Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1115 Meeting

He walked through the crowd uneasily. In order to hide his eyes and ears, he put on a set of coarse cloth clothes of Han civilians and covered his face with a cloth. At this time, he was very noisy. Double chariots full of goods rumbled across the loess street. Vendors on both sides of the street were selling baked sweet potatoes, white water pickled fish and boiled water mixed with ginger slices and salt. From time to time, children ran by with paper kites.

He turned a blind eye to all this and hurried to the "Xuanwu Pool" with his head down.

"Xuanwu Pool" is actually just a small pond two miles away. The water surface of the pond is often covered with straw, cloth, food residues and dirt, and occasionally there is a woman's menstrual belt. A stone tablet was erected under the big sycamore tree next to the pond, on which the three words "Xuanwu Pool" were written in Li.

There is no history of which generation this small pond was dug and built, and there is no basis for who gave it such a name. However, the residents near Zhumadian will not care about these things. The water in Anyi is scarce. They are lucky to have such a pond to bathe, wash clothes, and even cook. They don't care about the name of the pond.

Go to Bei to the locust tree by the pond and take a look around. Two civilians on the left squatted on the root of the tree and chatted, and a group of children on the right were happily digging earthworms; in the distance, the clerks of a restaurant were scooping wine for the drinkers, and the nearby blacksmiths were beating iron. The crow on the tree shouted hoarsely. He took a deep breath, took out a red silk forging from his arms, bent down to pretend to tie his shoelaces, and tied the satin to the root closest to the stone tablet under the locust tree.

This simple action seemed to consume all his physical strength. He hurriedly straightened up and returned to the same road in a slightly panic. When he left the pond and returned to the street, suddenly a voice came from behind him.

"Have you finally figured it out?"

He hurriedly turned around and saw a teenager standing behind him looking at him with a smile. The teenager was about 20 years old, and his outfit was very strange. His original face was like a warm jade, but he was dressed in short clothes that poor civilians had, and a green ribbon tied around his waist. He was a typical wine man.

"You... Why are you dressed like this today?

"The stronghold of Zui Dongfang has been exposed, and I naturally changed my identity again." The teenager asked with a sincere smile. No one would have thought that he was the middleman of the Wei family who was responsible for contacting the Xiongnu. He nodded humbly and didn't dare to answer more. He looked sideways: the two disguised people of the Ma family were standing in the distance looking at him, and one of them was Wei Yan.

"It's not convenient to talk here. Let's go to my restaurant." The teenager then invited.

"Your restaurant?"

"Just on the side, if you don't mind, you can sit there and talk to me." When the teenager said this, he said, "There is no one there. Adults can rest assured."

When I looked at the teenager's finger, I happened to see the "Li Ji" signboard of the wine shop by the pond, and realized that he was the wine shopman just now. There are only a few sparse trees between the liquor store counter and the pond. He can easily monitor the movement of Xuanwu Pool by sitting on the counter. No wonder he can notice the appearance of humbleness so quickly.

"I don't even know your identity now, let alone where your sharp weapons come from." Thinking of Ma Chao's explanation, he began to say slowly: "I don't think I need to deal with you. You know, most of the Xiongnu tribe today have gradually begun to accept the Ma family..."

"I'm Wei Kai, and Li Wei, the boss of the East a few days ago." The teenager didn't wait to be humble and said his identity directly. This sharpness of a single knife made Qubei a little stunned. Seeing this, the teenager continued to say, "As for the source of those sharp weapons, you don't need to know. You just need to understand that those things are beneficial to the Xiongnu, don't you?"

"No, we Huns have never been as cunning as you Han people. I always feel that there must be a conspiracy in this matter that we can't grasp." Hearing this, Gobei has completed the task assigned by Ma Chao. Therefore, he didn't want to pester, let alone want to know too much inside story. He pretended to be strict and said, "Several of my subordinates have died innocently, and I don't want to be deeply involved in it. Say goodbye!"

After saying this, he quickly turned around and left without waiting for Wei Kai to respond. Wei Kai obviously didn't expect such a big turn at once, and he couldn't help but be stunned. He put his hands on his chest and looked at the back of the humble leaving, with a trace of inexplicable expression on his warm jade-like face.

The two people standing on the corner of the street saw all this. One of them waved his hand and said to Wei Yan beside him, "Let's go. The target has been confirmed. That's all for today's task."

"This, that's it? Just let the one go to Bei leave so easily? Shouldn't he pretend to cooperate with them to get further information? Wei Yan asked puzzledly. In the view of his tough generals, what the Xiongnu had done had betrayed the Ma family, not to mention letting Bei enter the enemy camp, even if he sacrificed his life, it was just atonement.

But Yang Xiu finally glanced at the Liji restaurant and replied, "After all, he is the right virtuous king of the Xiongnu, although our Ma family has always been extremely tough in their attitude towards the Xiongnu. But General Wei, don't forget that Liu Bao is now the king who truly unified the Xiongnu tribe. However, our Ma family has fallen into the battlefield of Jizhou these days. Within three years, it is impossible to take out a soldier to fight against the Xiongnu. Therefore, the lord can only choose to take a step back.

Wei Yan quickly figured out the key and understood Ma Chao's painstaking efforts: "Then what should we do next?"

"Hey, that depends on the master's taste." Yang Xiu said with a smile that he already had a belly case in his heart: "I hope the lord can be gentler, so that he can carefully and completely mess up Cao's deployment and find out the people behind the scenes. However, in response to the current situation, I think the main guild is more rude and straightforward.

Wei Yan didn't like to elaborate on Yang Xiu's intention. He was a little tired of Yang Xiu's unintentional show off. He said, "Don't stop me, fool. There is no mystery. It's just that you want to use Wei Kai to slowly dig out those behind the scenes, and the lord wants to destroy Cao's conspiracy as soon as possible and will visit the Wei family directly tomorrow.

Yang Xiu obviously didn't expect Wei Yan to say this. He looked at Wei Yan with great interest and turned around and left: "You are a general with ideas, different from others. However, don't show too much in front of the master. He doesn't like smart people like you.

"Are you self-righteous?" Wei Yan sneered and turned around and walked in other directions: "The people around the master, except for those who are really as wise as the master, it is better for the rest of the people to exert their strength. This is the reason why I was quickly alone. And you, because of your cleverness, have always made the master feel uneasy to let go..."

Yang Xiu was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that he, a self-contained person, would be despised by a martial artist who he didn't care much in his heart today. Moreover, what is more hateful is that his contempt seems to be correct.

So, should I be aware of this?

Inadvertently, Yang Xiu has walked to the door of Weifu. He glanced at the deserted door and showed complicated feelings in his eyes: he knew that Ma Chao's official visit to the Wei family tomorrow would suddenly cut off the Wei family's plan to participate in destroying the Ma family. Once the Wei family appears and becomes a waterless source, Chang'an will be calm;

However, Yang Xiu also had his own idea at this time. Perhaps, he can use his own method to figure out who designed the executor of this conspiracy and what are the specific measures of this conspiracy?

After showing such a result, will Wei Yan still ridicule himself so aggressively? The lord may also have a satisfactory answer - he, indeed, has been full of himself under the man's wings for a long time, and it is time to show his sharpness.

PS: I saw the return of an old reader Mu Yuanfeng again. Thank you!