Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1138 Roast Duck and Hedgehog

Ma Chao, who hid behind the big tree, felt a drop of sweat scratching his cheeks and falling on the land that seemed to be steaming. The hot and sultry weather makes the surface of this sweat hot, but the severe cold in Ma Chao's heart makes the core of this sweat cold.

Ignorant fear is often the most frightening. At this time, Ma Chao doesn't know where the enemy is and how to assassinate him next. He doesn't even know who the enemy is!

Such sudden confusion surges into the mind, and people will have emotional reactions. And Ma Chao is just a man, not a god! At this time, he could not think with all his strength, because most of his attention was on the guards who escaped from the fire!

I didn't pay much attention before, but now Ma Chao figured it out. After the teahouse, it should be full of firewood piles, and the firewood piles have long been sprinkled with sulfur and oil that ignited fire. The shopkeeper seemed to be careful and thoughtful, but after a basin of water dispelled his defenses, he successfully separated his people from the horses and quickly ignited the firewood in the backyard with the cover of feeding the horses!

At this time, the wind is favorable to the enemy, and the thick smoke and flames in the backyard make it impossible for the Ma family to break through with the rear. Only a few people rushed forward desperately, thinking that the big tree provided shade benefits, but at this time, the thick body of the tree became the biggest obstacle for these people to rush out.

For a while, the annoying knowledge on the tree was frightened by the high temperature and stopped chirping. But under the teahouse, people shouted that horses were hiss and dusty, and the tranquility and tranquility disappeared, which had been completely replaced by chaos and noise. More than a dozen Ma family guards hit quickly and even directly smashed the grass curtains and wooden piles around them. But the fire broke out faster, and half of the sky had already burned red in the blink of an eye. The fire spread like a horse and swept the whole teahouse in an instant!

The original relaxed guard immediately collapsed into a plate of scattered sand under the sudden power of nature. Even if there were three heads and six arms, it could not escape the sad defeat: due to the crowding and slowness, several guards had been licked by the flames, and their bodies were quickly caught out of the scorched black magic marks by the scorching claws, and gradually became the fire god Zhu Rong Sacrifice. They turned into fireballs, ran away, emitting harsh wailing, and dancing crazily in the hot and bright red light until their lives were completely swallowed up by the flames.

The lucky people were rescued by the guards who were driven out in advance, but it was precisely when these people were obsessed with the danger in front of them that the greater danger surged. At this time, Ma Chao finally understood why he could not feel the previous killing. It turned out that those killers were not ambushed on the ground at all, and countless cold killings suddenly flashed from the top of his head. Ma Chao, pulled by his mind, looked up and saw that on the lush branches, more than 50 assassins were exposed to the scorching sun and straightened the hard bow string in his hand at this most critical moment...

The arm broke free from the tension, and a sharp roar sounded.

The first arrow seemed to be the most harsh and rapid signal, and then the roar of the arrow feather was in the following arrow rain, cutting through the block of the hot air and screaming out a sharp short sadness!

Fifty arrows, like a rain of locusts before the dense and uncovered targets, instantly rushed to the Ma family's guards who had no time to react at all. Ma Chao saw with his own eyes that each of the few remaining Ma family guards had been hit by at least five or six arrows. The sultry summer weather made these Ma family guards not wear heavy armor. The thin silk suit could not stop such a close attack at all. Every soldier fell to the ground before they could cry!

It was impossible for Ma Chao, who was used to life and death, to have no throbbing in his heart, but soon his attention was all on the assassins on the branches. A pair of tigers suddenly looked up, as if the cold murder was quickly locked, but just as the murder was about to jump on the source of the biggest murder, Ma Chao's grief and indignation were shocked by the sudden chaos on the ground.

At this time, a very small army suddenly surged in front of him, which seemed to be only more than 30 people. However, this force turned out to be a complete cavalry, and personal riding is not an exaggeration to describe it as a peak. Each of them merged with **'s horse and drove the horse to run by the fine-tuning of their bodies. In the dense woods, these people's speed was not slow at all, and they came straight to the remaining three people, Ma Chao, Chou Ge and Sima Yi, in a covered formation!

Although a person can't see his face clearly, his out-of-the-grid body almost covers his ** war horse. The knot muscles exposed without armor suddenly outlined his tough body shape and majestic spirit. At this time, the brave general came to Ma Chao with a clear goal. Ma Chao's eyes were as tight as a needle, and he immediately recognized this person's identity: Cao Cao's most violent personal guard, evil come to Dian Wei!

At this time, Dian Wei on the horse's back was as straight as a javelin, and the magnificent killing machine attacked unreservedly. With the leap of the horse, a bo wave violently hit Ma Chao's defense. He held the new halberd and urged the soldiers to step up. On his murderous face, a pair of eyes stared at Ma Chao, and his sharp eyes were like sharp knife light.

"Ma Chao, today is the day of your burial!" Dian Wei roared and roared and whipped the horse again.

"Lord, they want to surround us and use the entanglement to kill us!" Brother Chou saw the formation of this group clearly and immediately judged their intentions.

Ma Chao did not know Dian Wei's plan. This time, there was a fire in the rear, surrounded by cavalry on all sides, and archers were waiting to go overhead. The whole layout is progressive and close, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a network. What's more abominable is that the layout of the whole plan absolutely considered all the reactions of Ma Chao's team, so he killed Ma Chao's men neatly after a series of changes.

And then, after leaving only the two masters, Ma Chao and Brother Chou, Ma Chao can also think with his toes that these people will definitely kill themselves quickly with the most effective means after closely surrounding them! The method is naturally to entangled with these elite warriors, and then the archers on the branches will shoot through the target's body regardless of the enemy and me!

Although Dian Wei seems to be furious now, Ma Chao can guarantee that Dian Wei will never take the lead in doing anything with himself this time. The main purpose of his coming here is nothing more than to add a little insurance to the immutable. The effect of this pressure array is far greater than the actual fighting value!

Unfortunately, this perfect assassination plan looks seamless, but the most fortunate thing for Ma Chao is that these people don't know the principle of 'air heat rises'. Or even if he has this common sense, he ignores this point because he does not have this solidified understanding in his mind when designing the specific plan.

And for Ma Chao, this is exactly the stone that breaks this perfect ice screen assassination conspiracy. As long as this stone suddenly hits, it will break the solid and tight ice screen conspiracy and become a sharp ice piece that falls on the ground - as for whether the sharp ice piece like a knife can cut off the lives of Ma Chao and others, only God knows.

"Brother Ugly, take your boss Ma Yi, let's rush back to the teahouse!" Ma Chao took a look and died not far away from his face full of pain and despair. He remembered that this man was an interesting guard who was fished back by himself during the Chang'an disaster. His name is Chen Haojie, but after reporting the only information that was not a catastrophe, he immediately became a place.

God, it's really ironic!

But now is not the time to remember hatred. Dian Wei's violent breath is getting stronger and closer, and Ma Chao feels that there seems to be a murderous atmosphere no less than Dian Wei hidden on this branch. That kind of hidden and sharp killing is the most terrible, like a beast lurking and waiting for its prey to relax, preparing for a thunderous blow!

"Lord, we can only turn into roast duck when we go back!" Sima Yi roared, and his fear and resistance to the flames was the instinct of any normal person to seek benefits and avoid harm.

"If you don't go with me, you can only become a hedgehog now!" Ma Chao's current figure flashed, leaving a sad dilemma for Sima Yi with a entangled and indignant face...