Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1229 Sudden Reform

A trip to Jingzhou seemed to be just a sightseeing, but after arriving in Wancheng, the whole meaning became solemn. Ma Chao summoned Wencheng and Ma Dai that night, and even Gao Shun, who came from Yingchuan, for a secret talk. The content of the secret talk was unknown except for four people. The bodyguard of the outer door vaguely only heard the inner Ma Chao or impassioned declaration, or the gloomy laughter. In the end, it was probably the fists of Wencheng, Ma Dai and Gao Shun. Their tone was high, emotional, and the momentum was magnificent.

The next morning, Ma Chao took Ma Dai with him, and then left Wancheng with a whip.

However, this solemnty seems to be just a flash in the pan, and by dawn, everything disappeared. On the whole, Ma Chao's going south this time seems to be a non-salty farce, just like the stones thrown into the big lake, and even a few circles of ripples have not been raised. Except for bringing back a peerless beauty and brother, everything is quiet and strange - compared with the last trip he led troops to Xuzhou to attack Cao Cao, it was too low-key. The low profile makes the world not believe that he, a person who can start a war anywhere, has never been to Jingzhou.

But soon, the world lost interest in this boring conjecture. Because soon after, Chang'an quickly broke out two shocking news.

One is the name of the peerless beauty who appeared beside Ma Chao for no reason. I don't know when it spread all over Chang'an streets and alleys - the quiet and elegant woman like a fairy turned out to be Sun Ce's fiancee Qiao!

People's imagination of this kind of gossip between men and women is generally endless, and good people can't help but associate the news of Sun Ce's assassination with this. As a result, whenever the people of Chang'an pass by the Yongwang Mansion, they can't help casting a look of admiration at the magnificent mansion: it is worthy of our pride in Chang'an, and even robbing other people's wives is so domineering! What is Jiangdong Little Overlord? Compared with our King Yong, he is simply a complete Luther!

However, this kind of news is at most empty, and the world is happy to hear it. Ma Chao himself did not respond to this at all, which inevitably made the good people a little interested. But another news is too high compared with this: the Ma family beast, which has been dormant for more than a year and a half, suddenly showed a ferocious face!

Chang'an issued an edict, and the six states and two places began to recruit and prepare for military at the same time!

This military recruitment is not the same as the previous step-by-step reform. Ma Chao seems to have had a plan for a long time. With a big stroke, he turned all the rule of the Ma family into several war zones. While fully developing the rich areas with few soldiers, they provided military resources and strategic equipment for the corresponding front-line positions. For example, Yongzhou has long been flat, and the whole economy is also the most active place under the rule of the Ma family, but it will become a strategic support in the Hanzhong area. Liangzhou will also provide Hanzhong with a brave Xiliang iron horse. The two states and one place are like horns and sharp knives. The soldiers pointed straight at Yizhou. Liu Zhang, who was so scared that he was far away in Chengdu, was considering whether to take the initiative to surrender to the Ma family.

In addition to the Hanzhong front line, the Ma family also has five front lines: Yingchuan front line, Nanyang front line, Bingzhou front line, Jizhou front line and Youzhou front line. Each front line will be uniformly assigned to command and train the new army by the highest level of officials. As a result, the ace group of the Ma family has also blossomed from the former Chang'an hegemony.

After paying the price of three hidden strongholds being removed and 14 Jing'an Cao elites committed suicide, Cao finally got the scale data of the Ma family's Jizhou recruitment: because the supply of this ace team was huge, the Ma family reduced more than 7,000 soldiers in the two battalions to 5,000 for the first time. The big camp. As for the regular combat power, the recruitment scale of Jizhou is 50,000.

After Cao got this data, he frowned for a long time and was silent to the stars in the sky that night: any boy who can calculate can calculate that there are about 50,000 professional soldiers in Jizhou, and the other four states of the Ma family are also about 50,000, which adds up to 250,000 combat power. Chang'an is the center of the Ma family, and its close combat strength can never be less than 100,000. After a piecemeal calculation, the Ma family broke through the 400,000 mark this time.

These 400,000 yuan was different from the last expedition to Yuan Shao in the north. At that time, the Ma family mobilized all the forces around Sili and spent a lot of money to hire foreign corps and alien cavalry to make up 400,000 miscellaneous soldiers. But this time, once the Ma family has a war, only need a military order to be issued, and 400,000 professional preparations can be continuously transported to the battlefield. Once the war machine is precisely operated, it may be the end of any prince in the Han Dynasty...

"Don't worry about the Ming public. What Ma Chao did this time seems to be aggressive, but in fact, it is a way to be willful and make trouble." Xun Yu came out of Sikong Mansion and saw Cao Cao's appearance, so he couldn't help but come forward to persuade him.

"If it is said that what Ma Chao has done this time, the combat power of each state may be reduced to a private part of state pastoralism. From then on, the Ma family will be out of reach and its foundation will be chaotic?" Cao Cao sighed and saw that Xun Yu's eyes were obviously just a fluke of expectation. He couldn't help saying painfully, "We have also competed with Ma Mengqi for many years, but have we ever seen such a major mistake in any major change?" ....... Wait, within half a month, the new orders of the Ma family will surely come one after another, and when these new recruits condense into real combat power for a year or two, then..."

Speaking this, Cao Cao's eyes added a hint of dark color, and he said helplessly, "If the horse does not die, I have no burial place..."