Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1140 Reversal, Break!

At the moment when Ma Chao attacked Dianwei, Brother Chou also launched his uncomfortable killing at the same time. Those who broke through the thick smoke with Dian Wei were naturally those cavalry warriors he brought. However, they were not as lucky as Dian Wei. Xu Chu, who had been dormant, came to save their precious opportunity to lose their mind at that moment.

Although some of them have a large number of encirclement advantages, if the timing is timely, they will bring the active rhythm of the whole killing to their own rhythm. For a moment, he lost his mind and gave Brother Chou a space to play to his heart's content. His poisonous eyes looked at this good opportunity to wedge in, explode, flash and move, and in an instant, he had cut two people in a row.

But at the same time, his psychology is also extremely depressed and angry at this time: as a general, especially the only general around the lord, what he has to do is to kill the most powerful enemy with the lord. But Brother Chou can't do that. In addition to the distance relationship, Sima Yi around him has caught his attention.

Sima Yi, who lost his protection, will definitely soon become the unlucky under the knife of these tyrannical warriors, so even if the ugly brother's figure keeps shuttling through the chaos of the war horse, shouting, shouting, screaming and screaming around him, blood quickly stained his robe. But if you look carefully, every conflict of Brother Chou is moderate, and it is always three steps away from Sima Yi next to him - that is the maximum safe distance that Brother Chou can guarantee, and he is confident that he will rush back at a critical moment.

Fortunately, Sima Yi, a bastard, has never been a loser, and this guy's vision is simply outrageous. The distance between him and Brother Chou is always controlled by the Lord within three steps, and he always dodges behind Brother Chou's burly body. Occasionally, he has free time to shoot a crossbow with Yuanrong crossbow to relieve the pressure of Brother Chou's fighting.

Although the situation is extremely dangerous, the two guys who can hardly find commonality unconsciously cooperate with the director with an extremely tacit understanding. However, neither of them was interested in observing these at this time.

However, just as Brother Chou had split the sixth cavalry, the afterglow of his eyes caught a glimpse of Ma Chao being shaken away by Xu Chu. The fierce and strong emotions suddenly broke out from his chest, and a face changed into a frightened face that ordinary people could not do at all. He shouted anxiously and angrily, "Lord!"

He quickly split another knife, and the clear sound of the blade was mixed with the muffled sound of bone and meat division, and the blood stained the grass in the woods.

But under this knife, it was no longer the enemy's blood, but the ugly brother's injury: he thought that an angry blow could completely repel the enemy on the left, but he didn't expect that after this knife, just as he was panicked under the crossbow at his waist, a cavalry on the right side came again, and the sharp wind hit it was too late to reach. The ugly brother in the block.

The hot pain suddenly came from his right shoulder, and the Yuanrong crossbow, which had not yet been raised flat, fell to the ground. The angry ugly brother roared crazily, clamped the knife cut into his right arm, and his left hand hugged the knight's horse like crazy. Under the powerful impact of the horse, he rolled and threw it to the ground ten feet away.

Brother Chou's long-range rescue failed, but the other man calmly and accurately shot an arrow under the condition that everyone despised. That person is undoubtedly Sima Yi.

Ma Chao's heart in the midst of rage and pain suddenly got up with the momentum of death. The ** flowing in the blood vessels seems to have become strong acid, and they make Ma Chao boil and roar! At this time, he was like a desperate madman, indescribably powerful and fierce, driving his feet forward.

Dian Wei's pupil suddenly tightened as if he had been pricked by a needle, and the cross-crossed halberd between his chest quickly drew a semicircle, and the crazy essence of killing gathered rapidly. The next moment was his unreserved strongest blow - he, who was brave and unyielding, would never take a step back half a step because of Ma Chao's death!

However, Dian Wei was not afraid, but he couldn't count it. His ** war horse was scared at the last moment. The war horse is a psychic thing, not to mention the war horse Dian Wei** or the purebred horse specially given to him by Cao Cao. In the face of Ma Chao's huge and friendless gun tip rapidly expanding in front of his eyes, and the fierce and violent spirit, the horse actually activated the instinct of biological survival at the last moment.

It was precisely at this time that Sima Yi's tricky arrow had already arrived. The war horse was finally unwilling to die like this. When Dian Wei was full of strength, it stopped the momentum and raised its hooves with the intention of kicking away Sima Yi's cold arrow and Ma Chao's apprewratic gun tip.

Unfortunately, it was this stupid and fatal mistake that gave Ma Chao a great opportunity. And the war horse's fluke and panic did not avoid Sima Yi's cold arrow at all. Just as the crossbow arrow penetrated deeply into the chest and abdomen of the horse, the big gun in Ma Chao's hand also seemed to have traction, and the tip of the gun sprinted with the arrows. At the same position, the big gun penetrated deeply into the abdomen of the horse without hindrance!

After the huge and violent killing hit, it immediately burst into great power. Under the rapid extigation of martial arts, the beautiful turbulence poured into the inner abdomen of the war horse, and the war horse immediately raised its head in pain and hissed wildly. The loud long hiss echoed through the woods with the roaring hot wind, with an indescribable sad atmosphere!

Unprepared, Dian Wei was almost lifted off the horse's back. First, he gestured to put his arms around the neck of the war horse, but then he found that the war horse had become a cage that trapped him. At present, he roared angrily. He had to give up the offensive and patted his hand on the horse's back and used his strength to jump back to protect himself.

The next moment, the war horse flew away from the ground with loud sadness and hit Dian Wei straight with the momentum of thunder. Dian Wei was shocked. He always knew that Ma Chao's martial arts were colorful and moving forward. But at this time, after completely destroying the internal organs of the war horse, his huge internal strength could even fly the five or six hundred catties of war horse and use it as a weapon!

There was no time to think about it. At the moment when the horse was about to hit the halberd, Dian Wei was able to land with his feet. He put his big hand into his arms and carried his whole body to row in both directions. The two halberd are like a huge pair of scissors, cutting the horse that rushed in front of him into two!

With a "peng" sound,

Before the body of the war horse touched the halberd, the poor horse burst apart in front of Dian Wei's stunned eyes, spreading a blood fog! In the blood fog, a ghostly figure rushed out in an instant, and the dragon and tiger gun in Ma Chao's hand actually rang in a slight trembling!

It turns out that the flying war horse is simply a blindfolding way to confuse Dian Wei. The real killing move was Ma Chao's endless killing - it was not until this time that Dian Wei suddenly thought that Ma Chao's martial arts were different from ordinary martial arts. While he is full of martial arts, he will never give up his cunning and changeable as talent!

The bloody tip of the gun has condensed into a blood line and gradually enlarged in Dian Wei's eyes. The line became bigger and more diffuse, and soon it woven a net of death and wrapped it in layers. At this time, Dian Wei, who had already taken off the force, was powerless, as if he had fallen into the cobwebs, waiting for the cunning spider to inject the venom that dissolved the body...

But just as Ma Chao was about to kill Cao Cao's most loyal and vicious guard, Sima Yi behind Ma Chao shouted in a very high and shrill voice: "Lord, be careful of Xu Chu!"

Only then did Ma Chao feel that on the right side of his body, a fearless and deathless horrible killing also followed - indeed, under his impatience, he forgot that it was not Cao Cao's most loyal and vicious guard who came to assassinate him this time, but two!