Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1244 Chaos!

Mu Yang was stunned. At the same time, the seven people opposite seemed to be suddenly electrocuted, and Qi Qi stood on the spot. At that time, the night had come slightly, in this strange scene. The opposing sides did not know at all that the reason for their sudden consterion was not the suddenness of each other, but the well-equipped and aggressive cavalry behind each other...

"Single!" Mu Yuanfeng was slightly angry: "How can there be an ambush?"

The single in charge of the peripheral sentry can't explain it at this time. However, Tang Xiaomi, who was beside him, said, "It's impossible. There is no such move in Cao Ang's deployment. Moreover, looking at the formation they came, it is not a pre-made encirclement and suppression..."

Mu Yuanfeng nodded, but he still had no choice at this moment. Han Mengxu, who was beside him, also broke the key point in a timely manner: "In Xuchang, we can't have any reinforcements! Therefore, people who come can only be enemies and not friends!"

It is not to blame Mu Yuanfeng and others for their wrong judgment. Under the uncertain vision and tense situation, what they saw this time was that a general was very arrogant and led 500 cavalry without weapons to surround them. Although he was in the wild and there were roads everywhere, he suddenly dispersed and fled. Not to mention that a single person can't face a team of tough cavalry at all, it will not only lead to the complete invalidation of the prior evacuation plan, but also, even if someone is lucky enough to succeed, they will face the sudden and strict search and arrest of the whole Xuchang!

What's more, each of them knows that the burning of the imperial mausoleum this time is just a cooperative action. Once they are involved in destroying the Lord's main line action, they may make irreparable mistakes - the top secret nature of things will lead to such wrongs and scruples. After all, top secrets and information asymmetry have always been accompanied by each other.

The rumble of horses' hoofs is getting closer and closer, and the hearts of the shadows are getting closer and closer. Mu Yang, Mu Yuanfeng and others turned around at the same moment and judged that if the other party had not had the scruples of capturing them alive, they could have shot them with arrows!

"Afraid of a bird!" Han Gugu was not an orthodox shadow. Seeing Mu Yuanfeng and others' hesitation, he immediately shouted, "People are dead. The task has been completed. What's the harm even if they die in battle?" This guy is a madman who never cares about other people's lives or his own lives, but obviously this sentence is very provocative at this moment.

Of course, when the two female shadows of Tang Xiaomi and Han Mengxu finished speaking, they were very ashamed and stared at Han Gugu - men naturally have special skills, but it seems that they can't be so against the sky all their lives. However, the two had no intention of arguing at this time. They had found the point of venting their anger: the 'extremely arrogant' enemy general in front of them!

Interestingly, Mu Yang also charged fiercely towards the other party at this time. It was not that he also had the belief that he would die, but that he suddenly heard the familiar voice behind him: "The front and the Lianghuang Mausoleum were actually disaster, and the guards quickly raided the thieves and guarded your majesty!"

The strangeness of a series of contradictory events has made Mu Yang feel the abnormality of the ugly young man behind him. At this moment, his reaction was so bizarre: In such a situation of unclear vision, how could he immediately judge that the cavalry in front of him was the thief who set fire to the imperial mausoleum? - Don't forget that this is in the suburbs of Xuchang. If the front is really a thief, Cao Ren of Xuchang should have wiped his neck with a knife.

That is to say, his shout this time is to indulge himself to escape again. Although the inside story of the event is still unexpected, it is a must for the shadow to seize any opportunity to die. Therefore, Mu Yang felt that he should be the first to charge there, and it was best to kill several 'thieves' in front of him.

Unfortunately, Mu Yang's wishes turned into nothing under one face. When the horse was urged to run rapidly again, Mu Yang still did not see the appearance of the person in front of him. It was just that what surprised him was that the thin opportunity seemed to be stunned by his thunder-like charge and stood motionless in front of him.

There is no weapon on him, but based on the skillful manipulation of the battle horse, Mu Yang is confident to use the war horse to smash the man to pieces. The thin guy has been silent and stupidly watching the horse get closer and closer to him. Until the next moment, when Mu Yang wanted to control the war horse to death, he saw a rare scene in his life. That guy pulled the reins fiercely in Mu Yang, and the front hooves of the angry war horse almost touched the tip of his nose. He suddenly stretched out his thin arms and grabbed the front hooves of the war horse like lightning!

The feeling of dizzy came immediately. At the moment when he was blown away by the war horse, Mu Yang's body turned over and saw that the thin guy only restrained the momentum of the fast-running war horse with his strength. Then, his right leg kicked, and after his face rose, he shouted that the whole war horse was turned up fiercely. Throw it into the rapidly chasing cavalry formation behind him!

"Cold and ancient?!" Mu Yang finally saw the man's appearance. At this moment, he was not too scared, but felt a little lucky: It's good that the strange man didn't bring his hammer today...

At the same time, what Mu Yang didn't know was that what he was most fortunate was that at the moment he exited, a fast sword like silver frost lightning was passing through his throat - the Zhang Can, who had always cooperated with Han Gugu, jumped up secretly when Mu Yang turned over and fell. If it hadn't been for Mu Yang's exclamation, the sword in Zhang Can's hand would have been stained with blood...

"Why are you here?" After changing the thorn into ab, Zhang Can catch Mu Yang who was about to fall to the ground in the air. Suddenly, he figured out the reason: "Are you sent by the Lord to carry out the main task..."

This moment seems long, but it only happened in the blink of an eye. Just when the two had only one question, the two cavalry had already collided fiercely! At this moment, the real combat power of the guards in the palace completely broke out. In the face of the famous Cao's tiger and leopard riding, these heavenly soldiers who were angry all the way because of Pang Tong's strange orders, almost everyone stabbed a shot with speed and strength beyond their usual training ability!

However, the tiger and leopard horse performed better, facing the 'reinforcements' of the enemy in front of them. Cao Chun issued the order to 'kill only the leader and the rest of the party'. Although these 'reinforcers' look like brothers and ruthless, for the well-informed tiger and leopard riders, those people are just bloody courage. After the first wave of military meeting and the hissing of horses, the subsequent tigers and leopards immediately rushed into the enemy's formation in a compact formation, threw down their spears and chopped away with a big knife.

In the face of the tiger and leopard riding with moderate attack and defense and the strength of 100 people, those palace guards immediately understood the gap between going to the battlefield and behind closed doors: many tiger and leopard riders rushed in with long knives and killed two or three people under the cover of the surrounding robes. Then he left the enemy who had panicked to other robes. They roared into the darkness as a whole, reunited, and then stepped in from another direction, making the enemy at a loss.

What you can see is the scene of blood bursting and blood fighting. When the killing between the enemy and me is ignited, it covers up the abnormality of the strange encounter between the two sides. It was not until Cao Chun shouted and picked two enemies in a row that he listened to the enemy's howling with a strong Xuchang accent that something was wrong. However, neither of the two cavalry lit the torch, and they could no longer do such useless things when fighting. Cao Chun only shouted loudly, "I am Cao Chun, the leader of the tiger and leopard cavalry of the Cao army. Who is the enemy general?"

This shout was quickly submerged in the tragic and miserable call of the weapon impact. Cao Chun felt more and more wrong and repeatedly made the tiger and leopard ride shout these words. Sure enough, as soon as the voice overshadowed the chaos, Cao Chun saw that the other party was very abnormal. They began to stop and work hard. The whole army was confused with an angry feeling, but some uneased horses were scattered, adding a little ridiculous sarcasm.

"We are the emperor's guard, and we were ordered by Pang Shizhong to kill the thief who burned the imperial mausoleum..." At this time, the head of the guard said with some trembling, but after realizing that the person in front of him was not a 'thief army' at all, he cut his mouth sensually.

"Pang Tong?!" Cao Chun suddenly became angry: "Where is that ugly bastard with the toad family?!!"

Suwei looked at each other for a while, especially the leader of Suwei, who looked around. He just didn't wait for Pang Tong to speak before he had to stand up and clean up the mess. When Cao Chun saw such a situation, his whole face was as dark as the night, and his heart was full of boredom. Suddenly, a tiger and leopard on the outermost edge shouted, "General, Pang Shizhong seems to be there!"

Cao Chun followed the voice and saw seven or eight shadows disappearing vaguely. Cao Chun immediately felt stuffy in his chest like a heavy hammer, and whipped fiercely on the buttocks of the horse: "Chase!! You can't let them run away!!!"