Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1188 Weird Anomaly

For three days, Cao Tai's heart has been hanging, and he can't fall into his stomach. Because the Ma family's reaction was unexpected, only Qin Yu shuttled back and forth between the post hall where he stayed and Chang'an Shangshutai, constantly communicating. It seemed that both sides were testing each other's bottom line and fighting for their greatest interests. But Cao Tai knew in his heart that such a situation... was very abnormal!

On the surface, this negotiation seems to be another peace between the two families, but it is obvious that the Ma family is the strong party in this negotiation. According to the prediction, Ma Chao should summon himself immediately. Whether it is a verbal battle or strong bullying, or even not even speak any reason or with fists, Ma Chao should also squeeze the oil that can be squeezed from Cao's body as quickly as possible... But now, it is not urgent for only one official of the Ministry of Ceremonies to send a message back and forth. The gentle attitude is really abnormal!

Cao Tai was very irritable at this moment, and inadvertently saw his anxious and failed face in the mirror. He suddenly rose an unspeakable anger, waved his hand, and smashed the dressing glass to the ground - such a huge piece of dressing glass in a man's house. This is not an irony that he is too feminine. What?!

Qingyue's broken voice did not ease Cao Tai's anger, but made him more and more irritable. He wanted to go out for a walk. When he saw the two guard guards at the door, he was even more angry!

'No, this situation is absolutely abnormal. I must find a way to spread the news to Xu Chang.' Cao Tai said to himself in his heart, but when he thought of Chang'an like an iron wall, Jing'an Cao sacrificed seven elite dead men and could not get in. Cao Tai felt that he was as angry as a mouse in the bellows!

"When will Lord Qin Yu come?" For the first time, Cao Tai took the initiative to give up his reserved hand and asked the bodyguard outside the door. Although the original purpose was to come here to Chang'an to delay the attention of the Ma family, the Ma family's initiative to let him achieve his goal made him unable to control it.

Before the bodyguard opened his mouth, Han Feng's figure came slowly in the distance. Looking at Qin Yu's steady steps, Cao Tai frowned tightly like a woman. Moreover, contrary to usual, this time he had not stretched his eyebrows into the usual warm before Qin Yu found out - this time, Qin Yu was followed by a person, Cao Ang.

"Lord Qin, this? ..." When Qin Yu walked in front of him, Cao Tai pointed to Cao Ang and asked.

"Oh, the lord knew that Lord Cao was bored here alone, so he arranged for Lord Zixiu to live with him." Qin Yu replied unhurriedly.

"So yesterday we talked about the meaning of redeeming the two generals Le Jin and Li Dian by ransom? ..." Cao Tai saw the tolerant worry on Cao Ang's face and deliberately shifted the conversation to this ** topic.

"Well, your excellency also knows that the lord has great admiration for the famous generals and scholars, and I'm afraid of this redemption... Alas, since Lord Cao raised this matter again today, I will go back and report the matter to the lord in detail, so that the two families can enter the substantive stage as soon as possible." After saying that, Qin Yu turned around and was about to leave. Cao Tai's intuition was inappropriate, but as soon as he was about to open his mouth, he saw Cao Ang winking at him and couldn't help swallowing the 'Stay' to his mouth.

"Zixu, but got the inside information of the Ma family?" Quickly invited Cao Ang into the house. Cao Tai closed the door and turned around and asked. The abnormality of the past three days has made Cao Tai a little impatient.

"The Ma family has already lined up on the front line of Zhongmou, Changshe and Yang Zhai, and the Ma family's army at the Tiger Prison and Fenshui Pass are also ready to move. It depends on the situation, this time the Ma family wants to force us to compromise as soon as possible!"

Cao Ang frowned, this news was not heard by him with great painstaking efforts. Instead, Ma Chao revealed it when chatting with Le Jin, Li Dian and himself. Although he knew in his heart that Ma Chao deliberately revealed this news to Cao Tai today, the master was strong and the guest was weak, and Ma Chao played openly and uprightly, so he couldn't help Cao Ang himself not reveal it.

Cao Tai's face was slightly stunned when he heard the words. The whole Ma family, if there are still troops with fighting power, can only hold the Ma family's army tightly guarding the pass on the south line of the Ma family. As for the 10,000 soldiers and horses in Hulao and Fenshui, Ma Chao has always been the last retreat to the north and has never been mobilized. Unexpectedly, today, the last battle power of the Ma family suddenly became an important weight for discussion and negotiation in Chang'an Deyang Hall.

Now that in such a situation, since the Ma family is ready to move, Cao will definitely send troops to confront it at the cost of overdraft of military food. Although there is no possibility of a fierce battle, the continuous pressure exerted by the Ma family is what Cao is unwilling to bear. Even Cao Ang and Cao Tai believed that if necessary, Ma Jiajun would deliberately fight several small-scale fierce battles, so that some officials within the Cao family would take the initiative to persuade Cao Cao to make peace as soon as possible.

While treating guests warmly and steadily dragging himself into the post hall, on the other hand, he behaved arrogantly at the border, making Cao's self-centered position. I have to say that Ma Chao's current tricks have completely escaped from the scope of conspiracy and entered the realm of piercing but unpreventable conspiracy.

However, if that's really the case, it's still good news for Cao Tai. Therefore, he only showed a smile that could almost turn all sentient beings upside down after thinking about everything: "Zi Xiu, since the Ma family is blind, we can do it!" At present, Cao Tai quietly informed Cao Ang about Yuan Shu in Huainan.

Cao Ang is also an exquisite person. Without Cao Tai's explanation one by one, he will understand the key points. With the cards in his hand, he was also fearless, and instead discussed with Cao Tai how to continue to delay the Ma family without a trace.

After this day, Qin Yu still played the role of a messenger of peace and shuttled back and forth between the two places. After continuous bargaining, the two sides only saw back and forth on the core issue of Jizhou. Although at this time, Ma Chao has privately said that he can not be the four counties of Wei County, Yangping County, Pingyuan County and Leling State that have been actually controlled by the Cao family - after all, the pace of the Ma family is too big now. The cost of swallowing these four counties is far greater than the future benefits at present. Even Cao Cao will shake him. The first refusal - but now, the Ma family only bites that Jizhou is their own. The covenant of the two restoration alliance is clearly written, and the Cao family must return it.

Cao Ang and Cao Tai naturally killed and did not let go of their mouths on this issue. Even if they were ridiculed by Qin Yu like their grandsons, they also gritted their teeth and played shamelessly: the four counties that the Ma family did not like, for the Cao family, they worked hard to get 100,000 soldiers and horses to get. Cao Ang and Cao Tai lost their lives. Chang'an did not dare to lose these four counties in the discussions and negotiations.

In this way, you and I would like to regard these four counties as an insurmountable hurdle, but when Qin Yu reported to Ma Chao on the seventh day, Ma Chao held his jaw and smiled and said, "These two guys are really good. However, it has been seven days, and the war in Runan must have started, right?

The answer to Ma Chao is not Qin Yu, but Xun You, who is in charge of military affairs: "Lord, if everything goes well, there will be information tomorrow."

"Good, then we don't want to hide it." Ma Chao looked up and looked at Qin Yu and said like Yan Yan, "Tell the two young people that on that day, I will hold a banquet in Chengping Hall and put a final end to the peace!"

"But..." Qin Yu was shocked when he heard the words and came forward to dissuade him, "These two people only said a few words without mentioning Cao Cao's promise. If there is a news of failure at the banquet tomorrow, won't we fall behind?"

But Ma Chao seemed to have a lot of confidence in Liu Bei and waved his hand and said, "If Liu Bei can't even resist the Cao army, which was restrained by the Ma army, and even Sun Ce, who has been alone for half a year, can't defeat Sun Ce, then he is of little value to the Ma family!"

'The world underestimates the hero who weaves mats and sells shoes...' Ma Chao said this to himself only in his heart.