Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1011 Battle!

The arrival of two waves of arrow rain is just a short cup of tea. However, at this time, there were thousands of Jizhou elite casualties. But the bigger casualties were after the cavalry rammed into the army!

Obviously, the elite are elite after all, and they still maintain the most basic arms protection when they change the array. The shield hand is outside and the archer is inside, but the flowing shield hand has lost its protective effect. There is no single shield hand forming a shield wall, which can't constitute an effective defense at all!

Very few horse elite riders rushed directly to the shield hand, but the subsequent powerful throwing gun began to exert its power. With the help of the impact of the war horse, they specially picked those shield hands that did not have time to fix the big shield. The sharp three-ed metal throwing gun pointed directly pierced the big shield, and under one blow, one big shield lost its original function. And more, it was the Ma family's elite horse that directly hit those shield hands. Under the control of the knight's excellent riding skills, the strong Xiliang horse kicked the shield face fiercely, and even the shield was directly smashed!

However, there were also many unlucky horse knights who were shot by sharp arrows when manipulating the horse, and their bodies flew out into the rain of spears and knives in Yan Liang's army. The body suddenly split apart and blood spilled all over the earth. There were also knights who were tripped by the stamen, and let the frightened war horses rush into the enemy's array, and were stabbed by a burst of knives and guns, and died bloody.

However, the whole battlefield is still dominated by the Ma army. When the fierce Ma knights saw that scene, they not only did not retreat, but stimulated the beast nature in their hearts. Many Ma knights directly pulled up the war horses and jumped into the good battle array. The spears were swept away, which would only disturb one place, resulting in a Death. Then, after the man and the horse were cut into a blood gourd, they died with the enemy.

The Ma knights, who followed successively, were equivalent to a desperate impact and quickly defeated the elite fighting heart of Jizhou. They have seen the fierce and fearless enemy, but it is the first time they have seen the crazy and calm tactics like the Ma family - the toughness of the charge and the one who should continue to break through is still calmly archery. Such a cavalry is simply a nightmare for all the armies in the world!

At this time, Zhang Liao's Yanbei cavalry also approached Yan Liang's army. Although their ** war horse's sprinting power is not strong, they chose to promote their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Their skillful manipulation skills made them impact into an arc, wrapped around the military array with a counterclockwise trajectory, and the snowy * easily cut off the spear in the hands of Jizhou elite. Then the next knight's knife cut off the man's head!

It can be seen from the whole battlefield that the elite of the Yuan family, who was changing, was completely paralyzed from the charge of the horse family. They chose the weakest point and destroyed it fiercely. The swimming Yanbei riding is thinning the skin and flesh of Yan Liang's elite skin layer by layer, making the whole Yan Liang's elite array seem to have been severely stabbed into a heavy thorn, and then skinned and cramped! The bitter resistance is like a dragon struggling and roaring, but it can't get rid of the pain of the spine!


Yan Liang tried his best to cut the tip of the spear, blocking the thunderous stab of the galloping Ma cavalry. Between the two horses, Yan Liang's cold steel knife passed gently across the neck of the Ma cavalry, and the blood splashed and his head flew up. However, before he could breathe, Yan Liang found that the bright waves bloomed on the whole battlefield, the human body was thrown away, the horses were sad, the cold glow of the blades confused the bright sky, and the red blood stained the cold earth. At this moment, his most cherished elite life is not as humble as a wild dog!

But Yan Liang can no longer control the whole battlefield at this time. The frontman of the Ma family has been inserted into the formation of the army. In an in an early future, dozens of soldiers were overturned by spears, and more people were knocked to the ground by the tall horse's head, and then trampled on by iron hoofs. The originally tight front was suddenly knocked open a big bloody gap. The cavalry rushed in through this gap and quickly filled the flanks of their companions in front of them, quickly forming enough width to reduce the direction of the enemy.

Cavalry continued to rush into the gap and continue to expand its results. Yan Liang had expected that the self-army would be scored and collapsed in the next moment. However, unable to escape, he could only make the decision of a strong man to break his wrist in the situation of separation: "The army will charge with me, and the soldiers behind will drag the Ma family's cavalry to death!"

This order caused two completely different reactions of the whole army. After the original rear army was transformed into the front army, they understood that Yan Liang was going to break out and shouted one after another. The elites who fell into the siege and strangled the vest cavalry understood that Yan Liang was going to give them up. For a moment, these soldiers became more crazy. Crazy, desperately moved closer to the front army, hoping to catch the last bus to break through.

And the trapped beasts at this time also brought a different tragedy to the battlefield. Dozens of halbers in leather armor rushed forward crazily, raised the halberd, and then pecked down fiercely. Each chisel can penetrate the head of a horse or rider. The halberd with blood and brains was raised again, and the halbers shouted and rushed forward and continued to attack the enemy. For such people who have a strong desire to survive, there is no good way to fight against the cavalry who have lost their speed. The hiss of the horses and the calls for help of the riders come one after another.

Unfortunately, on the battlefield, it is a good way for soldiers to work together. A person's bravery can't change anything. The Ma cavalry was indeed caught off guard at this moment, but after the orders of Zhang Liao and Tai Shici, their charge soon turned into three groups. After that, the Jizhou elites would be attracted by the knights in front of them before they could wave their weapons, but were killed by the knights on the side. The increasingly chaotic fighting has exacerbated their death.

Facing the breakthrough of Yan Liang's brigade, Zhang Liao and Tai Shici did not respond at all. At this time, the heavy armored soldiers and light armored infantry had been mixed into a regiment, and there was no weak link at all. Basically, the soldiers of the Ma family have become a small array of soldiers in front, spearmen and shields on the side, and archers behind. They have been waiting for a long time for Yan Liang's army to throw themselves into the net!

Sure enough, in the face of Yan Liang's desperate all-out impact, their first answer was a rain of arrows. Before, they had been doing nothing, but they were afraid that their interference would disturb the rhythm of the cavalry. Now they have military merit to come to the door, and they have no reason to refuse.

At the same time, Yan Liang also went crazy at this time. He let the crossbowman be in front of him and shot the enemy desperately, intending to exhaust the role of the crossbowman and quickly open a gap to break through. Unfortunately, among the opposite infantry, the shield hand has already set up a big shield, and the heavily armed soldier only needs to squat slightly, and the iron armor on his body can block the bow and arrow.

Therefore, although the arrow rain shot into the Ma infantry regiment is also effective, it has little effect. But because Yan Liang's crossbow hands were completely exposed, after losing any protection, they fell to the ground in batches, like harvested wheat waves, but the land that was full of blood gradually became sticky, bringing different blood and tragedy to the whole battlefield!

It can be said that after Yan Liang was trapped this time, his performance is still remarkable. However, between the cooperation of the arms and the cooperation of the arms, the Ma family quickly took the upper hand. When the battle came here, Yan Liang was almost desperate. Under the precise calculation of Ma Jiajun, his rule and bravery had no effect at all!

It can be expected that the self-army that plunged into the Ma infantry is just a chaotic war. In the case of no superior number of people, it is only a matter of time before it is completely wiped out.

However, at this time, suddenly there was a muffled sound like thunder in the rear of the whole battlefield. The sound became louder and more urgent. Yan Liang looked forward desperately and saw a large army of 30,000 suddenly appeared after the Ma army! At the banner exhibition, a big 'high' dragon flying and phoenix dance!

"It's a high-level job! That guy came to save us!" At this time, Yan Liang never felt that the guy who was not good at words all day was so cute!