Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 956 Zhang Lulai

"I can't figure out why I say a few words outside the account first, and then make a little chaos. Some people really think it's a God-given opportunity?" Ma Chao walked boredly in the hall of Yishe and talked about it leisurely, but he was worried about tomorrow's pretending to be a ghost.

Although Wudu County was captured, only half of the people's hearts were subdued: half of the people rejoiced and shouted at the Ma family's entry; while the other half of the people, especially the five-dou riceists, began to hunger strike, one by one by one, sadly, talking about doomsday predictions such as 'the sky will die'.

In response to this situation, Fa is coming up with a good point. It is to follow the treatment of using poison when the temple was burned at that time to carry out personal worship in Wudu County, so that Ma Chao, the heavenly general, to go to the altar and completely destroy the remnants of the Wudou rice religion in the hearts of the people of Wudu County.

If that's all, Ma Chao will also enjoy the high-profile vanity. However, after seeing Fa Zheng's plan, Ma Chao's face turned a little bitter: this time, it was not just as simple as letting Ma Chao make a speech, but all the tricks that could make a ghost in the arsenal.

For example, flying during the day - using the principle of saltpeter ice to make some water vapor and white smoke rising behind him; golden light appears - the bronze mirror reflects the sunlight, making Ma Chao look like a golden light attached; knives and guns are invulnerable - the props are naturally silver gun wax gun heads, and no matter how you prick Ma Chao;

Even in the end, Ma Chao was surprised to see the juggling technique of 'breaking a big stone in his chest'. At that time, Ma Chao scolded Fa Zheng with the plan. However, Ma Chao also knows in his heart that in this ignorant and superstitious Wudu County, only the unruly trick of justice can completely reassure the people of Wudu County - but! Thinking of selling meat to win the hearts of the people like monkeys tomorrow, Ma Chao is really red-faced and can't afford to lose that person...

He is not really the same as Pang Tong. There is no limit for children to play - after all, he is already an old man in his 30s. If he does these things again, he can only sincerely feel uncomfortable at home!

Unfortunately, Gan Ning and Zang Ba, who stood in front of Ma Chao at this time, could not detect Ma Chao's thoughts. Only Zang Ba continued Ma Chao's questioning and said, "Lord, the reason why Yang Ren can be tricked is naturally because of your magic tricks. Think about it, the boy was imprisoned for three days and nights hungry. He was so scared that he had lost the ability to judge for a long time. Moreover, the shadow people's performance is so realistic, and the two of us who know their identities revealed the news. How can he not believe it?

"Yes, this is the category of psychology. When people are discouraged, they will always give their brain a hope of survival. Once there is any sign, whether it is true or not, he will believe it first. Even if there is doubt afterwards, the brain will automatically come up with a reason to make up for him, making him further convinced of that hope. Ma Chao sighed again and put down the plan in his hand.

On the plan, a lot of juggling projects have been outlined in a mess, but Ma Chao glanced at him casually and still felt very awkward: Isn't that guy Fa Zheng want to take this opportunity to deliberately make a fool of himself?

Fortunately, at this time, the ugly brother who went out to monitor Yang Ren's escape came back, with a little crying and laughing look on his face. He hugged his fist and said, "Master, Yang Ren's whereabouts have been found."

"How about it?"

Listening to Ma Chao's simple question, Brother Chou's face became more strange. After hesitating for a while, he said, "People are not as good as God, and the plan can't keep up with the changes..."

"What does this mean?" Ma Chao became interested. After all, it is quite difficult for Brother Ug to say two deep words.

"Last night, after Yang Ren ran away on horseback, Shadow has been secretly following him, intending to find out where Zhang Lu's main force is. However, when Yang Ren ran to Ju County this morning, he met Zhang Lu's messenger. It seems that he was taken in by the messenger before returning to their nest after the messenger visits the lord.

"Zhang Lu's messenger?" When Ma Chao heard this, his expression couldn't help moving: Zhang Lu's messenger came, and there was no doubt that he came to seek peace with the Ma family. Then speculated that Pang Tong did not fully convince Zhang Lu, and may not have attracted the support of the Kanto side, which made Zhang Lu and the Ma family fight to the end.

If this peace talks go well, it can completely unify Hanzhong and return to Chang'an. After that, the Ma family's energy was all focused on the chaos in Kanto, and sent troops to Kanto when Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Liu Xie were the happiest. At that time, whether it is **, sweeping the three parties; or joining forces to attack the strong and enter Jizhou; or joining forces to swallow the weak, Yan and Xu Erzhou, they are all the territory of the Ma family and the Ma family to be the master! .......

"Moreover, the messenger who came to visit the lord this time is still a very familiar guy." After seeing this report, instead of being angry, he showed a familiar smile on his face. Brother Chou also put down most of his heart and pulled out a smile and said, "It's Yang Song, who sent a lot of gold, silver and jewelry to you. This time, he is the chief envoy of Hanzhong negotiations, and he is also an exclusive envoy."

"Good!" Ma Chao was overjoyed. Yang Song didn't care about Ma Chao's historical evaluation. All he knew was that with that guy as the master, he could completely get all the contexts of Zhang Lu. It can be said that Yang Song's visit at this time was really the right time!

Moreover, more importantly, according to the normal distance from Juxian County, it only takes half a day, that is to say, Yang Song will arrive tomorrow. There is no need to care about the 'juggling' plans that Fa is preparing: compared with calming Zhang Lu in one fell swoop and collecting the hearts of half of the people in Wudu County, which is more important and fools can be clearly distinguished. Even if Fa Zheng said it was a big day, it was impossible for Ma Chao to give up receiving Yang Song and perform on the stage.

Sure enough, at the meeting that night, Ma Chao obviously saw Fa Zheng's sad face - that guy really wanted to take advantage of tomorrow's opportunity to make a fool of himself!

Therefore, Ma Chao left Fa Zheng a meaningful smile, indicating that Fa Zheng should be careful in the future. In this way, Fa Zheng's 'regretful' immediately became 'regretful'. At the meeting, everyone had a tacit understanding of the conclusion of the peace talks: as long as Zhang Lu agreed to give Dongchuan to his hand over and hand over Pang Tong, the Ma family would return to Chang'an and give Zhang Lu Anle the title of Marquis, so that Zhang Lu would enjoy peace.

As for the Wudou rice religion, the Ma family will never let Zhang Lu spread any more. The fight has already made the Ma family see the fanaticism of religious trust. If Zhang Lu is still obsessed this time, Ma Chao will order him to slaughter the five buckets of rice cult in Dongchuan, and will not make the five buckets of rice to make waves.

Religion, this kind of thing, is really terrible.

Ma Jiajun can dominate the world. On another level, all Ma Jiajun believe that Ma Chao is invincible. Therefore, they die and are not afraid of life and death - this is also a belief.

And two opposing beliefs must not coexist under one rule!

This is the bottom line of the Ma family, and it can be imagined that it is also the focus of tomorrow's negotiations.

Fortunately, strength has been the cornerstone of all negotiations since ancient times. In tomorrow's negotiations, if it's not soft, it will be tough. Ma Chao is willing to reason with Yang Song and can talk more nonsense to him. If you don't want to be reasonable, just say, 'Let Zhang Lu wash your neck and wait, and I'll take a soldier to talk to him in person' and everything can be over.

Five thousand Ma's elite soldiers are stationed in the city, and Zhang Lu has no confidence to challenge Ma Chao at all - this kind of negotiation is Ma Chao's favorite negotiation.