Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 980 100,000 troops to the front line


The long sound of horn came faintly from the front, and the high dry slowly raised its head. I saw a big red horn rising from behind the low mountain beams in the south. Immediately after the big horn, there was a large forest of knives and guns, the cold blade, almost to reflect the cold and dark sky.

What appears later is the turbulence.

Thousands of soldiers, boundless, tens of thousands of soldiers, grounded! And when the soldiers reached more than 100,000, people's eyes became decorations!

Hundreds of thousands of Ma soldiers gathered into an endless white wave. This time, every Ma sergeant was dressed in white robes, which seemed to be like a rolled up wave. Under the guidance of the increasingly bright red bales, they rolled down the low mountain beams and rolled forward. Their fronters were about to enter. It was within the range of Yuan Jun's crossbow, but the light soldiers of the rear army were still endlessly emerging behind the mountain beams.

The Ma family rose in the West, and the Western Gengjin and white tiger. In this decisive battle, all the soldiers of the Ma family changed into white armor, and their intention of revenge was even more obvious. Gao Gan couldn't help licking his dry lips, and his heart felt strange bitterness.

He never thought that the Ma family would gather hundreds of thousands of troops. Moreover, after uniform dress and equipment, it suddenly appeared on this battlefield!

Why didn't there be a trace of news about the high-level red eagle riding before? Did the Ma family deliberately let the red eagle ride hear the news he usually heard?!

Among the continuous forwards as sharp as snowy mountains, there is one of the most conspicuous ones in the center. The five-colored flag and the high hanging gold are all showing the majesty there. Because everyone knows that that place is the head of the 400,000 army, and the man who manipulates all this - Ma Chao is looking at the high-level army.

It's just such an appearance, and the soldiers on the front line are completely **. This step is like the shock of landslides. There is no need for war drums and mobilization, which has already frightened Yuan Jun. Everyone saw an indescribable message from each other's eyes: it was Ma Chao, the Yongzhou butcher, who finally rushed to the Xingyang battlefield with the Ma family's army!

Although, there have been 100,000 troops since before the army. However, this 100,000 army is the main force used to open up the battlefield on the western front. If all of them defend here with Ma Chao, it will completely disrupt the big strategy before the expedition!

Such scruples make Gao Gan worry about the victory or defeat of the battle while fearing Ma Chao's reputation: if he wins, everything will be fine. If it is defeated... He knew that his uncle could not hear his explanation at all. Those counselor factions will put all their sins on their heads at the first time!

While Gao Gan was thinking nonsense, the horse, dressed in a brocade robe and white armor and * elephant dragon, slowly raised his right hand.

In an in anna na na, hundreds of cavalry followed the marching army and galloped from the front to the rear: "Lord has an order to stop moving forward!"

"The Lord has ordered to stop moving forward!"

"The Lord has ordered to stop moving forward!"

"The Lord has ordered to stop moving forward!"

The orders were issued one by one, and hundreds of thousands of troops slowly stopped.

In the chaotic sound of horses' hoofs, Zhao Yun, Tai Shici, Xu Huang, Zhang Liao and other generals gathered behind Ma Chao.

"Lord, let's go to the village." Before Zhang Liao was on the horse, his current reputation was quite high among the Ma family. Compared with the old generals that Ma Chao started at the beginning, he was not low, and he was highly trusted by Ma Chao.

But Ma Chao turned a deaf ear to Zhang Liao's suggestion, but his eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Yuan Jun, who was waiting in front of him, without saying a word.

In a flash, Ma Chao's mouth burst into an imperceptible smile. Then he raised his right hand again, stretched out his food and gently pressed it forward, and said lightly, "The army is waiting. I'll meet that high-hand man."

As soon as this statement came out, the general behind Ma Chao couldn't help but be shocked. He was not only shocked by Ma Chao's courage, but also worried about Ma Chao - you know, this is a confrontation of 200,000 troops. As a commander, it is a big taboo for soldiers to come out of his own battle!

"Lord, you can't!" Xu Huang hurriedly stopped, "Our army has just gone through a long march, and the soldiers are extremely tired, and their foothold is unstable. How can we fight against Yuan Jun rashly?"

"Lord, let's fight again another day."

"Lord, it's better to let the last general lead Yanbei to attack."

Tai Shici, Zhang Liao and other generals of the Ma family army also came forward to dissuade them.

Ma Chao waved his hand gently and repeated in a faint and unquestionable tone: "The army is on standby. I'll meet that high-level man."

After a while, the horn in the Ma army's array suddenly changed from long to high-spirited and exciting. In an instant, the hearts of Gao Gan and all the Yuan soldiers tightened up, and I don't know what Ma's army's intention was. However, when he saw that Ma Chao, accompanied by dozens of generals, appeared in front of the battle like stars supporting the moon, Yuan's army suddenly became an uproar.

Gao Gan couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. Ma Chao, worthy of being Ma Chao, dared to ride forward a few times when the army first arrived. Such courage, such courage, is simply unprecedented! With such a hero in front of him, Gao Gan suddenly felt a little surprised: he shot Ma Chao with an arrow to end the war; or to meet him to see what Ma Chao wants to do?

However, Ma Chao is as cunning as a fox. If he deceives himself out and kills himself with one shot, won't he be extremely wronged?!

At this moment, Gao Gan suddenly felt an unprecedented loosening and despair. It seems that there is no need to go to war, Yuan Jun, the defeat has been decided!

"General Gao, please come out and talk!" Ma Chao's metallic trembling sounded all over the audience, making Gao Gan's uneasy heart tremble a little.

Gao Gan's eyebrows were locked, but in the end he still urged Ma to go out: on such an occasion, if he dared not go out, Yuan Jun really had no chance of winning.

General Gao, as you know, if possible, I will throw this gun to the ground. If the enemy obeys, I will spare that general." Ma Chao said softly as if he were talking about his family, and casually let Gao Gan take a look at the Panlong Crouching Tiger Gun in his hand. But then, his face gradually turned sharp, and he said in a low voice and said, "However, this time, I'm not going to throw this gun in front of the general's horse, because I'm going to use this gun as a pile, just like the general did, and nail the general on this big gun!"

What Ma Chao said was naturally a high-level listening trial plan. In order to force Pang De to go to war, he nailed 5,000 Ma sergeants and people alive in front of the battle, which made Liang Xing annoyant and attacked the camp late at night, so that he was judged and designed step by step to beat Pound. It can be seen that Ma Chao's eyes were serious, and he did not cut half because of the smile at the corners of his mouth, but increased a touch of magnificent coldness!

When Gao Gan heard the words, he regretted it. He wanted to defeat the martial husband Pound, whom he had always despised, but with 50,000 soldiers, he forced 200,000 troops to make it difficult to walk. Such a shame made the high-level ghost fascinated by the poisonous plan of the trial and attracted Ma Mengqi's words today.

Therefore, although Gao Gan was humiliated by Ma Chao, he didn't know how to say it back. However, at this time, Feng Li, the general beside Gao Gan, shouted loudly, "Don't be rampant, do you dare to fight with someone?"

Ma Chao saw Feng Li's fierce battle, and a very strange expression appeared on his face. He looked behind him and shook his head after sweeping the faces of Zhao Yun, Taishici, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Huang Yuan, Zang Ba, Tian Yu and others. Finally, he fell on the thin and boring Han Gugu and said lightly, "Go ahead, do it quickly, don't waste time..."

"Ma Chao!" Feng Li saw that Ma Chao sent such a young player to the stage, and immediately became furious: "You bullied people so much that you insulted me so much!"

"Are you worth my action?" Ma Chao said this contemptuously and never looked at Feng Li again.