Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1151 Send a letter

"Xiaomi is safe and sound?" After Mu Yuanfeng carefully checked around the room and confirmed that there was no one around, he asked Zhen Mi with a disbelief: "She was not tortured at all in Caoying, can she? ..."

"Yes, you guess very accurately. I'm afraid it was Cao Cao's old pervert who thought the barracks was boring, so he left Xiaomi on the side." At this time, Zhen Mi did not have the vigorous and energetic feeling of the young deer stepping on spring at this time, and his words were more like a cold female policyman who was growing up: "However, you can rest assured that Cao Cao's appearance is probably just taking Sister Xiaomi as a blind adjustment, and there is no intention of blasphemy for the time being."

When Mu Yuanfeng heard Zhen Mi suddenly say these words, he really felt that men and women were not in the same world at all. Like him, he devotes himself to the shadow, especially the backbone of the shadow, is not unslipsible and doesn't understand the girl's thoughts. However, since the incident of Liu Yue, he has raised his enthusiasm for his job to almost surpass all emotions.

Hearing the news that Tang Xiaomi was not yet dead, his first reaction was to figure out the impact of Tang Xiaomi's immortality on the whole shadow, even the Ma family, and why she suddenly provided such an earth-shaking intelligence and other events. But Zhen Mi's answer full of female logic really made him have nothing to say but shake his head.

"Tell me in detail about the situation when you saw Xiaomi." If you have nothing to say, you have to find something to say. The news that Zhen Mi suddenly brought back was so shocking that Mu Yuanfeng had to know it all and carefully analyze it and make a judgment.

After saying this, Mu Yuanfeng listened to Zhen Mi's story and studied the paper ball carefully: this is only an inch-long note, which is the standard note that the shadows usually stuff into the carrier pigeon mailbox. Moreover, the writing tool also used a special pencil made by the Ma family to write a square-headed regular script like a fly. The handwriting is confirmed to be Tang Xiaomi's. It's just that the handwriting is scribbled, and obviously his eyes are not looking at the note to write.

Combined with Zhen Mi's story, Mu Yuanfeng judged that it should be that when Zhen Yan and Zhen Mi appeared, Tang Xiaomi secretly began to write down the information she had learned. But then, after hearing Zhen Mi's stupid way to contact Tang Xiaomi, Mu Yuanfeng couldn't help saying, "stupid! Do you think Cao Cao is a three-year-old child and has been deceived by you like this?!"

Mu Yuanfeng, who has been lurking in the Zhen family for many times, knows more than Tang Xiaomi. At present, the Zhen family's strategy is not to put eggs in two baskets - on the one hand, Zhen Yi tried his best to provide food and fodder for Cao Cao; on the other hand, he tried his best to cover up his identity and told him some salty news from the Cao family.

Until this time, Mu Yuanfeng could not clearly judge where the Zhen family's heart was headed. Or, does it really want to wander between the two factions... However, at present, it seems that the young lady of the Zhen family seems to be more inclined to the Ma family. Therefore, with a woman's intuition, Tang Xiaomi gambled on Zhen Mi, and it turned out that she was right.

But even so, after hearing that Zhen Mi was so reckless, Mu Yuanfeng suddenly decided after thinking for a moment: "I must leave the Zhen family at this time!"


"Because at the next time of incense, my identity may be exposed!"

"No, I want to go with you!" Seeing that Mu Yuanfeng had turned around, Zhen Mi couldn't help saying these words in a hurry. But it seemed to suddenly react again, and the image of the cold female policyman collapsed: "I mean that I will send this secret letter to Ma Chao with my own hands."

The more you say this sentence, the lower your voice will be. But Mu Yuanfeng was angry and did not pay attention to the change of Zhen Mi's expression. He refused mercilessly, "This is impossible. With you, it will only expose my whereabouts in advance."

"But Sister Xiaomi has said that the shadow has been completely exposed. How do you know whether you will have been rebelled by Cao?" Zhen Mi's voice suddenly became sharp, and there was a threat of the little girl acting coquettishly after being rejected.

"If you doubt me, you won't give me this secret letter... Huh? No..." Mu Yuanfeng suddenly stopped and looked back at Zhen Mi's suddenly lowered head under the gaze of his eyes, and couldn't help howling in his heart: Lord, you are really a girl killer. When did you kill this stunning girl invisibly?

After a moment of meditation, Mu Yuanfeng's mouth raised an evil arc: "Do you have a maid who looks similar to you?"

"Yes!" Zhen Mi's answer was very quick and decisive. It seems that she has been preparing for this runaway for a long time...

Ma Chao, who was far away in Liucheng and was in pain, had no idea that he had created a special elite force. In a small investigation by Ren Jun, he accidentally made a gap between the original shadow mysterious and firmly. Then, after Cao Cao secretly met Liu Xie about this matter, the shadow that once changed the color of all the princes became the palest joke in Cao Jun's eyes.

At this time, he was like a crazy self-abuse anxious patient. The cases in front of him were full of military posts sent by various military departments, and Ma Chao almost read every newspaper more than three times. But the rapid and noisy idea in his mind made him have the impulse to lift up the case.

Guo Jia said that the power of harming each other is light, and the lord should stick to his eyes and feel at ease in the long run;

Xun You said that when he continues to suffer from its chaos, Cao is the old enemy of the Ma family. If it is not eradicated as soon as possible, there will be endless troubles in the future.

Xu Shu said that fish and bear paws cannot be obtained at the same time. The lord is majestic in the north before the age of the weak crown. Since he has planned to move, he should not disturb the army's heart.

Fa Zheng said that although General Pound was captured, he was loyal to the army. Hundreds of thousands of warriors want to serve the Ma family, and the lord must not shake the foundation of the Ma family.


All the counselors suggested that Ma Chao forget about Chang'an for the time being. Although they do not admit that Chang'an is a disease of scabies, they have done the opposite, believing that the core capital of the Ma family, Chang'an, but the things outside the body cannot be compared with the Ma family's grand ambition!

However, how do they know that the Ma family's grain and fodder are now overstretched? Li Yan and Meng Da, who are in charge of logistics, have sent more than a dozen harsh letters in a row, warning Ma Chao not to be desperate. In addition, the three major commercial giants of the Ma family, Guan Shanxue, Zhang Yupan and Li Zihao, have been heartbroken, claiming that the Ma family's economy has suffered the largest swallowfall in history in this Jizhou war?

Especially the fat Li Zihao, when he came to Liucheng two days ago, Ma Chao saw with his own eyes that his fat had disappeared. Only a sad face and vowed to tell Ma Chao that if the Ma family still wanted to enter Jizhou after pacified Youzhou, he Li Zihao would wipe it with a knife. The neck......

Moreover, in the faint, what Ma Chao saw and heard in the east of the river, he always felt that Cao Cao did not only want to contain the Ma family's plan with Chang's turmoil. On the contrary, he may really want to cut off the strategic pattern that the Ma family has completely connected the front line of the Great Wall, causing Ma Chao to fall into a situation where things can't care about each other!

In addition, there is Sima Yi, who is absolutely inextricably linked to Liu Xie. As well as Yang Xiu's extremely stupid fault, Ma Chao felt that all this was inextricably linked to the burning rosefinch that was quietly dormant in Nanpi City, but always coveted the Ma family, as if it was using these almost invisible dark flames to complete its rebirth at the most critical moment, so as to completely earn The Ma family has woven a big net in Jizhou!

"Cao Cao, did you finally show your incompetence at the last minute? ..." Ma Chao fiercely suppressed the impulse in his heart. He believed in his own strategists who had left a gorgeous mark in history, but he also believed in his intuition that spanned thousands of years. The whole heart beat like a ball, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his chest. He wanted to write the final plan, but he hesitated for a long time but couldn't write a word. Sweat kept pouring out and flowing outside his body to become cold.

Finally, Ma Chao finally wrote what he thought was the most correct and appropriate decision. But at this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and his face was covered with mud and dust. Mu Yuanfeng couldn't recognize his original face and said, "Lord, I have important reports..."

After saying that, Mu Yuanfeng tilted his head and fainted. After him, a teenager like a little beggar entered, and the first sentence he said was, "Ma, Ma Chao... give me some food."

PS: Xie Panye, Mu Yuanfeng, Jin Lion, Dark Night Queen, come back before 7 p.m.