Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1130 Happy Game

"I sent too many people to follow Wei Kai before, which will give Wei Kai more opportunities to find out that he is being stalked."


"After Wei Kai was out of sight, my reaction was a little excessive. This is a small trap often played by the stalker, which suddenly disappears, and then observes the surrounding environment to see if anyone is panicked to judge whether he is really being stalked.


"Also, my judgment is too arbitrary and too confident. For example, I intuitively thought that the person I met Wei Kai was a guest of the restaurant, but I didn't expect that the person I met was a clerk of the restaurant and ran away from under my eyes.


"The most important thing is that as the person in charge of this operation, I did not insist on implementing my judgment at the right time. So that only the two of us are following us now. Once this person converges Shang Dianwei, we may even lose our lives.


Yang Xiu followed while reviewing his first command error. The shadow around him understood what Yang Xiu was talking about, but he couldn't say anything else. In fact, he was telling himself in his heart that it was just a conversation pretending to cover up the purpose of tracking the two.

After all, he didn't expect that Yang Xiu would say so many mistakes through a commanding activity. As Yang Xiu said these mistakes one by one, the shadow looked at Yang Xiu with more and more awe - Yang Xiu's performance at this time was definitely not what ordinary sorghum children could do.

"I finally understand why the lord refused to let me go out alone." Yang Xiu finally sighed leisurely, and then his tone was as strong as Ma Chao: "Speaking and doing are never the same thing!"

At this time, the target in front of him has passed through two alleys, returned to the main street of Zhuque Road, and turned to the "Qitang" area on the right, crowded with many civilians. There are many kinds of shops along the way. The target person stops and watches from time with interest from time to time, and sometimes talks with small vendors. It seems that he really just came to go shopping.

He passed by a glass shop. At this time, the Ma family had already made the original glass worth a lot of money into a road stall. In order to attract business, the shop owner also hung several three-foot-wide glass mirrors outside the shop as a cover, which was particularly eye-catching. The target seemed to be very interested in these mirrors. He stopped to look at these mirrors for a while and suddenly smiled.

"It's not good!" Yang Xiu's mind suddenly moved. He quickly turned around and pretended to pick up something that fell. But the shadow around him had not yet reacted, and he stood stupidly on the street for a moment, which immediately attracted the curious eyes of passers-by.

"We are exposed..." When he looked up again, Yang Xiu's face was very ugly. He really didn't expect that this professional was so cautious that he didn't relax his vigilance after dumping Li Ji and Wei Yanjun twice!

Yes, through the mirror, Xizhi found that there were two other trackers hidden in the crowd behind him without looking back. These two trackers are obviously more professional and level than those two just now. However, after really seeing the appearance of one of the two people in the mirror, Xi Zhicai's smile bloomed more and more.

"It turned out to be another small trick. The son of the Yang family became more and more flashy under Ma Chao." Xi Zhicai shook his head. As the leader of Jing'an Cao, he naturally knew the dual tracking mode in tracking: first send two unprofessional trackers to track the target; when they are deliberately dumped, the target will relax its vigilance and go directly to the destination at ease, often ignoring that he is still in another state. Under the supervision of a group of secret trackers.

However, such tricks have no practical value for senior leaders such as Xi Zhicai. Even for any professional intelligence personnel, they will not take it lightly just because they get rid of one or two trackers.

"The shadow of the Ma family has become more and more unbearable since the woman let go." Xi Zhicai sighed again, left the mirror shop and continued to wander aimlessly on the street - the 'woman' in his mouth naturally referred to Ma Chao's wife Diao Chan. At the stage of doubting the birth of children, Diao Chan did decentralize a lot of power in her hand.

This is a place that makes Xizhi feel sad and ridiculous. Isn't it a ridiculous sadness that a secret institution that holds half of the Jiangshan family of the Han Dynasty can only compete with itself during the period of Diao Chan?

Thinking of this, Xi Zhi unconsciously walked along Zhuque Road to a ferry in Fenshui River. Hedong is not famous for its vertical rivers, but more famous for the salt pond iron ore. However, there is a Fenshui River, a tributary of the Yellow River in Anyi City, dividing the whole city into two districts. Although there are several floating bridges on the shallow waterway, they are very crowded, and most civilians still travel on both sides of the river by ferry.

When Xi Zhi just arrived at the ferry, more than 20 people waiting for the boat had gathered, all huddled on the shore to look at the ssam plate slowly rowing from the opposite side. Xi Zhicai glanced behind with his spare light and saw that the two stalkers also followed, hiding in the crowded crowd.

At this time, the ssam was about to dock, and the boatman at the ferry took a straw hat and began to collect money one by one. Xi Zhicai took out a large spring copper coin from his arms and threw it into the straw hat. The boatman thanked him and took out a wooden ticket and gave it to Xi Zhicai. Yang Xiu hesitated a little, and quickly took out the money to make it as he did - at this time, it was no longer just tracking. Yang Xiu, who knew that he had been exposed, wanted to subdue the spy on the helpless river.

Although until this time, Yang Xiu still didn't see the man's face. But the more so, the more surprised and happy Yang Xiu is. He knew that this spy must be an experienced and valuable fish.

The sampan staggered to the shore, and the people on the shore put a wooden pedal between the boat and the dock. The passengers on the sump board roared down the boat along the pedal, and even the impatient people jumped directly from the side of the boat to the shore and then left. When all the passengers got off, the boatman waved to the people waiting for the boat to go up. For a while, the voices were boiling and the chickens and ducks were screaming, and the two boatmen put bamboo poles on both sides of the pedals to prevent anyone being squeezed into the water.

Xi Zhicai boarded the boat first, and more and more people behind him, gradually squeezed him to the edge of the ssam. Yang Xiu also squeezed into the boat and were separated by about seven or eight people from him. The whole swmboard was so crowded that he couldn't get any closer. However, Yang Xiu felt that this was good. At that time, he would show his identity, and the crowded boat could make it difficult for the spy to fly without doing anything.

Seeing that the people were almost on board, the boatman asked the people on the shore to remove the pedal, and then connected the top of the sampan with a thin iron chain to the thick iron chain across the river - this was to prevent the sampan from being washed away too far by the current - with a big hand supporting the bamboo pole, the sard slowly left the shore. Go to the opposite side.

Just as the sumph left the ferry three or four feet, Xi Zhi suddenly jumped back to the shore from the side of the boat.

This change shocked everyone. Yang Xiu was stunned first, and then pushed the crowd away angrily, but it was too late. At this time, the ssam was nearly two feet away from the ferry, and it was impossible for him to jump back to the ferry.

The swami board could not turn back immediately, so the poor Yang Xiu could only look helplessly at the Xi Zhicai standing at the ferry. Seeing that Xi Zhicai finally turned around and waved to Yang Xiu, as if to thank Yang Xiu for ending a pleasant game with him...

PS: I just saw that the fat sheep hero in the monthly ticket has also returned. Welcome.