Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1145 Is there also a storm in the alliance?

August 15th, the sky is high, the clouds are light, and the sun is clear.

At the full request of Liu He, Zhao Yun and Tian Yu, and other Liu Yu's old subordinates, such as Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin and Yan Rou, finally agreed to give up the obsession of forming an alliance in White Wolf Mountain, and led 20,000 Wuhuan elites to go deep into Liucheng, a big city in Han Dynasty, which is basically neutral with the Wuhuan and the Han people. The Ma family signed a covenant.

At the beginning, Tedun disagreed with this proposal. However, Liu He and Zhao Yun have been persuading each other and automatically promise that they can lead troops into Liucheng, and strive to form an alliance in Liucheng. After several inquiries, Liu He and Zhao Yun always looked left to talk about other things. Finally, he was really forced, and Zhao Yun said a sentence in a tone of self-blame and anger

"I know that Yun's life is guaranteed, and this change of alliance address is really a last resort. If the lord has any changes to Shanyu, Yun will repay you with death!" After saying this, Zhao Yun turned around and left, and the people sent by Dun then came to report that General Zhao Yun rode a horse with a gun and stabbed dozens of big trees on the grassland before returning.

Dun is a bold and brave master, but he is not an unhumane. These days, every time Liu He came, he looked sad and melancholy, and Zhao Yun's peaceful and quiet person also suppressed a trace of anger... All kinds of reactions can be known that the Ma family had an unspeakable event.

After thinking about it, he was worried about the boxing feelings of Liu and Hanwu, and respected Zhao Yun's brave and invincible demeanor and generous generosity, and finally agreed to lead his troops back to Handi, Youzhou.

On August 20th, he entered Liucheng. That night, Zhao Yun came to visit single and said that one person wanted to meet him. Zhao Yun saw his worries and said, "Lord Shanyu must be angry, but he has entered Liucheng this time. I won't hide some things from you. It's not that the lord doesn't want to form an alliance in White Wolf Mountain, it's really..."

"Has the head of the Ma family regretted it?" He interrupted Zhao Yun and raised his rough eyebrows. His tone was already quite rude. Although he admired Zhao Yun very much, the twists and turns of this alliance turned Zhao Yun's previous promises into delusions. What's more abominable is that the two families have formed an alliance, and Ma Chao has not yet arrived in Liucheng. Such an untrustworthy act really made me a little unable to swallow this breath.

But Zhao Yun didn't care about his attitude, but waved his hand slightly. It was this very casual and ordinary comforting action that calmed down the Lord of Wu Huan. Next, Zhao Yun bowed slightly and said something that made him unbelievable: "To be honest, the lord has arrived in Liucheng, and this time..."

"Is it General Tianwei who wants to see me?" Suddenly, he naturally understood the meaning of this sentence. As usual, Zhao Yun was not surprised by the vulgar problem of grabbing the conversation this time, but nodded gently.

When he came to the Taishou Mansion, he did not see the majestic Lord who showed off as imagined. Although the young man sitting in the right position is indeed dressed in brocade, his facial features are absolutely superior, and even vaguely reveals a kind of superior intelligence. But at first glance, it was actually seen that the young man had suffered a serious internal injury.

The young man in front of him was mentally depressed and haggard at this time. Although he seemed to be sitting on the teacher's chair, it was more appropriate to lean on him. In the eyes that are staring, there is no trace of the arrogance of dominating four states and five places, let alone the wisdom and fierceness of countless civil and martial arts elites and thousands of tigers and wolves under their command, and even the health and vitality of a normal young man can not be found.

This scene is all caused by the battle, Ma Chao's efforts to overdraw Xu Chu and Dian Wei. If it hadn't been for the spirit of Elephant Dragon BMW and looking for the army ordered to welcome Ma Chao in the shock, I'm afraid Ma Chao would have died. The most meritorious minister, Xiang Longma Xiaohei, was also seriously injured and was carefully recuperating in the backyard. After Ma Chao moved to Liucheng, he was in poor health, so he sent a letter with Liu He and Zhao Yun to discuss the alliance in Liucheng.

"I have been looking forward to Shanyu for a long time. I have been so injured that I can't meet him in person. I hope that Shanyu will not doubt the sincerity of the Ma family's alliance."

Ma Chao's voice is dry and hoarse, like the sound of decadent rubbing out of a broken gong. This disappointed the first impression of Ma Chao, which has always respected the strong. If it hadn't been for Ma Chao's injury and his sincerity, as well as some of Zhao Yun's face, he almost had the impulse to turn around and leave.

It's not that Tedun doesn't know the strength of the Ma family, but because Ma Chao's first face really made Teden a little frustrated - the two sides have such a positive and tacit understanding that they even repeatedly retreated and wanted to form an alliance with the Ma family. If Tedun just wanted to seek harmony for Wuhuan, he only needed to watch the Han people fight coldly. He came to Liucheng several times because he had a bigger plan.

Ma Chao's thoughtful man let him come to Liucheng to form an alliance, which showed his entanglement and desire in this matter. The manipulation of the hearts of political dynasties for many years has long reminded us of the reason why Dun is so low. However, at this time, the more he thought about it, the more Ma Chao pretended to be confused.

"Sunyu, General Zhao has roughly told me the conditions of the alliance between the two sides, and I have no doubt. If Shanyu is not busy, three days later, after Chao can walk by himself, he will bookmark the alliance. Ma Chao waved his hand, making people set up some seasonal fruits and refreshments.

He looked at the fruits and cakes and frowned slightly, but then said, "Since General Tian is injured, you might as well put it down when you form an alliance. It's not too late to make plans after the injury is healed.

Da Dun said eagerly, and Ma Chao also smiled and said nothing, but Zhao Yun beside him looked very displeacious. He had been dating with Daton for a long time. He had known that Daton was a bold, careful and a little rude and cunning person. Unexpectedly, there was some procrastination, and he immediately said, "The two families will make friends as soon as possible, and the land of Youzhou will be rich and peaceful as soon as possible. Shan Yu, for the thought of the Wuhuan people, should also form an alliance as soon as possible and enjoy peace. Why is Lord Shanyu so twisted when the great work is about to be completed?

"The villain is not worried about General Tian's noble body. I still have some mountain ginseng and deer blood, which is sent with General Tian..." After saying this, he suddenly got up and wanted to leave.

And Ma Chao's spirit was depressed, and he still didn't say a word. However, there was already a smell of interest and mockery at the corners of his mouth, quietly watching the start.

But Zhao Yun couldn't figure out why. He got up and stood on his side, leaving a blocking but measured space. Seeing this, he smiled and strode forward more. However, when Zhao Yun's face turned pale and he walked to the door, Ma Chao, who was in a high position, said leisurely: "General Zhao, since Dandan has no intention to form an alliance with the Ma family, let's invite Xianbei Kebineng to meet in Liucheng according to the backup plan."

Zhao Yun doesn't know when the Ma family will secretly communicate with Xianbei Ke. If so, although the Ma family can go back on its mark, his reputation will be ruined by Wuhuan, and he can't help but be surprised. But before Zhao Yun could speak, the huskling at the door took the lead in jumping up and turned around and scolded Ma Chao: "What a Ma family, so unfaithful and shameless. In the past, when I didn't get to Youzhou, I was cheated. Now that you sit firmly, you will get rid of our Wuhuan!"

After saying this, he strode back, crossed Zhao Yun and scolded loudly: "Your Ma family can use our Wuhuan to seize Youzhou, but don't forget that our Wuhuan can also turn Youzhou into a no-ownerland again!"

These words can be described as killing the heart. Although it is an angry roar of the deceived person, it is a provocation for the Ma family, which can completely become an excuse for the Ma family's iron horse to wave a butcher knife! Zhao Yun never thought that the good situation he tried his best to create would reverse the world under the two sides. At present, I was in a dilemma and didn't know how to persuade him.

But his anger suddenly relaxed. Zhao Yunjun's face looked at the sharpness flashing in his eyes, and his eyes turned around. Now he figured out Ma Chao's intention and said, "If Wuhuan dares to do so, my Zhao Zilong's silver gun is not a decoration! Dan Danyu, do you still want to fight with me for 50 rounds?!"

When Zhao Yun opened his mouth, his anger suddenly subsided, but in the end, he wanted to control a little righteousness and said angrily, "Zhao Yun, are you also a ruthless and untrustful person?"

When this sentence came out, Zhao Yun and Ma Chao laughed. Then, the two said to each other and completely let them sit back in their seats, picked up a fruit and nibbled fiercely.

"Shan Yu, I, Zhao Yun, can fight for the Hanwu ethnic groups, but I can't put the Ma family in for your ambition."

"So, it's better for Shanyu to be open and aboveboard. Your thoughts are not harmful to the Ma family. Don't think that I'm injured, and even my brain is hurt..."

PS: Thank you for the rewards of 38808, Han Gugu, primary school students and Yongzheng. At present, the update is twice a day, and the conditions remain unchanged. Thank you.