letter at all. Instead, he sneered and said, "Although we are lagging behind in the news from Jiangdong and Sun Ce, I guess that Sun Ce will soon unify Jiangdong. Liu Biao has Sun Ce's containment, and Yuan Shu will attack Xuzhou as soon as possible. Liu Bei, you really know how to choose a master..."

"Perhaps, he thinks that Yuan Shao, who took action directly, would communicate better than Feng Xian, whom we supported at the beginning." Diao Chan's mind was aroused by Ma Chao and frowned and said.

At this time, Ma Chao turned around and pulled out the letter in Diao Chan's hand: "I know you. You are not the kind of woman who is looking for trouble and won't read this letter privately." Sure enough, the ink on the envelope has not been moved, and it is obvious that it has not been opened.

And Diao Chan was not happy to see Ma Chao like this. But before this mood rose, she saw that Ma Chao threw the letter directly into the stove. The middle of the stove rose from the stove and soon licked the letter into ashes: "Like you, I am a person who will not bother myself. I'm measured in the matter of Mi.

In the room, it suddenly fell into an awkward silence. In the face of Ma Chao's behavior, Diao Chan didn't know whether to be comforting or smiling. For a while, both of them avoided touching each other's eyes, as if they didn't want to be seen through by each other.

However, at this time, the door was suddenly opened and the cold air suddenly penetrated. Ma Chao couldn't help protecting the pregnant Diao Chan. When he turned his head to scold the visitor, he found that the man was actually Lv Qiling, who had not seen for a long time! And her face was unexpectedly full of fanatical surprise, and her whole body trembled slightly because of excitement.

"Linger, what's the important thing that makes you like this?" Ma Chao frowned, looked at Lu Qiling carefully, and continued, "Slowly, don't worry."

"husband, go to the backyard and have a look! ....... Father, father is back!!"

"Lv Bu?!"

"Feng Xian Gong?!"

Ma Chao and Diao Chan suddenly looked at each other and saw the incredible in each other's eyes. Then, Ma Chao, who reacted, also knew that he could not ask anything from Lv Qiling, who was excited at this time. He directly flashed and rushed out, and said, "Notify Zhang Liao and Gao Shun to come together. As for Zang Ba, who is still in Tianshui County, to expedite the Feixin notice!"

Diao Chan nodded in a while. Suddenly, she also wanted to take another look at the man who had some fate with her in Chang'an, wondering how he died and came back to life? ........