Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1163 Broken Dragon Stone

The Xiongnu rushed in crazily. Even if the poor guys in front of them were lifted off their horses one by one, the cavalry in the rear no longer care about their robes and their peers and directly crushed them!

Of course, after his war horse was suddenly shocked, they began to pray that the robe behind him not to trample him to death: why did those damn aliens lose so much iron thistock when they retreated?!

However, even though the whole gate was in chaos before, the madness of the whole Xiongnu's rapid riding has soared. Those mourning and struggling horses were no longer the mounts of the Huns and became an obstacle to their revenge. After stepping on their dead robes without mercy, the subsequent cavalry stabbed the disabled war horses to death. Some Xiongnu madmen directly drove these idiots into the moat with their horses and cleared the blood of revenge with their lives!

"The gate has been lost! Chang'an has been broken! The thief of the Ma family died quickly!" Huchuquan was shouting, and all the Huns also shouted. The sound beats in the air like ignited fire oil, burning people's hearts.

At this time, the Ma family in the city will no longer have the previous leisure. Each of them clenched their weapons, looked at the mountain of garrison and 5,000 soldiers, and roared with one voice: "The survival of Chang'an is all in this battle. Today, I am invincible, and there is no life!"

"I am invincible, and there is no life!" This motto of the camp is most suitable for the scene at this time. Five thousand soldiers were in their positions, without the slightest withdrawal or fear in their eyes. Yes, it's just that I don't regret it!

And in this bang response, there are many beautiful and crisp female voices. The female tiger camp newly named by Lv Bu has not received any preferential treatment at this moment: since she joined the army, life and death are no longer their own. But the Ma family, the bearer of the whole land of China!

The morale is very high - however, it is for both sides.

And when the morale of both sides is similar, what should we rely on to win this battle?

Obviously, it is the level of the conspiracy behind the scenes.

At this time, the two sides finally began to let go. At the gate of Chang'an, Pang Tong waved his hand slightly, and dozens of catapults and bed crossbows were slowly pulled out by the inferior horses and calmly corrected the test shot in a completely safe environment. However, the commander of the Ma family above the head of the city is not Ma Dai, the nominal general, but the most prestigious Huangfu Song: "Dump fire and oil, guard the ladder of the city!"

The gate was broken through, and the Ma army on the wall was immediately exposed to the enemy's iron hoofs. The enemy who invaded the gate could even rush to the outer city on horseback for soldiers to go up and down the city wall. In the case that the strength of the Ma army is far less than that of the Xiongnu, it is most likely to block the Xiong cavalry from attacking the city wall, which is the first priority of Huangfu Song.

However, although the fire oil had been poured down at the moment when the Xiongnu rushed in, Huangfu Song's high right hand did not cut off - the Xiongnu cavalry after rushing into the city gate did not divide their troops to attack the city ladder, but shouted and rushed to the gate of the city in front of them!

Huangfu Song showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and waved his right hand fiercely, but changed the order: "Let's shoot!"

The arrows spilled into the city again like splashing water, and many Xiongnu soldiers and horses suddenly fell to the ground during the attack, and even the knights on their backs were lifted out. These Xiongnu warriors without stagnation smashed the robes in front of them who were lucky enough to escape the rain of arrows, and directly smashed the charge formation to pieces.

It can be said that Ma Jiajun has maintained an absolute upper hand with almost zero casualties in the battle for nearly an hour from the beginning of the war to now. 70,000 Xiongnu rode quickly and killed more than 10,000 people in the rain of arrows. Such casualties have made all the Huns red-eyed and crazy!

But that's it. They never want to retreat!

Because they know that as long as they rush to the gate of Weng City, they can step on Chang'an City! The legendary bustling city in front of us will howl under their iron hooves - this is the price they dare to kill themselves!

In particular, the gate of the urn in front of us really opened slowly! At present, the Xiongnu knights, each of them clenched the machete in their hands, bent down, and put on their most comfortable posture of action - they received the order to kill the people in black who opened the gate and let the gate of the urn keep open!

Huangfu Song at the head of the city looked at the gate of the urn city without blinking. Not only he, but all the Ma family generals who knew about this plan looked there!

They saw that the first Xiongnu cavalry killed dozens of black ice soldiers like cutting vegetables and melons!

They saw that nearly 100 Xiongnu rode into the inner city of Chang'an!

Soon, 200...


A thousand!

"Huangfu Song, it's time to order!" Ma Dai was anxious. He knew that the inner city of Chang'an was full of people. And in the palace, there are only all the family's families! There are less than 500 soldiers they can control!

"No, this is not enough. It is not enough to completely introduce most of the Xiongnu horses to the city!" Huangfu Song looked cold and ruthless, raised his right hand gently, and began to tremble slightly: he knew that his order was related to the survival of the whole Ma family and Chang'an. But if you can't grasp it for half a moment, you may lose all your previous efforts!

With this wave, the whole Xiongnu can only be remembered for historical memory; if it is defeated, Chang'an will be a sea of fire!

Therefore, this decision cannot be made by Ma Dai. And he, an outsider, has now carried all the loyalty and the glory of the Han people, and pressed in with fame, life, family and everything else!

"Order quickly! Two thousand Xiongnu have rushed into the inner city!" Ma Dai's eyes were red. He stared at Huangfu Song's straight right arm, and even thought of pulling Huangfu Song's right arm in his mind, and asked Huangfu Song to order in a clever way: There are some mistakes. Once lost, immortality will be irreparable!

"Old ghost!" Matthew, a teenager, did not understand the overall plan at this time. Seeing that Huangfu Song allowed the Xiong to ride into the city to slaughter the people of the Ma family, he immediately pulled out the iron knife: "I'm going to kill you!"

With a slap, Ma Dai slapped Ma Xiu to the ground fiercely. The painful feeling in his hand made Ma Dai realize that this was not what he should do. However, he still ignored Ma Xiu and almost begged Huangfu Song again with tears: "General Huangfu, is it time to order? ..."

After about 5,000 Xiongnu quickly rode into the inner city of Chang'an, Huangfu Song's resolute face finally showed a trace of determination, and his right arm waved with a strong wind: "Fire, break the dragon stone!"

Broken Dragon Stone is Ma Chao's most secret arrangement for Chang'an City, except for the core military headquarters and generals of the Ma family. Only Jia Xu's old fox knows it in Chang'an, that is to say, this secret has become the magic weapon between Li Ru and Jia Xu!

Two dull loud noises followed one after another, and suddenly broke out over the whole outer city of Chang'an. In the outer city and the corridor of the urn city, the indestructible broken dragon stone fell down. The reason why the sound of landing was a little dull was that some poor Xiongnu were pressed down by the broken dragon stone. The red blood slowly flowed out of the bottom of the broken dragon stone, and sometimes some fine pieces and organs rushed out. The most unfortunate were the Xiongnu soldiers and horses who were cut off their waists, who suddenly made the highest screams in their lives and climbed with their hands and hoofs for help, as if those evil spirits who were beaten into hell and tortured by the Buddha's family said.

The two broken dragon stones are six meters wide, about 6.5 meters high, 15 centimeters thick, and an overall weight of about 2,000 kilograms. Such quality can't be broken by the stones of the catapult. At the same time, the fall of the broken dragon stone also shows that the whole Chang'an has entered a critical point where there is no self!

The broken dragon stone ruthlessly blocked Chang'an Weng City into a completely closed space. Except for the soldiers on the head of the city to escape with ropes, there is no possibility of running out! That is to say, at this moment, the Ma army of less than 8,000 will deal with the nearly 30,000 Xiongnu who have poured into the city of Weng!

So, at this time, several torches fell on the city ladder. The city ladder, which had already flowed all over the key roads of the city wall before, ignited a blazing fire in an instant - these poisonous tricks were all from Jia Xu's old fox! In this battle, the old fox will completely exterminate the whole Xiongnu race!

"No!!!" Huchuquan roared like an injured and deceived wolf, roaring like crazy, "Go, rush across the sea of fire and grab the city wall!" We can't wait to die. Once we die, the whole Xiongnu will be finished!"

At this time, there was also a noise in the inner city of Chang'an. Sporadic fires also ignited one after another!

This battle is not the father's revenge battle that Dong Yi thinks is not the stupid woman. Instead, the decisive battle between the two races!