Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 958 Xu Du suddenly appeared to ride a tiger and leopard

The night when Ma Chao's mind suddenly changed was the night when Wangfu led the army to raid Xu Duwei.

It was also about two days. After seeing that the guard lights on the four gates were extinguished, he got up and put on his court clothes and drove to the imperial city under the escort of several confidants. Before leaving, Dong Lin appeared at the door and asked her father where he was going so late.

Dong Cheng touched his daughter's head pitifully, but refused to tell her. Now that the dust has not settled, tell her that she is just worried and not good for the fetus. It's better to wait until the overall situation is clear and then report the good news. What's more, after tonight, the fetus in Dong Lin's belly is the legitimate son of the Han Dynasty.

Dong Cheng is looking forward to it. How ecstatic would Dong Lin be after he told his daughter such good news?

As for Cao Jie, Dong Cheng never thought that woman was the imperial concubine of the Han Dynasty. And the wild seed in her stomach can only be the grandson of Cao Thief!

He believes that with his great achievements in supporting the Han Dynasty, your majesty will definitely listen to his advice and kill Cao Jie.

Thinking of this, Dong Cheng walked out of the house confidently and boarded the already prepared green-nosed car. Before starting, he saw a dark shadow flash on the wall opposite and couldn't help smiling sarcastically. That's probably Xu Duwei's spy. Even if he knows his whereabouts, he can't report to Cao Tai. The Cao monster with upside down yin and yang has become a dead soul under the knife of the king's suit, right?

Thinking that the Han Dynasty was about to revive in Dong Cheng's hands, such a feat couldn't help but let Dong Cheng automatically dispel all his sleepiness.

The surrounding area was dark under the night, and the street was empty and deserted. Only the car's hoofs were heard tapping on the ground, and the echo sounded particularly clear. Soon the Cui-nosed car drove outside the imperial city. Dong Cheng got out of the car and walked towards the main palace gate against the not-high palace wall. As he walked, he stretched out his palm to rub the rough surface of the palace wall. The wall was uneven, and the sharp stones made his palms hurt, which made him feel slightly comfortable.

"After the event is completed, it needs to be repaired again. It is best to use the red brick of Majia Kiln and that cement." Somehow, Dong Cheng suddenly thought of Ma Chao: How can such a person who changed the era have no loyalty and patriotism at all?

Thinking of the conversation between His Majesty and Ma Chao that night, Dong Cheng was very strange - it is certain that His Majesty and Ma Chao knew each other a long time ago. As early as before Ma Chao entered Chang'an, the two of them should have known each other.

This question has been in Dong Cheng's heart for a long time. Sometimes when I think about it, Dong Cheng can't help but find that His Majesty and Ma Chao actually have a lot in common: the same amazing talent, the same wisdom and magic, and also many novelties that have never been found in this era. And those things have more or less affected the world.

However, the strangest thing is that both of them seem to have a detached world temperament. That kind of free and confident seems to be the superiority of returning to ancient times thousands of years later. It's like letting Dong Cheng return to the era of Dayu and see the pity of those who can't eat much hiding in the cave with wooden sticks and stones.

"Forget it, I don't want to. This world always belongs to Your Majesty. A traitor like Ma Chao can only end up in a different place like Cao Thief..." The good mood was finally destroyed by Ma Chao. Dong Cheng couldn't help but have a headache when he thought of the powerful power of the Ma family now.

There is a long way to go, and Dong Cheng fixed his eyes: Let's finish tonight's event first.

At this time, facing the empty Xu Duwei, Wang Fu finally made the right choice: "Go to Sikong Mansion! Capture all the family of Cao Thief!"

As long as the emperor and Cao's relatives are controlled and the four doors are closed, even if Cao Tai is intelligent, he can't make any trouble. At that time, ask for the thief's edict, change his position, and take his life like catching a turtle in an urn.

Wang Fu gave the order, and the people under his command immediately followed him and ran to Sikong's mansion. At this time, one of his disciples suddenly had a warning. He lay down and put his ears on the road, then raised his head and said to Wang Fu, "Master, it seems that a brigade of cavalry is coming this way."

"Nonsense! Will there be cavalry in Xudu now?

"It's from the north." The disciple said urgently.

Wangfu frowned. Xu Duwei is located in the north of Changde Gate, located at the northernmost end of Zhuque Street. If there are cavalry galloping, they must go straight south through Changde Gate. According to the plan, Changde Gate should have been controlled by Wu Shuo. He looked up and found that the guard lamp on the northern gate had indeed been replaced with a torch, indicating that Wu Shuo had won and was more suspicious.

No one knows the movement of Cao's army better than him. Cao Ren's department, which is the closest to Xudu, is now stationed in Xiang County and can't come back, and the other troops are farther away. Out of caution, Wangfu also took people around Xudu City in the name of patrol this morning, and found no sign of Cao's return.

However, the sound of horses' hoofs in the distance is getting closer and closer, like thunder. Even the soldiers who can't listen to the ground know that there are a large number of cavalry in front of them.

'Where on earth did this cavalry come from?' Wangfu couldn't help clenching the long sword in his hand and said in confusion: 'Are they enemies or friends? Is it that General Dong also hid a cavalry in Xudu?!'

Time can no longer be considered, because at this time, he should have seen that the cavalry was arranging a neat front arrow breakthrough formation and was rapidly approaching his main force. And the infantry still gathered on the road outside Xu Duwei were not prepared to resist the impact at all. Wangfu rushed to the middle of the road in a hurry, waved his sword and roared, "Fly form a formation! Use the spear array to stop the enemy!"

If Wangfu's team is a field soldier, then under Wangfu's order, a long spear array may indeed stop this cavalry. However, this army is either a son of Jianghu or a servant, and has never experienced orthodox military training. The order in Wangfu's mouth only made them hear Wangfu's panic and fear.

That emotion can't be hidden, and once it is leaked out, these soldiers turn around one after another, some turning left and some flashing right, scrambling to avoid the heroic front of the cavalry. However, the more so, the whole phalanx became more chaotic in an instant.

The sound of horses' hoofs suddenly increased, and countless cavalry suddenly jumped out of the darkness. The tall and strong horse hit the queue of Wangfu fiercely with incomparable impact, like a heavy punch on the waist.

In just a short moment, more than a dozen soldiers were hit and thrown to the ground or wall. There was a moment of chaos on Zhuque Street, and the infantry who were suddenly hit were stunned. They didn't know how to react. Most of them either stood still in a daze or dodged on both sides by intuition.

The cavalry who completed the first assault fell on the horse's back, with their legs * horse's belly, stretched out their spears flatly, and picked up the soldiers who were lucky enough to dodge on both sides with the speed of the horse, with countless blood flowers.

At this time, Wangfu looked at the indifferent faces of the knights, and then saw their neat and moderate attack methods, as well as their exquisite riding skills and regretless fighting spirit. A terrible term suddenly flashed in Wangfu's mind: tiger and leopard riding!

Moreover, this army is still a tiger cavalry that is strong in fighting and breaking through!

At this time, Wangfu couldn't help saying that sentence again: "How can this be possible? When will there be such a team in Xudu City?! Moreover, it seems that there are only 500 riders, which seems to be specially used to deal with themselves!"

Wangfu's heart fell to the bottom in an instant: defeated, completely defeated...