Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1323 Later Talent

Historically, Jiang Wan was a little famous for Liu Bei. After Liu Bei entered Shu, he was appointed as the Guangdu Order. But Jiang Wan really did it - when Liu Bei inspected Guangdu, he was so drunk that he ignored his business. This time, he almost moved his head. Thanks to Zhuge Liang's pleading for him and arguing that 'the great sages are often tired of small things', which made Liu Bei not punished him.

But after this, I didn't hear that Jiang Wan was drunk. The awesome people who can leave their names in history are all strong-willed people, and Jiang Wan will naturally not trip over the same stone twice. Later, with his talent, Jiang Wan was gradually promoted. By the time Zhuge Liang came out of Qishan, he had already joined the army.

Unfortunately, Romance of the Three Kingdoms transplanted his story to Pang Tong. He also vividly told Zhang Fei to visit Pang Tong. At that time, Pang Tong, who thought Liu Bei was useless and was only appointed as Lei Yang's order, made Zhang Fei want to beat him. However, Pang Tong actually dealt with the three-month government affairs accumulated in a county in half a day, which shocked Zhang Fei and strongly recommended Pang Tong. With such a change of flowers and trees, Jiang Wan's image is even thinner.

But for this historical wrong case, Ma Chao looked at Pang Tong and Jiang Wan, only smiled and said nothing. He really didn't know what to say.

The second Tanhualang is not someone else, but Fei Yi, a native of Jiangxia County, Jingzhou. Fei Yi is different from Jiang Wan. Although they are the same age and can be 20 years old, Fei Yi has a more undisputed temperament than Jiang Wan, who looks calm. Ma Chao knew that this person was the best political strategy, so he raised some questions about the Ma family's rest and recuperation. Fei Yi was obviously prepared and ardent. However, it seems that out of the arrogance of scholars, Fei Yi is still a little concerned about the business journey.

"Why do you look down on businessmen?" After Ma Chao keenly caught this point and asked.

"A little bit." Fei Yi answered truthfully.

Ma Chao smiled and said, "Don't look down on businessmen. The dynasty has been suppressing farmers and merchants for more than 200 years. Emperor Xiaowu (Han Wudi) was arrested as a death squad when he saw the merchants. How are the merchants? Is it destroyed? Merchants are the smartest group of people in the world. They know where the benefits are. For the sake of benefits, they can risk beheading. For the sake of benefits, they can cross the desert of death. For the sake of benefits, they can find treasures in the man-eating tribes. For profit, they can burst out the most powerful energy and do things that ordinary people can't do.

Speaking of this, seeing that Fei Yi's face was still a little disbelief, Ma Chao immediately moved out an example: "You know, when I recruited Yuan Shaozhi, without the help of Li Zihao from Jinyang, the 400,000 army might have collapsed before they arrived in Youzhou; without the help of the Zhen family in Wei County, it would not have been possible for Cao to give up Jizhou later. Four counties; the Ma family can use 40,000 troops to Jingzhou within two years. Without Guan Shanxue to retrieve a sum of gold and silver treasures from the Western Regions, I can't raise military grain and grass at all; without the Ma family's business all over the world, based on agriculture alone, five years later, the Ma family may not be full of the treasury..."

Fei Yi was slightly moved when he heard this, but from his eyes, Ma Chao read that he trusted his own words, not the economic power of business. He sighed silently in his heart. Ma Chao knew that it was impossible for Fei Yi and others to change his mind before seeing is believing.

This is a common problem of awesome people. They always stick to themselves. However, once such a person realizes that he is wrong, he will also try his best to make up for it. At this time, he can open a window for Fei Yi. After the sun outside the window shines on the whole room, Fei Yi will take the initiative to switch.

The third place on the list is also a native of Jingzhou. He is Dong Yun, a native of Zhijiang, Nanjun, and the son of Dong He, a general under Liu Biao's account. Dong Yun is completely different from Jiang Wan and Fei Yi. He has a more fair and righteous taste. Ma Chao always let him see the shadow of Chen Qun from this young man.

Dong Yun, who was born in an official eunuch's family, had some famous demeanor as early as his father Dong He's ears. Ma Chao asked a few simple questions, and then he had a determination in his mind. He planned to arrange him to practice the Ministry of Taoism and Criminal Justice first, and then reuse it after his qualifications and ability came up.

And it was not until he finished the top student, exploring the flowers, and the list, that Ma Chao suddenly found that in the future, the four elites of Shu were almost all under his command. In addition to Zhuge Liang, who followed Liu Bei to Xichuan, he had won three of the four aspects. If Jiang Wei, Zhuge Liang's personal disciple in history, the four people are completely You can play a table of mahjong.

In addition to these three, there is also Guo Youzhi, who ranked fourth in Xianbei affairs. Yang Yi, who wrote military strategic logistics reform and could not get along with Wei Yan in history, ranked fifth, and Jiang Wan's cousin Liu Min ranked sixth... Pang Shanmin, Pang Tong's cousin, ranked ninth, which was a blow to him. When it comes to talent, Pang Shanmin's erudite There is the style of his father Pang Degong. Unfortunately, although his knowledge is solid, he is not very proficient in practical policy theory. Compared with Pang Tong, there are too few ways to rely on yin and yang, and naturally he does not fall into Ma Chao's eyes.

Overall, this time, the children of various clans still occupy the majority of the students, and the 30 students in the palace examination are all embraced by the students of Chang'an Taixue and Yingchuan College. After all, their families have conditions, books and teachers, while the rest of the agricultural, industrial and commercial communities do not have these convenient conditions. However, there are finally more than a dozen non-shishi students among the 100 Jinshi, which is a welcome change for the Ma family's imperial examination.

Of course, in Ma Chao's impression, Jingzhou still has a group of awesome people who did not appear in this imperial examination. For example, Ma Liang, who has the best foreign diplomatic ability. Historically, during Liu Bei's Eastern Expedition, he recruited five barbarians, all of whom obeyed the Shu Han Dynasty, and later made many envoys to the State of Wu.

There is also Liu Ba, the first economist in the Three Kingdoms period, who is also from Lingling, Jingzhou. This person is very talented in business and has the ability to unify the overall situation, almost as good as Xun Yu under Cao Cao... Ma Chao did not talk too much nonsense and directly issued an order to forcibly drag these people into Chang'an. If you don't obey, hey, you don't need Ma Chao to do it. Sima Yi, who is growing hair in Chang'an, will use countless ways to let them know how serious the consequences are to make Ma Chao angry.

However, compared with the bumper harvest of liberal arts, this martial arts is a little chicken ribs. There are two reasons for this. One is that the famous generals in the late Three Kingdoms were almost controlled by the martial arts family. For example, the descendants of the Cao family and the Xiahou family simply shined in the late Three Kingdoms. The Sun family is also relatively good, and the sons of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are also competitive. As for the rest, most of them are tough men. In Ma Chao's opinion, they always feel that the food is tasteless and a pity to abandon them.

After all, with Ma Chao's strong crossing, the battle mode of this period has been severally different from history. The invention of the high bridge saddle and bilateral shovel, as well as the birth of the iron blade, have improved the combat effectiveness of ordinary knights by more than 30%. When the ensuing military and various battle arrays are exerted to the extreme, war has become an art. Personal bravery is no longer a very important factor.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the combat effectiveness of the army was not very strong. For example, during the Yellow Turban Uprising, it was just a group of farmers holding nails and shouting. In that case, it is easy for all kinds of masters to break through the camp, but now, if a person wants to do such a thing, he is looking for death, facing a well-trained army. With personal strength, it is not feasible without the cooperation of the whole army. Even Lv Bu, if he meets Xu Huang's heavy armored cavalry, even if there are only 500 people, not to mention breaking out of the siege, even if he can support for an hour or two, it is already amazing.

This is also the second reason why Ma Chao regrets those martial arts warriors who are skilled in archery but lack military support.

However, Ma Chao still gained some well-qualified generals among the lame. For example, Qiuxing, who came from a family of martial arts, although his martial arts skills are not superior, he has a good understanding of military tactics; and Hu Zun, who is also a good man in Liangzhou. The last one was praised by Zhuge Liang as Xiaochang's military favorite. Because his ancestral home is Xiangyang, he was pocketed by Ma Chao. It's ridiculous that this guy actually participated in liberal arts...

Of course, there is also Liangzhou Wang Shuang, a famous fierce general in the late Cao Wei period. His performance was extremely eye-catching in the late period of the Three Kingdoms. He once killed Xie Xiong and Gong Qi, a general of Shu Han, which severely damaged Zhang Ni and was famous. In the later period of the Three Kingdoms, it was rare for him to shake the enemy with the power of one person.

But this guy.. ...His father Wenqin was only four years old at this time, and Ma Chao was speechless.

And some real famous generals, such as Lu Xun, who was 15 years old, but unfortunately had been trapped by Sun Cexu; Deng Ai, who had just come out of his mother's womb; Zhong Hui, the son of Zhong Wei, and Chen Qun's son Chen Tai, destroyed Wang Jue of the State of Wu. At this time, he was not even a fertilized egg; as for Lu Xun's son Lu Kang, There is also Yanghu, who built a revolutionary friendship with Lu Kang, and Du Yu, the successor of Yanghu, which is even more distant...

In the face of such a situation, Ma Chao gritted his teeth and decided: Since it can't be found, it should be trained from the military academy! Huang Zhong's son Huang Xu, Zhang Liao's son Zhang Hu, Pang Hui, Pang Hui, the son of Pang De, etc., just don't have the luck of their parents and have no chance to ride into the camp. Real military ability is really not necessarily worse than that!