Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1007 Call the array

Zhang Yang's bloody eyes couldn't help closing for a moment, but then he shook his head fiercely and shook off the sleepiness in his mind: Ma Jiajun has been attacking for three days in a row, and every time it is continuous, making the whole Huai County unable to rest. Although Zhang Yang has arranged for the regular army and the reserve militia to change their defenses and rest, he, as the main general, has not closed for three consecutive days.

At this time, Zhang Yang's greatest wish was for the reinforcements to arrive quickly and replace him to have a good sleep. For a few moment, Zhang Yang thought, what's wrong with having a good sleep? When I woke up, even if Huai County had changed the flag of the Ma family, so what?

Zhang Yang learned that Ma Jiajun came this time to expand the territory. Along the way, there was no offense against the people, let alone slaughtering the people. Instead, during the march, they also sent troops to protect the exiles and successfully fled to the Ma family - as long as the Ma army does not hurt the people of Huai County, what does it really matter if the city is surnamed Yuan and Ma?

At this moment, such an idea came to his mind again. But before he seriously considered it, a long horn sounded. Zhang Yang looked up at the sunrise in the sky and couldn't help sighing: Come again. Every day at this time of sunrise, there will be curling smoke in Ma Jiajun's camp. After breakfast, tens of thousands of Ma's army will leave the camp and stand under Huai County on time like sunflowers in the sun.

Looking at Ma Jiajun's arrangement of three meals a day, many soldiers guarding the city are envious. For this reason, Zhang Yang also changed two meals a day to three meals a day to adapt to the rules of the Ma family army.

"Hey... Shao Mian is really thinking nonsense. Zhang Yang looked at the Ma Jiajun calmly platooning in the city and smiled helplessly. But then, he found that today's formation was a little different from usual.

In the past, Ma Chao always ranked the alien at the forefront and made them the main force of the siege. But this time, the front phalanx is not much thinner than usual, and after them, it is a 10,000 Qiang army. In the end, it turned out to be a huge treabling machine and a crossbow team!

The Ma family's siege equipment is the best in the world, and Zhang Yang has heard of it for a long time. Three days after the siege, Zhang Yang thought that Ma Chao could not transport catapults and crossbows when crossing the Yellow River. But now looking at the neat and neat war weapons under the city, Zhang Yang's heart is cold: Yes, Ma Chao's400,000 troops can still cross the Yellow River, and there are hundreds of tools. How can't they be transported?

It can be imagined that Ma Chao will have a real general attack this time. He will let those alien soldiers attack the city wall and attack the gate under the cover of catapults and bed crossbows. Subsequently, after the gate of Huai County was broken, the Qiang cavalry made a big move and attacked the outer city. Then, the Ma army on all sides moved, and the whole Huai County lost the other and completely fell into the hands of Ma Chao.

It's just that I can't figure out why Ma Chao didn't adopt such a fierce attack in the first three days? Are you worried about the excessive depletion of troops, or are there other conspiracies?

"General, look!" Zhang Yang's heart has sunk to the bottom of the valley. However, at this moment, a guard around him pointed to the city and said, "Ma Chao came out. It seems that he wants to talk to you!"

Zhang Yang looked down. Under the banner, Ma Chao rode a red horse and slowly came out surrounded by generals. After 30 steps at the gate, he stopped and said loudly, "General Zhang, would you like to hear me?"

After stopping the wall, Zhang Yang wanted to attack Ma Chao's crossbowman, held the female wall and laughed loudly: "General Qiqi, you and I have never met, and now we have our own aspirations. What can we say when we meet today?"

"The general is also a general of the Han Dynasty. He has been guarded for many years. He is loyal and can show the sun and the moon. Yuan Benchu was the enemy of our Ma family. He was a car and shook the tree. He had admired the general's reputation for a long time. When he came to see him today, he invited the general to join the Ma family and work together!"

When Zhang Yang heard Ma Chao's bold words, his face was melancholy. Ma Chao's words, without a word of pretentiousness, are completely from the bottom of his heart. He doesn't say anything about Hanshi or justice. In today's troubled times, the bullshit Hanshi and justice are all archways of bitches. Ma Chao's words are very real. Whoever has a big fist is the boss, which makes Zhang Yang sincerely admire such a hero as Ma Chao.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, Zhang Yang did not reply a word. Ma Chao also seemed to think of Zhang Yang's concerns and said again, "General Zhang, you also know that the Ma family is not willing to add more evil to expand their territory and benefit the world. After taking over Huai County, he will never take a needle and thread from the people and disturb Li Shu with bricks and stones. If the general is obsessed, the whip is waved, the jade is burned, and the creatures are burned, how will the general face the people of Huai County in the future?

Another true love card was played, which poked Zhang Yang's weakness. However, Zhang Yang belongs to the kind of person who can't turn around. He can see the world clearly, but when the choice comes, he sticks to the rules. After several hesitations, Zhang Yang still said, "General Qiqi, Zhang admires your openness. It's just that I am deeply grateful to Yuan Gong and can't repay it. Today, I and the heroes guarded the city for their kindness, but Zhang couldn't do it! I only hope that after the general breaks through the gate, he will treat the people kindly. Our hatred is not a crime of war, but it can be destroyed by war!"

"Good!" Ma Chao laughed. After learning that it was absolutely impossible for Zhang Yang to surrender, he said, "In this case, you and I will take revenge with a battle!" However, the general should think clearly that once I retreat, it will be the beginning of the war!"

Zhang Yang was speechless, but just bowed his hand to Ma Chaoyao.

Ma Chao first smiled at the corners of his mouth, but after solemnly looking at Zhang Yang, he also bowed his hand and left.

And above the city wall, a private soldier saw Ma Chao leave and hurriedly whispered to the people around him: "Tell the owner quickly that the lord has retreated."

At the same time, as a reserve general, Sui Gu also received a message from a soldier. He looked back at the 5,000 old troops and shook the steel knife in his hand: Sima Yi sent this batch of weapons, which was indeed a first-class product! I just wanted to see the stunned expression on the enemy's face when he cut off the blade in the enemy's hand!

At this time, Ma Chao finally returned to the central army. This time, he did not raise his right hand casually as usual. Instead, he looked solemn and slowly picked up the dragon and crouching tiger gun in his hand. After hearing the breath of the sergeant behind him sucked with his movements, he waved it fiercely after the tip of the gun pierced the rising sun!

At the same time, the drums thundered and the horns were loud, filling the ears of the soldiers in the whole battlefield, arousing the animal nature they were eager to release. The tide of mercenaries who had already been ready to go surged up, but the crossbowmen and stone throwers of the Ma infantry slowly advanced under the cover of the two-wing riders!

'Peng!' With a sound, the first boulder roared on the head of Huai County, smashing the troubled world!

But then, Zhang Yang's face changed, because he suddenly heard a roar that was not from outside the city. He hurried to the other side of the city wall and was distracted to see the killing of the sky in Huai County. The city had been in a mess, and the fire rose. Someone shouted that someone was screaming, and the street was like ant porridge.

On the front, those alien soldiers also attacked in the chaos under the cover of the crossbow stone...

"Ma Chao and Ma Mengqi!" Zhang Yang was furious for a moment, and the admiration in his heart just now dissipated: it turned out that this person was a god in front of him and a ghost behind him! How can you stop such a trick?!

But is what he said just now false?

Not necessarily.

Zhang Yang suddenly understood that the war was so cruel. At the first moment, they could be pitied and persuaded each other, and at the second moment, they were exhausted and never stopped!

Why didn't you promise him just now?