Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1072 What needs to be forged?

"Your Majesty has an unpredictable strategy and the handwriting of the emperor. The little gentleman also swallowed the opportunity of heaven and earth, rushing and yin and yang, Zhongshen Avenue, and outside the wind and thunder. I have been in the army for many years. I thought I had learned in my chest and studied the world, but I wrote a book and talked about it. I didn't want to see Mr. Xiao today. I knew that the art of war was exquisite and there were people outside. The voice is mellow and deep, but with some joy.

In the firelight, Cao Mengde's yellow and dark face was finally reflected. Obviously, the hard work of these days made Cao Cao a little haggard and thin. But at this time, his eyes were as bright and lively as the jumping firelight.

However, the voice of the next reply was a little gloomy and unwilling: "This is the eight arrays prepared for Ma Mengqi. Unfortunately, he has not been tricked twice and can't get a glimpse of the power of this array. It's really a pity!"

Pang Tong walked out and stood next to Cao Cao, the military master, without losing any color. Although his short body and strange appearance make him look a little strange, it is this strangeness that makes people dare not be disrespectful to him.

At this time, Cao Cao heard the name 'Ma Mengqi', but frowned slightly: "Ma Mengqi is indeed a generation of wizards. This time, he used a series of tricks in Bingzhou, and his army came out. Unexpectedly, in less than a month, he took the robbers' and intricate land, which really impressed Cao."

After saying this, Cao showed a happy smile and sighed, "Thanks to such a complex place as Bingzhou, it hindered his time, which made his majesty's great plan suddenly launch and made Yuan Shao collapse thousands of miles. Today is the time for the Cao family to completely wipe out the Yuan family!"

Pang Tong saw that Cao Cao was in a high mood today, and he couldn't help but feel better. He curled his lips and joked, "Cao Gong, isn't it a little too anxious to attack now? Zhang Li and Gao Lan still have at least 50,000 troops, and they are also famous generals. If they are not under their command, do they have any regrets?

"Mr. Pang's words are reasonable, but I don't know if he has a clever plan?" Cao Cao smiled. He loved his talent as much as his life. Naturally, he would not let go of Zhang He and Gao Lan.

"Just as Han Hao under Cao Gong holds a Jun order, and the two of them will definitely bow down!" Pang Tong was not modest. He also smiled and said, "Xun Lingjun's calligraphy is superb. Isn't it difficult to copy Yuan Gong's handwriting?"

"If you copy the article, Yuan Benchu will naturally give up these two people with the 50,000 soldiers and horses..." Cao Cao smiled unfathomably at Pang Tong and turned back to the Chinese military account. Pang Tong looked at Cao Cao's back and suddenly seemed to think of something. His expression suddenly moved: This person may be able to defeat Ma Mengqi...

At the same time, Zhang Xi and Gao Lan have been busy in the camps for a long time, maintaining order while mobilizing troops to guard against Cao's sneak attack. At this time, the soldiers hurriedly asked them to return to the account, and Yuan Shao sent an envoy.

This messenger came from the main business and did not hold Yuan Shao's oracle, but only conveyed Yuan Shao's narrative. The narrative was very short. First, he questioned why the two people were so incompetent, then scolded them for why the damage was so serious. Finally, he announced that he would withdraw the military power of the two of them and immediately went to the main camp to receive the crime.

Ju Hu has a close relationship with the two, and they still dare not fully trust them. And this person has no evidence. With these words alone, it is not enough to believe. However, after the two looked at each other tacitly, they actually believed the man's words - the reason was very simple. They knew their lord very well, and such a thing was completely expected.

What's more, the man's hair is gray, his face is extremely thin, and his chin is like an awl. In particular, it has a pair of uncomfortable triangular eyes, which gives people a sense of greed for benefits - with this respect, he is naturally Yuan Shao's core strategist Xu You. People with his status don't need to lie to Zhang Li and Gao Lan at all.

Xu You is motionless and his face is as sinking as water. After Zhang Xi and Gao Lan looked at each other in horror again, Gao Lan stood up and asked Xu You, "Mr. Xu, I don't know if the Lord will convict us like this." The relationship between the two and Xu You is not very good. In fact, these military bosses have a good relationship with the Jizhou faction and the Xin brothers, such as Yingchuan people, and they don't have a good relationship with the Nanyang faction of Xu You, the trial match and Fengji. But Sheng is not a big hater. Gao Lan tested it, and he was also rushed to the hospital.

Xuyou's answer made the two of them fall into an ice cave: "Just as you two want to get the result."

"Is that really the case?" Gao Lan's face was like dirt. He was not scared, but a cold body that eroded all his vitality: "For so many years, the lord and he actually wanted to kill us for his face?"

"Isn't the lord too ruthless?" Compared with Gao Lan's death, Zhang Xi was so angry that he shouted: "We have followed painstakingly since the Lord rose up for so many years..."

"It's because you have been with the lord for so many years that you don't know this. Now that Wuchao is on fire, the defeat of our army has been determined. If the lord doesn't find you two as scapegoats, how can he live? Xu You interrupted Zhang He and said plainly, as if he were talking about others: "The four pillars of Hebei will become history from today..."

Zhang Li's anger suddenly stopped. Seeing the results, these two pillars were indeed incompetent this time, and they were indeed defeated, damaging the prestige of Hebei's military power. It is incredible that the scapegoat of this war does not fall on both of them. But the problem is that now that the army is about to die, does the lord still care about these fake reputations?!

Rapidly withdrawing to Jizhou, resisting the river and defending the enemy outside the country is the most important issue for him to consider! In fact, the two just want to make contributions based on this crime and save their defeat here - anyway, this is Yuan Shao's order. At most, they were under improper command and did not make fatal mistakes!

Even, the two have asked Fengji whether they need to send troops to reinforce Wuchao!!

However, now, everything is shattered. Zhang Li looked at Gao Lan and asked with some frustration, "What should I do?"

"There is only one way, it depends on whether you dare or not." Take a leisurely look.


"Go to Cao Camp again."

"Do you still want to go? I can't fight this time."

"Who asked you to fight? We can vote..."

Zhang Qian's eyes stared and pulled out the knife. Gao Lan jumped back and asked you what you wanted to do. Zhang Xun smiled and waved his knife and wanted to cut Xu You.

"slow down!" Xu You just looked leisurely and watched the interesting performance of the two. Unexpectedly, these two generals really wanted to take his head to Cao Cao to show his sincerity. He immediately panicked: "Don't do it, your own!"

Xu You's words made Zhang Yu laugh bitterly, especially the atmosphere in the account, which was even more interesting: Xu You looked like a master before, sneering and condescending. But now he is lying on the ground, trembling in front of Zhang Li's big knife, which is really a little unresponsive.

"Mr. Xu, your joke is too big." Gao Lan also pulled out a knife at this time and put it on Xu You's neck: "We are going to vote for Cao. What are you doing?"

"I was originally Cao Cao's person. How can I say it's a random combination?" Xu You blurted out this sentence, but after saying it, he seemed to feel a little embarrassed and changed his words, "No, I and Cao Cao are friends. It was Cao Mengde who repeatedly persuaded me that I abandoned it secretly."

Zhang Chen and Gao Lan listened and looked at each other again, and then looked at Xu You and sneered: Such news is a great help. If Xu You is handed over to the lord, the lord may automatically treat Xu You as a scapegoat...

How smart Xu You was. Seeing their looks, he immediately understood their thoughts and quickly said, "Don't be delusional. Don't you know the Lord's nature? As I said, he will not only spare the two of you, but also behead all three of us. I lost the bet to Cao Mengde this time, and I am willing to lose the bet. If you two are willing to come, you will come with me. If you don't want to come, you can go your own way for the sake of our colleagues!"

Zhang Xi and Gao Lan sighed, put away the knife at the same time, and picked up Xu You...