Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1317 A Carriage

After one night, the sun rose as usual.

But Xiangyang on this day was slightly different. Ma Chao learned about the disappearance of the five shadows last night and ordered Shadows to investigate with all his strength. And for Zhang Song, he is still called as usual. But strangely, Zhang Song was sick in bed that day due to unconvinced water and soil. Ma Chao sneered after receiving the news, but did not visit him in person.

He will wait for two very important people to come to Xiangyang today. Although this welcome ceremony is extremely shabby than Zhang Song's, people with intentions can find that although Ma Chao's action is secretive this time, he is completely with his confidant. Even Diao Chan went out of the city to meet him.

Soon a force came out of the morning light in the distance. They maintain a strict phalanx, and their armor is of good texture. When they approach the city, they will reflect the sun and look like a mobile fortress shining with heat and fighting spirit. Ma Chao saw them with a smile on the corners of his mouth. It was a very natural and heartfelt smile. Obviously, the person who came was exactly what he had been looking forward to for a long time.

The team stopped when they walked to the gate. With the call of several officers, they quickly divided into several detachments and drove in one direction. Soon, they took the city gate as the center, unfolded into a half-enclosed protective circle, and even thoughtfully left a very comfortable passage for Ma Chao.

A luxurious and exquisite carriage slowly drove into the protective circle and drove in front of Ma Chao before stopping. The curtain was lifted from the inside by a slender hand, first revealing a large forehead, and then poked out a person's head. His eyes are brighter than the morning sun above his head, and his skin is very white and crystal clear as jade, as if they were carved by jade and made of frost and snow.

"I'm afraid to welcome you in person." Guo Jia said calmly, sending a pill to his mouth and taking another sip of water.

Ma Chao frowned, but he was not worried about the pill Guo Jia took. With Hua Tuo's presence, Guo Jia's health pills have long been free of toxins, but it's just a physical loss caused by taking Wushisan earlier. The reason why he frowned is that the person who opened the curtain should not be Guo Jia...

"Think beautifully, I'm not waiting for you." Ma Chao came forward and said so, but he still held Guo Jia with his own hands.

"Sure enough, my face is not as big as the old poison..." Guo Jia waved his hand and gave way to the side, indicating that there was still one person in the car.

Ma Chao looked in and smiled more brightly, because there was another person sitting beside Guo Jia. This man is old and sick like an old tree that is about to wither.

Jia Xu took a deep look at Ma Chao and was a little relieved, but then complained: "I don't have many days. I never thought that it's really good for the Lord to find this retirement place for me." After saying that, he coughed twice. Ma Chao wanted to laugh a little and replied, "Good people don't live long. It's a scourge for ten thousand years. Jia Fox, you are the biggest scourge in the world. I'm afraid ten thousand years is not enough for you to live."

"Go!" Jia Xu smiled scornfully and pushed away Ma Chao's hand to hold him. Diao Chan covered his mouth and sneered, but replaced Ma Chao and helped Jia Xu down with his own hands.

"Lord, this Xiangyang fish and rice hometown, a anointed place, is full of prosperity and waste waiting to be popular." Guo Jia smashed his mouth and looked around before finishing his words: "In such a calm and waveless place, the master's talents are of great use. Why do you still worry about me and the two of them coming?"

"Under this calm and waveless, the dark tide is turbulent. Without a pair of wise eyes, I really can't see through the overall situation of the world..." Ma Chao seemed to feel something, but he didn't want to make the atmosphere heavy at the gate of the city, and then turned his head and asked, "Besides, I didn't invite you to come... ..."

"Cough, I brought him here." Jia Xu opened his mouth and took two steps slowly. He agreed with Ma Chao's view: "Jingzhou is originally an unattainable place for the dead princes. Although the lord is seated, he has not fully controlled it, and his majesty's imperial concubines are all there, which has become the focus of the world... Cough, I heard that Yizhou is still coming? Now it's even more lively."

Looking at Jia Xu's still thinking about the Ma family, Ma Chao couldn't help but be a little moved. Looking back at Guo Jia, who had begun to think about it, he didn't know what to say. At present, the two were put in the chariot and told the recent events in Xiangyang one by one.

After the chariot arrived at Ma Chao's mansion, Ma Chao almost finished talking about him and Da Qiao. After entering the hall, after Ma Chao sat down and said, "Last night, the shadow damaged five people, and today Zhang Song is sick again. I was worried about Jingzhou, so I called you two. I have no clue this time, and I'm asking you two to answer..."

After hearing this, Guo Jia sighed and made fun of her: "Lord, this is born with yin and yang, each accounting for half. You look down on women too much, but you will suffer a big loss."

Ma Chao blushed and drank lightly to cover his embarrassment. He admitted that he had done a little hasty in Daqiao's matter. At least the letter from Aunt Liu in Chang'an was scolding, saying that the bride could be changed, but she could not marry. The Ma family should not be humiliated like this, which made Ma Chao very embarrassed. However, he didn't expect Guo Jia to make fun of himself directly in front of Diao Chan.

But Jia Xu's face became serious. After looking up at Ma Chao, he slowly said, "Master, don't think that Fengxiao is talking and laughing. As you said, Da Qiao has a marriage contract with Jiangdong Sun Ce, and Sun Ce has been thinking about it?"

"That's true." Ma Chao nodded and looked at Jia Xu's serious appearance. He also had some doubts in his heart.

"So, as you said, this big Qiao has been an elite in Jiangdong for several years, and there must be a channel to send letters to Sun Ce?" Jia Xu asked again.

Ma Chao took a look at Diao Chan. He didn't ask much about these things because of his heart injury. Diao Chan is the most informed person and said, "Although I don't know her channel, I can be sure that she can easily pass the message to Sun Ce."

"That's it." Guo Jia also became serious at this time: "Lord, I'm afraid your peach blossom disaster will cause great chaos. Think about the overall situation, the Ma family leads the trend, leaving only the Cao family and the Sun family to be enemies. If there is one person who connects the two families with that love disaster, will the lord know what will happen next?

Ma Chao's expression was moved. Under the view of Jia Xu and Guo Jia jumping out, he suddenly remembered a person and remembered one thing: that man, there were two very important women around him, one was related to Cao and the other related to Sun Ce. And he fell ill while he was away and firmly tied the woman's heart that connected with Sun Ce to him. So it seems that his illness is not as simple as he imagined that he just wanted to win himself on another battlefield!

Thinking of Liu Xie's desperate eyes that fell on the Xiangyang County Guard that day, he suddenly understood Liu Xie's intention: before, he still regarded himself as the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, and he just wanted to defeat himself when changing the wind and clouds; but now, all his pride has been trampled under his feet. He wants to do everything, gamble on the whole world of chaos, use the disaster of the world, and do everything to destroy himself!

That guy is really a cruel character who lives in his own feelings!

Thinking of this, Ma Chao felt that his back was soaked. He was really glad that he found Jia Xu and Guo Jia. Otherwise, there will be a lot of fog in front of him, and I'm afraid he is still entangling Zhang Song... No! Since Liu Xie has secretly connected the Cao family and the Sun family, may he let go of the feng shui treasure land in Yizhou?

Since he is dedicated to being the person who wears the needle and leads and gathers all the world's strength to fight against the Ma family, who will he choose the agent in Yizhou?

Ma Chao closed his eyes. He didn't need to send a letter from Mu Yang, and also guessed who was in the restaurant last night... However, he still doesn't know how Liu Bei set up Liu Xie online and how to send troops to Yizhou?

At this time, there was a noise outside the door. Diao Chan recognized that it was a secret code unique to Shadow. He got up and opened the door and took a three-inch * from a man dressed as a family and handed it directly to Ma Chao. After seeing it, Ma Chao looked very solemn: "It seems that that man wants to spread a world in the southwest corner of the Han Dynasty before the Ma family recovers." After saying that, Ma Chao handed the * sent by Mu Yang several times to Jia Xu and Guo Jia, which wrote the list of people who left the restaurant last night...

"I didn't expect that our majesty was really restless for a moment..." Guo Jia smiled, and then a joke blurted out: "Lord, are you a pair of enemies with your majesty in your previous life? Why didn't he let you go?"

Ma Chao smiled bitterly and replied with some emotion, "You're really right..."