Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1147 Alliance

On August 25, in Liucheng Taishou's mansion, colorful flags fluttered and the horns were hissing. Three thousand white horses were waiting from cross-horses with guns and halberd. Later, the recovered 7,000 Youyans were riding with hard bows and looked solemn. The Ma family, who started as a cavalry, still chose to welcome this day with an invincible riding array in the days of alliance with the Wuhuan clan.

Although this was delayed by two days compared with the original plan, it also improved the specifications of the alliance - of course, in fact, it was also to allow Ma Chao to recover for two more days. However, there was no trace of opposition and dissatisfaction this time. As a result, in the past two days, the whole alliance scene made the owner of the prosperous family become a country bumpkin from the remote countryside.

On the campus of the alliance, on the three-foot-high altar, the totem in the hearts of the Han people and the highest god in the eyes of the Qiang people - a majestic and handsome dragon mouth pearl, hovering on the side of the god of Wuhuan Mountain. According to Ma Chao's explanation, the Ma family is like the candle dragon, bringing light to the mysterious Wuhuan mountain god.

Dun was surprised by such an explanation. The close attendants behind him did not expect that the alliance between the two families could be so close to people's hearts with such a magnificent pattern. For a while, the ceremony had not yet begun, but the sincerity of the Ma family and the eager expectations of the two ethnic groups poured into the hearts of the Wuhuan people.

Although Ma Chao, who was staggering, was still in pain, when he stepped on the altar and saw tens of thousands of soldiers of the two ethnic groups admit the hope of Chaohe, an indescribable pride suddenly surged in his heart - this alliance between Han and Ukraine was another milestone in the successful transformation of the Ma family. It is a clear watershed, which will not only turn the endless Youzhou into a pastoral paradise, but also roar strongly at the Han Dynasty: in addition to the trouble of the border fortress in the north of Jingping, there is also the Ma family!

"Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!" The Ma family's golden drum sounded immediately after Ma Chao came on stage, which was endless, deep and powerful, and desolate, as if it could ignite the flame in people's hearts. Looking up, the scorching sun was as bright as a beautiful light, and the desert wind blew from the sky. Ma Chao and Taton, representatives of the two nations, stood on the high altar in the sound of drums.

The two looked around at the heroes of the counties along the stage and felt a burst of blood surging.

"Gentlemen!" Ma Chao stretched out his hand, and the sound of the drum suddenly stopped. Only the high-pitched eagle hit the faintly, and the flying flag flew into the air. Ma Chao's slightly hoarse but sonorous voice was slowly sent out, as if it could reach the ears of the last soldier: "In the past hundred years, there have been frequent wars in Youzhou, and the people are living. All ethnic groups fight against each other, blood flows into rivers, and hatred accumulates into mountains. Fortunately, the Marquis of Xiangben was far-sighted and harmonious. Today, Ma Mengqi, worshipped Tiande to appease Liangzhou, calm the war, return peace to the people, and return Youzhou to peace. I would like to set up a memorial platform for these two ethnic groups to allied with all the ministries to create eternal peace between the Han and Ukrainian ethnic groups!"

Turning around, Ma Chao led the heroes to bow down and worship the gods of the two ethnic groups, and swear: "In the fifth year of Xingping, on August 25, Ma Chao led Liu He, Zhao Yun, Tian Yu, Zhao Renren, etc., and sacrificed the gods of the two ethnic groups in Liucheng.

Since then, the two families of Han and Wu have been integrated. All ministries and ethnic groups are not enemies, do not raise troops, do not invade each other and plot to seal the territory, or there may be guess obstacles, and ask questions to return clothes and food. The people living in Youzhou can benefit from the Ma family's new policy. There are few dependants, old people have support, men have a place to do, and women have something to follow. Wuhuan people, who treat each other equally, grazing and hunting, can trade with Han people and Li Shu, and communicate with each other. Pastoral farming is unified, Han and Wu are the same, which is the virtue of heaven and earth. Since today, the land of Youzhou will no longer raise the dust of blood and fire of the two races!

The sky is above, and the divine eyes are like electricity. Thick soil is under the bottom, and virtue is in the chest. Today, Ma Chao vowed to be here. If there is any violation on the stage, the Ma family will ask for it! The people of Hanwu will ask for it! Gods will ask for it together!"

For a moment, he was impassioned and said the hundred-year wishes of the two ethnic groups. Ma Chao vowed that when the Hanwu people looked at each other again, they were a little closer.

According to the custom, after the oath was made by the representative of the Ma family, the representative of Wuhuan read the oath to show his sincerity. However, after Ma Chao finished taking the oath, he suddenly turned around, raised his chest and shouted, "People, do you believe in the Ma family?"

"Xin!" The response of the mountain tide, the sudden and personal charm and Ma Chao's demagogue are still very useful. Under such a solemn and pious belief, every Wuhuan warrior shouted out their simple hope and desire.

"The Ma family treats us equally and gives us food, clothing and weapons. You tell me why we have received so much kindness from the Ma family, and how can we repay the Ma family?"

After this roar, the Wuhuan warriors looked at each other. Even if what they said is the truth, how can they come up with the most accurate answer to such a broad question for a while?

However, at this time, a voice suddenly came from the camp of Wuhuan warriors: "We have knives, we also have horses, the Ma family is our friends, we

You can fight for the Ma family!"

After this, all the Wuhuan warriors suddenly found a passionate sense of honor. They are all horse warriors and righteous people who can completely entrust their lives to their friends. As soon as this sentence came out, no one had long sought out who shouted. Only the loud voice was ups and downs, like rolling waves covering the whole altar.

"Yes, Wuhuan is the most brave warrior and can defeat all the enemies for the Ma family!"

"We can also shoot arrows. No cunning and ferocious prey can escape our sharp arrows!"

"The Ma family is willing to treat us like this. As long as our wife and children can live and there is no more war, we can give our lives to the Ma family!"

"The great kindness of the Ma family, I will repay you to die!"

"The great kindness of the Ma family, I will repay you to die!"

"The great kindness of the Ma family, I will repay you to die!"

All the messy sound waves were finally finalized after the last eight characters. Wuhuan Warriors raised their knives and shouted, repeating these words one after another, as if they were going to turn the whole sky upside down. But no one saw Ma Chao, who was still kneeling on the ground, with a cunning smile on the corners of his mouth.

At this time, Tedun also learned to stretch out Ma Chao's hand, and all the Wuhuan warriors suddenly stopped shouting. He turned around again, knelt directly in front of Ma Chao in front of tens of thousands of people on the field, and said with emotion, "Lord! Since you have treated us so well, Wuhuan is not a person who does not know kindness. After today, if the Ma family needs it, I will go through fire and water and swear to obey!"

Yes, some nights ago, Ma Chao and Tedon conspired. Naturally, it was impossible to just make a formal alliance. What he wants is the submission of the whole Wuhuan race. Since the Ma family wants to transform, it can't form a brotherly alliance with Wuhuan. It must accept the submission of a different nation in the posture of heaven. Otherwise, what will those scholars and doctors class who have long been full of chauvinism in their minds think of the Ma family?

Barbarian! Hu Rong!

The chaos that collapsed Hanle, the thief who is willing to degenerate, and even is likely to be vilified into a rebel minister who colluded with Wuhuantu to dominate Youzhou!

Ma Chao must not accept these. What he wants to get is the stunned shame of all the scholars and doctors of the Han Dynasty. It is that no matter how much they despise the Ma family, they have to admit that the Ma family is the true hero of the Han people in this era. It is the pain or repentance that they can't help comparing the Ma family with the lingering Han Dynasty!

Therefore, Ma Chao secretly met Dun in the middle of the night; therefore, Ma Chao arranged several 'childcare' in the Wuhuan warrior camp in advance. Therefore, at this time, he stood up and did not have the politeness of ordinary Han officials. Instead, he said, "Okay! The Ma family accepted Wuhuan's sincerity, and today we both made a vow!"

At present, Ma Chao took a large bowl full of wine, and then cut his left thumb with a silver knife. Seeing this, he didn't say a word, but also took a knife to cut his finger.

The red blood suddenly flowed down, dripping into the white bowl. The blood of the two quickly blended into the wine, and the whole bowl of wine was suddenly gorgeous, like heroic blood. Ma Chao immediately raised the bowl flat, shouting and kowtowing from the stage, shouting randomly, "Ma family Jinxiu, God and man!"

Ma Chao got this praise and looked up and drank half of the wine in the bowl. The other half took it respectfully and drank it all up!

In the whole field, there was only a roar in my ears for a while...

PS: Thanks to the primary school students, Yongzheng, Queen Anye, Mingyuexin and Jin Lion.