Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1362 Southern Warriors

When the banner rolled and the flame rushed to the sky. When 20,000 well-equipped Ma infantry were reflected in Liu Bei's pupils, he finally understood why Li Yan did not retreat.

"Military, what is this? ..." A touch of panic in Liu Bei's heart was ignited by the surging Ma family. He quickly turned back to ask Zhuge Liang about the seriousness of the matter. Unexpectedly, when the words came to his mouth, he found that he could not even accumulate the courage to say terrible guesses.

"Lord, we were so eager that we thought that Cao Sun's family could attract Ma Chao in Xiangyang and do whatever we wanted. But I didn't expect that Ma Jiajun's spy system was so much more powerful than ours!" Zhuge Liang knew what Liu Bei wanted to ask, and at this time, he may have been infected by Liu Bei, and he did not directly say that inference.

Yes, both of them want to know that the arrival of Ma Dai and Ma Xiu's reinforcements this time is a coincidence... Or is Ma Chaojun waiting nearby?

During this period, Liu Beibing was divided into two ways. Zhuge Liang also thought that the army with Liu Xie's 'Royal Driving Expedition' as a gimmick would naturally firmly attract Ma Chao's eyes, making him think that the main offensive direction of the three families was Jingzhou Xiangyang. At the same time, Liu Bei personally led the main force and made great progress along the way. At the node of Xiangyang and Wancheng in Shangyong, he completely parted ways with Liu Xie and secretly attacked Wancheng, wanting to go straight to Chang'an to break the foundation of the Ma family.

Zhuge Liang does not think that his tribe has 100% strength to capture Chang'an, but it can be speculated that once this army comes to Chang'an City, Ma Chao's entire chessboard layout will be disrupted. As a result, the Ma family's army's plan to go out of the six states of the Han Dynasty will be annihilated, and Xiangyang City will not be able to advance or retreat because of this.

However, I didn't expect that this dispatch of troops was too radical, and I tried my best to hide along the way, and it was inevitable that there would be chaos. At this moment, Zhuge Liang thought that none of the scouts who went out to inquire this time seemed to have returned to report the situation ahead, and the army had gone to the dead hole dug by Ma Chao!

Not bad, not bad! You can't blame yourself for this. After all, now that wars are everywhere, the rebukes everywhere are bloody and cruel, and there are often whole teams of rebukes who are killed cleanly. But Zhuge Liang just couldn't figure out how Ma Chao broke his trick of Li Daitao's stiffness and stab behind his back?

Unfortunately, the situation at the scene can no longer be considered by Zhuge Liang. When Ma Dai's army arrived, even if Li Yan made a fierce move of the strong man's broken wrist, he formed a sharp knife, completely ignoring the losses of the rear, and fiercely broke through the blockade of Guan Yu's infantry and merged with Ma Dai.

"General 2, it's up to you this time. Be careful of the red-faced man and the black charcoal tower." Li Yan said this, but he was slightly injured and couldn't get out of the line of fire. He stared at the battlefield all the time, as if he wanted to see the opportunity to charge again.

"Well, it's just brave and resourceful!" Ma Dai snorted coldly and said exactly the same words as Li Yan. Li Yan was stunned. After thinking about it quickly, he nodded heavily: "Yes, compared with the lord, they are indeed too brave and resourceful!"

Ma Dai answered and waved his right hand fiercely, and the crossbowmen of Ma's family suddenly sent out together. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, whose formation was in chaos, could no longer mobilize shields to form a defense line. Countless black cavalry and Guan Yu's subordinates were shot into hedgehogs by rain-like arrows, and pieces of blood and dust like harvested rice and wheat fell to the ground. A crossbow directly crossed the already loose Liu Bei's personal defense array and pierced Zhuge Liang's robe with a roaring sound. Liu Bei immediately turned over and threw Zhuge Liang down, pulled him into the carriage and fled.

waved his hand again, and the flag changed rapidly behind Ma Dai. With the chaos group that Li Yan had lured out before, the Ma's shield soldiers besieged Liu Bei's army with a solid shield formation. The soldiers with the shield were as neat steps as one person, fearless. Walking slowly and stepping on the heart of Liu Beijun, slowly suppressing Liu Beijun's living space to the lowest!

"Brother, nothing can be done. Follow me quickly to break through!" Zhang Fei roared, ** Wuqi suddenly jumped, and picked up the huge shields of the big shield soldiers in front of him with a spear, directly trying to highlight a gap.

However, just as he was about to cross the big shield array in mid-air, he suddenly found that there was a long spearman behind the big shield of the Ma family! Sixty-seven Ma's gunmen looked at Zhang Fei, who jumped like a black dragon. Instead of panic, they even put their lives aside and raised their long guns in their hands obliquely to the sky to form a cold forest of death!

Zhang Fei was furious and broke those long guns with a spear. Then there was a roar, and the steel spears flew over. Six or seven long gunmen were suddenly twisted into a cutting acave field by eight snake spears, and their blood broke arms scattered and collapsed, which was unbearable. But after this move, Zhang Fei wiped the blood on his forehead and suddenly found that there was a small encirclement around him. After the long gunner, there was a circle of crossbows on standby, which made him roar and clash, but he could only be shot back by the crossbow!

The same situation is still happening everywhere. Guan Yu, who has been fighting for more than an hour, feels that his arms begin to hurt, but the Ma soldiers around him seem to be unable to finish killing. They did not care about the life and death of their robes at all, as if they were machines that only knew how to carry out orders. The besieged continued to besiege, and the sniper continued to kill. The whole battlefield was full of the collision of weapons and dying sobs, but there were not many tragic howls before death. A tragic and strange cold soon swept the ice and frozen. Liu Beijun's heart.

"Military division, what else can we do this time?" Liu Bei has also personally went to the battlefield at this moment. Thanks to the excellence of his ** Lu Shenju, he also clashed with a layer of shield and fell into the encirclement and waved his sword left and right.

"Master, don't be impatient. Ma Chao uses many tricks, but he is also meticulous!" Zhuge Liang was guarded by 40 or 50 teenagers. These people held different blades, including giant shields, long guns, knives, meteor hammers, bows and crossbows. However, these people are extremely tacit cooperation and very flexible. Although they obviously have no advantage in the wide terrain war, they only need to defend important people here. In this case, the record is very conspicuous.

Liu Bei almost had the impulse to vomit blood when he heard this. At this moment, his thigh was stabbed by a Ma army, and blood was flowing. However, Zhuge Liang still has such a moderate writing, which makes him almost have the impulse to curse. But the next moment, he looked back and found that Zhuge Liang was motionless looking into the distance in the eight arrays he had trained himself.

Liu Bei has a doubt in his mind: Will there be other reinforcements?

If there really is, who will it be?

'Is it that guy?' Liu Bei muttered this sentence and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

But God wanted to joke with Liu Bei when he broke a long gun again. He clearly heard a long animal cry in his ears on this strange battlefield. That sound has never been seen in the Central Plains, and can only be seen everywhere in the wild jungle in the south of Xichuan.

Looking up again, Liu Bei saw Meng Huo riding a giant elephant on his face. Behind him were countless Wuxi barbarians, holding wooden spears, mace sticks, rattan nails and other weapons, shouting and jumping into unknown battle dances!

Not bad, Zhang Fei ignores Xichuan's safety. The barbarians who were defeated by Liu Bei did not think that the Ma army would penetrate into the southern barbarian forest in the short term. In addition, Meng Huo thought that he had a cooperative relationship with Liu Bei this time and could earn enough wealth to build Nanman with his military achievements. Why didn't he come here to ask Liu Bei why he ordered the withdrawal of the army?

"This? ..." Ma Dai was also dumbfounded at this time. He had never seen an elephant, but heard of the power of this animal from Ma Chao. However, when the cruel reality was in front of him, he had no idea what to say.

The unparalleled huge shield array of the Ma family is completely powerless in the face of that strange army. The shield with death by manpower was like a piece of paper in front of the elephant. The elephants' long noses were thrown, and four or five horse shield soldiers flew around. The crossbowman shot one round at a time, and could not kill the elephant's back with rattan armor. Instead, because he angered the elephant, he rushed all the way and directly hit the strict military array to the ground.

Moreover, what's more hateful is that those barbarians don't seem to know what life and death are. They rushed into the army. In the sense that it is enough to kill one, they will bite a Ma family army to death. Although they have no military array or superb command and leadership, their fearless and brave combat effectiveness is used in the battlefield that has fallen into chaos, causing immeasurable damage and bringing the battlefield into an uncontrollable direction.

"Hahaha, weak Han people, in front of our brave barbarians, you are not opponents at all!" Nanman Menghou shouted loudly and watched the collapse of the Ma family's army, which suddenly defeated the world.