Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1105 Assassination of Cao Cao

Seven nails kept going deep into the enclosure, and Cao's sentries along the way were pulled out before being alerted. These people are quiet and fierce, always quietly killing, with clean and neat methods. At this time, the whole middle camp was dizzy by the blow of the Thunderbolt car. Neither the middle-level officer nor the lower-level soldiers were at a loss. No one noticed this strange movement.

The nail quickly penetrated into the second barrier. Qin Shou, disguised as Cao Junqu's chief, has opened a narrow passage here, and the other six people entered through this passage and gathered with the seventh person. They didn't say a word to each other. At the same time, they took out a pill of exactly the same color from their arms and swallowed it, briefly exchanged eyes, and then continued to move forward. It was not until then that the guards realized that a hostile team had infiltrated.

If it is a head-on confrontation, these seven people may not be able to resist even two teams. But when they penetrated into Cao Junli like mercury, they became a vicious poison that could not be removed. Originally, there were a large number of guards in the middle of the siege, but the elites were pulled out. The rest were only the recruits and disabled veterans recruited in the past two years. It is not an exavy to say that they are a mob. What's more, the Thunderbolt attack just now made the Zhongying defense line full of loopholes, giving these seven killers an opportunity to take advantage of.

After entering the middle circumference, their style of behavior suddenly changed. Normally, the killer should be lurking in the night and not let others feel his existence for a moment. And these seven people behaved closer to a group of violent assassins at this time. They don't seem to intend to cover up their whereabouts and dare to kill anyone who dares to obstruct. This is simply seven killing gods. They use the wooden fence and maze-like defense walls of the middle camp as cover to keep moving, and countless blood fog rises everywhere they go.

Under the very tacit attack of these seven people, the guards of the Cao army were stunned and could not organize even a threatening counterattack, allowing the arrows shot from these seven shadows to penetrate layers of Lu and gradually approach the heart center of Cao's army. Originally, it should have been the safest place in the whole Wending battlefield, but it has become a bloody battlefield.

The closer to the inside, the attack of these killers will be more fierce and rapid, and their speed is more precious than blood. They must cross the last fence and kill Cao Cao before the defenders wake up - in order to get such information, they have sacrificed four of the best spies.

But strange things happened, and the killers stopped near the gate between the inner and middle. There are two tiger cars parked at the door of the gate, as well as cold crossbows and long guns hidden behind the wall. That is Cao Cao's last personal guard - Xu Chu and the tiger guard under his command.

The seven shadows were not in a hurry to attack, but surrounded a large circle, skillfully passed through several military fields and watchtowers, and came to a small gate behind the whole camp. This is a way to draw water according to the hilly terrain, but there are trenches on both sides of the waterway, and the road surface has been widened, allowing two horses to pass in a straight line at the fastest speed. All signs show that this is actually a back door to Cao Jun's battalion. In case of any emergency, the people in the camp can leave here quickly.

And now, it is obviously this emergency.

When the stones of the Thunderbolt car are smashed down, no place in the whole camp will be safe. The first thing Xu Chu would do was to cover Cao Gong out of this dangerous area. That is to say, the Thunderbolt move not only stunned the defense system of the middle camp, but also shocked Cao Cao from the safest place. Only in this way can these seven killers have a chance to really get close to Cao Cao and turn the killing intention into a murder.

The small door suddenly opened, and dozens of tiger guards rushed out. They stood outside in a two-and-half-moon formation, occupying the left and right wings. Then Xu Chu and a single-yed light car rushed out. On an unknown battlefield, horse riding is a very dangerous thing, but it is not as good as a light car with better protection. When the tiger guards saw the light car appear, they quickly dispersed, formed a circle with their backs to the carriage, and moved cautiously and quickly.

The shadows did not hesitate at all and launched an all-out attack in the first place. Four people turned into four shadows and jumped to the carriage. The beautiful crossbowman hung three arrows on the string at the same time and shot them out - while the other two pounced on Xu Chu.

The first to win was Tang Xiaomi. Although shooting three arrows at the same time will reduce the accuracy, the power of Ma Jiayuan Rong's crossbow has long been proven in major battlefields, and the narrow space here makes up for this deficiency. Two tiger guards were suddenly shot by arrows and fell to the ground. There was a gap in the defense circle of the carriage, and the reaction of the tiger guards was not slow. After Tang Xiaomi shot the first wave of crossbows, three or four short crossbows were aimed at her.

Before Tang Xiaomi could fire the second round of arrows, his body was shot through, like a white swan shot down by the air, making a sad cry and falling into the dust. However, her mission had been completed, and the four raiders rushed to the gap without losing time.

The tiger guards on both sides tried to move over to fill the gap. The two raiders drew knives separately and blocked them regardless of their lives. The two in the middle continued to rush towards the gap.

Xu Chu let out a shocking roar. His powerful arms waved like driving away flies, and the mad knife in his right hand burst into an unparalleled momentum, which was bearable, and he split towards the thin body with a huge hammer. Although Han Gugu was not afraid, he held a sledgehammer and brazenly met Xu Chu's big knife!


After all, the wide-edged and thick-backed knife can't compare with the meteor hammer. Xu Chu's big knife immediately broke into two pieces at the moment he hit the meteor hammer. The tiger idiot obviously did not expect that the thin torso could withstand his strong blow, and his right hand was suddenly bloody. It was after the shocking blow of this stone, a cold shining iron blade hit Xu Chu's neck at the moment of surprise.

Xu Chu is called a 'tiger idiot' because he is not only as brave as a vicious tiger, but also because he is indomitable and stupid about battle. At this time, he was forced into a dangerous situation with the cooperation of Han Gugu and Zhang Can. He immediately turned his eyes red and roared without looking at it. He grabbed Zhang Can's sword with his left hand.

The sharp blade suddenly cut through the rough palm of Xu Chu's left hand. However, Xu Chu suddenly didn't realize it. He looked at the stunned Zhang Can with a ferocious smile, and then his left arm suddenly used his strength to pick up Zhang Can with the Su Tiejian. As if throwing the most disgusting garbage, he raised Zhang Can's body fiercely and shook it back and forth in the air. The blade cut Xu Chu's left hand more deeply because of the huge force, but the more painful it was, the more Xu Chu seemed to enjoy it.

Zhang Can, who was afraid and didn't have time to react, was immediately shaken by Xu Chu, but when he was about to let go of his sword in a hurry, he suddenly felt a continuous impact deep into the bone marrow, and as his waist and abdomen quickly entered the whole torso - Xu Chu's right hand had been grasped It became a fist and hit Zhang Can's lower abdomen fiercely!

"Ah! ..."

The sad muffled hum came to Han Gugu's ears, and he stood up from the sore and trembling legs at this time. Looking up again, he saw that Xu Chu had tightly clamped Zhang Can's body, and his right leg had been slightly bent. It can be expected that Xu Chu is very dissatisfied with the weakness of his right fist and has to beat Zhang Can to death with his right knee!

Han Gugu immediately grabbed a handful of white powder from his arms and raised it to Xu Chu's face. This almost scoundrel move made Xu Chu even more angry, but his eyes immediately became tingling, red and swollen. However, Xu Chu still hit Zhang Can fiercely with his feelings and avoided Han Gugu from taking advantage of the opportunity to enter.

And just as these three people were struggling, the assassination of the light car also ushered in a moment of water!