Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1213 It's hard to beat a hero

Outside Runan City, a man and a woman stood on their horses. The man was handsome and charming, and the woman was delicate and soft. The horses around them were extremely amazing, which attracted those people who entered and out of the city to look sideways and couldn't help admiring a pair of immortals.

Unfortunately, these two immortals who didn't seem to know other people's fireworks were stopped by a small gate order.

"The Ma family has been governed by your Yue's sister and Fu Shou's sister for more than a year. The Ma family's business in charge of Zhang Yupan, Li Zihao in Jinyang, and Zhen Yan in Wei County have recovered to 60% to 70% two years ago, and Guan Shanxue has made the business outside the Western Regions. You don't even have four copper coins to enter the city?"

Ma Chao is ashamed of Diao Chan's accusations. Indeed, as Diao Chan said, after being awarded the title of King Yong, Ma Chao knows that agriculture under the rule will not improve much in the short term. As a result, he focused his development on business in his first year. Although war is a very expensive and cost-making business, fortunately, it only burns strategic materials, such as tea, cement, bricks, glass, silk and other non-strategic materials, which have little impact.

As soon as the war stopped, several commercial carriages in the southeast and northwest of the Ma family began to operate at full capacity. Even in order to ensure the smooth flow of commercial roads, Ma Chao also put forward the idea of establishing a logistics station and vigorously implemented it. This post station has various functions such as postal services, expressway service areas, cargo transit stations, logistics centers, espionage, etc., and uses a huge network of commercial tentacles to closely connect the vast Ma family governance into a whole. Later, this emerging thing outside the Han Dynasty system gradually extended its tentacles to the political field, regularly reporting to Ma Chao from the bottom to the progress of the implementation of the new policy under various places, people's customs and conditions, sunny and rainy weather, official assessment and other all-encompassing information. Especially in the two places, because of the station, the whole shadow system began to gain a foothold and began to pull out Jing An Cao's stronghold agents layer by layer.

After the economic revitalizing of the whole rule, Ma Chao has begun to be dissatisfied with the exchange with those nomads in northern Serbia. Under the leadership of Guan Shanxue's housekeeper with full experience, the Ma family started another "chieving" activity since Zhang Qian. When he returned at the end of the year, Guan Shanxue told Ma Chao that this time, the footprints of Guizi, Yu Huan, Kangju, Wusun, Shule, Yueshi, Shanshan, Cheshi and other major countries in the Western Regions brought back a large amount of property with silk ceramics. Everyone in the caravan was smiling and happy.

Since then, the east and west cities of Chang'an City have been bustling, and Western wine, Dawanma, various gems and jade that have not been seen for many years have reappeared on the market. Of course, the tax revenue in the commercial sector has also begun to increase significantly. Ma Chao immediately appreciated the snow in Guanshan, and at the same time, after a fat year, he went to the Western Regions again.

Therefore, although the Ma family did not seem to have much to do this year, they have made a lot of money in silence. Compared with Cao, who had to organize a professional tomb robbery team and make a fortune in order to raise military funds to send troops to Qingzhou, the Ma family played decently, and the result can be said to be rich.

Although the whole Ma family is rich, Ma Chao never brings money when he goes out. This time, he sneaked out without a guard, and naturally there was not even a loud copper coin on his body. And Diao Chan is obviously not a good daughter-in-law who is diligent in taking care of the family, and she is still not entangled at all.

Everyone has to pay two copper coins when entering the city. Poor Ma Chao and Diao Chan have left great names in history. I'm afraid they will direct a tragedy of Qin Qiong selling horses this time.

"cicada, do you want to sell elephant dragons or red rabbits?" Ma Chao cried. When he entered Runan this time, he wanted to secretly visit the development of Runan County in Liu Bei's next year. Therefore, for the time being, he doesn't want to show his identity - of course, if Liu Bei knows that he can't enter the city because he has no money on hand, then he, the king of Yong, is really too humble.

Without waiting for Diao Chan to answer, the elephant dragon beside him sneeze hard and looked at it with dissatisfaction - it was not stupid. He knew that even if Ma Chao had ten courage, he did not dare to touch the hair of the red rabbit...

But this sneeze attracted the attention of one person. Ma Chao was appeasing Xianglong. He suddenly heard someone say, "This horse is a famous horse. It travels thousands of miles a day, and its bloodline is pure. Do you really want to give up your love?"

Ma Chao looked up and saw that the man was also dressed as a general, followed by 20 or 30 bodyguards, knowing that his identity might be exposed. Looking carefully at the general, Ma Chao saw that the man was 27 or 28 years old, about seven feet and seven inches tall, with a white and dignified face. In particular, his arms were very long. Ma Chao took a closer look at his index finger and saw that there was still acocoon in the two-inch knuckles, he judged that the man was good at shooting with ape arms.

"In the joke just now, how can this horse really give up living and suffering with me?" Although it could be seen that this was a member*, Ma Chao was desperate to talk to him when he met and wore Liu Bei's military-style armor.

But Ma Chao wanted to hide, but the man suddenly turned over and got off his horse. He immediately knelt down and hugged his fist and said, "Chen, the captain of the thief under the uncle's tent, came to see Yong Wang Qiansui!"

Chen came to this faction and immediately caused a sensation in front of this gate. Especially when he didn't look at Ma Chao's gate order before, his face was even more scared. As the soldiers behind him fell down, he repeatedly said 'Yongwang spare his life'.

As soon as the soldiers knelt down, the people who didn't know what had happened also knelt down. Ma Chao couldn't help smiling bitterly when he saw this: "Chen, Uncle Chen..."

Chen went to Uncle Chen and became Liu Bei's subordinate when he was in Yuzhou. He followed Liu Bei to fight in all directions. His reputation is always lower than Zhao Yun, and he is known for his loyalty and courage. During the reign of Shu, Chen came to the general of Zhengxi, sealed the Marquis, succeeded Li Yan to guard Yong'an, and died of illness. Later generations praised Chen to "zheng xi zhong ke,tong shi xuan shi,meng jiang lie lie!”

Ma Chao didn't expect to meet such a brave and resourceful person at the first stop in Runan. Unfortunately, Chen has devoted himself to Liu Bei, which makes Ma Chao feel a little disappointed. However, he still exempted everyone from etiquette and personally helped Chen get up.

Ma Chao was not at all puzzled by Chen's ability to recognize his identity. After all, the red rabbit behind Diao Chan is really eye-catching. And under the world, the only person who can have a red rabbit and is not Lv Bu's uncle is old. But at the thought of explaining why he didn't cross the city later, Ma Chao had to smile bitterly.

"My subordinates were ordered to come to the gate to welcome Lord Zirou into the house, but they didn't expect to meet His Royal Highness King Yong. It was really an unexpected joy." Seeing that Ma Chao had no air at all to help himself get up, Chen couldn't help but tell the purpose of coming to the gate.

Only then did Ma Chao find that the soldiers behind him were all honor guards. Then his eyes flashed and the corners of his mouth raised an arc: "Since Lord Bo is coming, I will wait with General Chen." After saying this, Ma Chao glanced at Diao Chan deliberately.

Diao Chan naturally knows what Ma Chao means. Although it is undeniable that Ma Chao definitely wants to see the heroine of his previous life, at the same time, Diao Chan also knows that the future world will be in Jingzhou. Ma Chao came to Runan in person, and he couldn't help but say that he had no consideration in this regard. However, it is understandable, but since I followed him this time, I naturally had a plan in my heart, so I gave Ma Chao a straight look and ignored his little cleverness at all.

And when Ma Chao's bitter face was fast, a burst of smoke and dust suddenly appeared outside the city gate. Then came an exclamation. Looking intently, Ma Chao rushed towards him with a single carriage, and dozens of cavalry behind him were chasing him. And the war horse has been shocked and saw that Chen has put on a battle formation. In horror, the driver couldn't help shaking the reins to stop the horse, but he didn't know how to control the car again. There was a hissing sound of the horse, the wheels slid across the bluestone ground, and the whole carriage roared and rolled to the ground. Ma Chao hugged Diao Chan and flew by his waist, and his body was avoidable, but the overturned carriage pressed against the hem of his robe. The driver was also thrown out of the car and hit the wall beside him, motionless.

As soon as the change stopped, Ma Chao couldn't help looking back at Chen: "Why does Jingzhou Kuiliang like such a bombarding way of appearance? ...I remember that he didn't have this bad disease two years ago."