Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1207 The Knowledge of Spending Money

The turbulent five years of Xingping made the whole Han Dynasty unable to react. Whether it is the princes or ordinary people, they can't imagine that in just half a year, the two nobles who once suppressed the Han Dynasty in the south and north will disappear.

Many insightful people in the wild talked about the victory or defeat of the infighting of the Yuan family in the first half of the year, either on the high hall or between the grassy, which is very likely to be the only factor that completely overthrows the authority of the Han Dynasty. However, in a blink of an eye, the two brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu seemed to tease the world and quickly destroyed them one after another.

Some people call this year the 'Year of Heaven's Destruction', because those people who can't believe think that there is nothing else to explain why the turbulent times are so changeable. But at the same time, some people call this year the 'first year of Qingping', because after the destruction of Yuan Shu, the surging power of the young generation in the south and north is ascending to the stage with a strong momentum and vigorous.

Especially on October 16 of this year, the world was shocked after the news that Ma Chao was awarded the title of 'King of Yong' in Chang'an Deyang Hall. Many people didn't want to believe their ears at first, but with the spread and operation of the Ma family caravan and those ubiquitous shadows, people have heard such news between the streets of the city for a whole month. Then with the strong news coming one after another, they all believed it.

"Have you heard? Ma Chao of Chang'an was awarded the title of King of Yong, which is the first king with different surnames after more than 400 years!" A man on the street said mysteriously.

"I already knew the news. Moreover, I also heard that Ma Chao spent 10,000 yuan on this ceremony!"

"Really or false, so much money?!" The man opened his mouth for a long time, and finally shook his head and said, "How is this possible? How can a can-be ceremony cost so much money?!"

"You don't understand this, do you?" Another voice came up: "Do you think King Yong is the same as marrying your daughter-in-law? I heard that on the day Ma Chao was sealed, he wore jade beads, white tiger leather boots, and was wearing a colorful golden robe! And the subsequent military parade, 10,000 Ma's own soldiers were dressed in gold armor, and even the saddle was throned! In addition, there are banquets, and all the people in Chang'an may have a banquet on the street that day... Tell me, is 100 million enough for such an expense?

"This, this, this..." This man 'this' for a long time, and finally recovered from the phenomenon and said fiercely, "This Ma family is really rich!! Compared with the Ma family, the imperial court is less than half of others, right?!"

"Are you talking about the unlucky court? Ha, can it compare with the Ma family? ..."

In January, all parts of the Han Dynasty were talking about the honor and honor of Ma Chao when he was awarded the title. But without exception, every time they talk about the end, people will always unconsciously compare the richest, most expensive and most majestic court with the Ma family, but the result makes people shake their heads: the world has really changed.

The name of Cai Yong, the master of classics, was in front of him, and Ma Chao's acceptance ceremony was not more than half. No one can pick out any problems. At most, the excuse they can attack is that the new king of Yong is too perverse and invincible.

The feeling of spending money as painful and happy as water has a perfect interpretation in Meng Da. On the day of the title, Meng Da never thought that he would see such brilliantness, the mighty and magnificentness that swallowed the world when he personally inspected the army with Ma Chao, and the thunderous cheers of the whole people of Chang'an than the festival.

But when he thought that the gorgeous excitement of boiling oil cooking was based on the cost of 100 million yuan, Meng Da felt his liver pain, lung pain, intestine pain... Anyway, there is no place all over his body that doesn't hurt - so far, he has not thought of why Ma Chao would burn money like this, and Guo Jia did not give him an explanation. Just smile and say, "Let's wait and see."

'This is burning money!' Finally, one night in his sleep, Meng Da shouted out this sentence hoarsely, which shocked the beauty around him and quickly blocked Meng Da's mouth with his jade-like warmth.

However, it is strange that Meng Da really found a series of unpredictable events.

On October 20, Liu Bei, the governor of Runan, came to Chang'an to congratulate him and saluted Ma Chao. After the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar. Some people say that Liu Bei has lost the face of the Han clan, but others say that Liu Bei conforms to the general trend and is a hero in troubled times.

If Liu Bei's congratulations brought was just a group discussion, then Cao Cao sent Cao Tai to Chang'an again to congratulate him, which brought an earthquake-like effect - the world knows that the Ma family and Cao Cao had just had a deadly battle in Jizhou, but they never thought that the two families were like children. Okay, just get it?!

No one wants to believe such an absurd fact, but Liu Biao from Jingzhou and Liu Zhang from Yizhou couldn't sit still first. After hearing the news, they immediately sent envoys to Chang'an to congratulate the Ma family. In particular, Liu Biao also specially brought a lot of money and grain to make up for the small misunderstanding between the two families when they prevented Liu Biao from sending troops to Yingchuan. This turned the thing that should have been too long for the Ma family into apologetic humility of Liu Biao. Although this transformation is unknown, it has indeed become the Ma family today, which is a proof of the strongest leading princes in the Han Dynasty.

After that, the development of the situation made Meng Da and everyone stunned. On October 30, Ma Chao sent only one member of Pangde* and 5,000 soldiers, and then successfully accepted the four counties of Jizhou. This time, the two families seemed to have restored the tacit understanding when they fought against Yuan. When Pang De rushed to Wei County, the general of Cao's army banned the storage of knives and guns, sealed grain and fodder, and only waited for the Ma army to accept it. Then the three counties were the same, and the smooth process was simply unimaginable.

After this incident, Ma Jiazhen is really leading six states, three counties and four counties under the title of King Yong, and has become the well-deserved first prince in the Han Dynasty. And there is no trouble in northern Xinjiang, and the internal generals are like clouds and counselors are like rain, and their strength is as high as the sun and earth. Any class of the Han Dynasty, even if it regards the Ma family as a scholar who hates the chief, has little confidence to slander the Ma family - in the face of absolute strength, any clever rumors will not be applicable.

Such a series of chain reactions occurred one after another, and Meng Da finally realized why Ma Chao and those foxes tried their best to beat their swollen faces and fat: in such an iron-blooded and false troubled world, people's hearts swayed like duckweed, pretending that smoke and clouds took advantage of the opportunity to enter, which could become the most standard for their return. Only when Ma Chao and those fox saw through people's hearts can they hold the most grand, pompous and most confusing sealing ceremony, which makes the hearts of the general subjects beat with the future grandeur of the Ma family and become an internal driving force for the complete transformation of the Ma family.

Nowadays, who still thinks that the Ma family is just a Wufu family from one side? Under the effect of successive bombings this month, everyone raised the Ma family to a fissure territory, made the land king, and could fight against the present court. If anyone dares to doubt this, others will immediately say, "Can you spend 100 million yuan to hold a ceremony? Can you ask the princes of the four directions to congratulate you? Can you hold nearly half of the territory of the Han Dynasty?!"

So, after calculating back and forth, Meng Da found that this 100 million yuan was actually not wronged to spend! Those invisible profits are really hard to exchange! Therefore, with a painful but heartless tangled expression, he bowed to Ma Chao: "The lord is well aware of people's hearts and the overall situation, and he has been taught this time."

But Ma Chao didn't have any joy on his face. He casually threw the valuable Dongzhu jade curtain on the table, spit out a smoke ring, and then said inexplicably, "Oh, this is like living with a young couple. When you are happy, you must have a honeymoon romance. But after really spending all your savings, it's time to fall from the clouds and enjoy the helplessness of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

At this moment, the clouds were swirling, and Ma Chao suddenly had a lonely butler's temperament, which made Meng Da confused again.