Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 6 The Speaker

Ma Teng already had some expectations for Ma Chao, but the first sentence Ma Chao said immediately made Ma Teng feel excited!

"My father is brave and heroic, and tens of thousands of soldiers work. When the big man floated and the Xiliang situation was chaotic again, it was the time for my father to show his grand ambition!"

Ma Chao's words were actually Ma Teng's previous concerns. But when Ma Chao said this, his surging self-confidence turned the challenge into an opportunity, which was undoubtedly a boost to Ma Teng. This kind of elegant demeanor really makes Ma Teng feel shocked!

"My son is right, but that's why he is worried about his father..." After the joy, Ma Teng suddenly fell into that worry again. After all, Ma Teng has been struggling for many days.

And Ma supernaturally understands the reason for Ma Teng's reaction: Ma Teng began in Liangzhou, while Liangzhou is located on the border between Han and Qiang. The folk customs are fierce and not afraid of death. Especially the Liangzhou cavalry are famous for their bravery. Historically, it has long been recorded that Longyou's elite horse dominates the world, and it is known as "Liangzhou horse, rampant in the world". When the First Emperor of Qin got it, he swept away the six kingdoms, and Emperor Taizong of Tang got it and stared at the world. However, such a powerful soldier and such a treasure, there has never been a talented overlord in the world!

Why? Poor soldiers and martial arts can't be apprehendable in the end.

Ma Teng's Xiliang soldiers are both an advantage and a disadvantage. In particular, his starting point is in Liangzhou, which aggravates the situation that Ma Teng can only stick to it and can't swallow the world. The reason is that after Ma Chao crossed over, after thinking hard, combined with the inferences of those beasts and bricklayers in his previous life. Finally, there are three reasons for this result:

Economic reasons. In the political history class of junior high school, a fact has long been clarified. That is, everything should be based on productivity, that is, economy. What does it take to expand the war? Aren't you burning money or something? In ancient times, Xiliang's land was barren, and its economic strength was far inferior to that of the Central Plains. Once there is no money, it is impossible to attract a large amount of labor and maintain a huge source of troops, and there is no one or no soldiers, so what a problem? As a result, you will fall into a vicious circle of getting poorer and poorer.

The rear is unstable. Xiliang is located on the border, and Qianghu and other ethnic minorities are nomadic. The contradictions between the Han Dynasty and ethnic minorities have accumulated for a long time, and from time to time, ethnic minorities come to fight the autumn wind. And the wolves on the grassland have poisonous eyesight and don't know what sustainable development is at all. Once they find that the defensive power of the border in the Han Dynasty is weak, they will bite hard, so that the strength of the border can't slow down for several years.

There is a lack of internal affairs talents and masters. Most of the masters who had read books in ancient times were doormen. In Liangzhou, on the one hand, the folk customs are fierce and there is no reading atmosphere at all; on the other hand, because of poverty, few people have read books. This has led to a serious shortage of talents in Liangzhou, and history has long proved that what is the most lacking in the world?

is a talent!

Without the master, it is impossible to give the Liangzhou warlords a guiding program and strategic plan; and without internal political talents, it is impossible to consolidate and develop the territory. Even if the territory is laid, in addition to grabbing a sum, what is the use?

Ma Teng may have vaguely realized these three points, but they are by no means as incisible as Ma Chao's summary. Therefore, after Ma Chao slowly said these three points, Ma Teng suddenly saw the clouds and the sun. And he looked at Ma Chao as if he had seen a ghost!

"Super! When did you have such a feeling? It's really impressive for my father!" Ma Teng stopped shooting this time. He jumped up directly, hugged his eldest son, and caught a peerless beauty like a pervert who had been hungry and thirsty for many years.

"Dad, Dad... Self-respect, self-respect... Hey, hey, calm down, calm down, do you understand!!" Ma Chao struggled hard, but he was afraid of hurting the emotional Ma Teng, so he could only breathe hard to remind him.

"Okay, okay, okay, that's great..." Ma Teng, who finally recovered, was still a little unself-sufficient. After saying three 'good' in a row, he could only say another 'great'.

After Ma Chao struggled, he saw that his father with a good temperament was so gaffe today. Suddenly, he understood the pressure on Ma Teng's shoulder. After ponding for a moment, he immediately changed into a confident look and continued to say to Ma Teng:

"Father, but continue to ask the child, how can the Ma family get a foundation in this chaotic world?"

"Exactly, super speed!"

Ma Chao was not in a hurry, but walked to the camp. More than a foot long cloth was put out of his chest and spread it on the ground before saying, "Father, please look!"

Ma Teng looked suspiciously at the crooked brush lines on the picture and the ugly words on the lines. After thinking for a moment, he looked shocked and said, "Is this..."

"Not bad! This is exactly the topographic map drawn by the child after chatting with local residents and military sentries for half a month. After saying that, Ma Chao stretched out his hand and put his index finger on the place 'Chencang' and said, "Our Ma family is in this place at this time, but Chencang is a must-have place from outside the customs to the inside the customs. The princes of Xiliang and the heroes in the customs will be staring at it. Moreover, Qianghu will also take the lead in attacking Chen Cang.

"This is not a place to stay for a long time, let alone a place to rise up!" Ma Chao made up his last words and vowed to say.

"According to Chao's opinion, how should the Ma family deal with themselves?" After Ma Teng's vision and thinking were overturned, he immediately found that what Ma Chao said was quite sophisticated and reasonable, so he unnaturally asked Ma Chao for advice.

"Here!" Ma Chao's hand stroked and pointed to Fufeng County: "Fufeng is the place of Sanfu, and it is also the hometown of the Ma family. His father's prestige is strong, and it is the right time to return to Fufeng."

Huh? Why does my son insist on returning to Fufeng? Ma Teng also wanted to go back to Fufeng County, but he had never been associated with fighting for hegemony, so he asked this question.

"There are three reasons: First, as the child said before, isn't it beautiful for his father to return home? Second, after the chaos of the ten permanent servants, Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, and most of the troops in the Sanfu land were transferred to Luoyang, and the defense was weak, which was the time when we were plotting. Third, Fufeng was after all a key place in Beijing. Once Fufeng was occupied, we would have more voice.

"The right to speak?" Ma Teng is just a real warlord of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He really doesn't know what the right to speak is...

"Yes, the court and Dong Zhuo will never let the wind of the three auxiliary land fall into the hands of the thief. Er... It's our hand." Once this surging skill is launched, it will naturally be a little indistinguishable from me. Ma Chao quickly adjusted his mind and continued to say, "But Fufeng has become a fact in our hands. My father thinks, what will the court or Dong Zhuo do?"

"Dispatch troops to fight?" Ma Teng has begun to know his son: why is he like a fool in front of him?

Sure enough, Ma Chao sent a helpless look and said, "Father, after Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, he fished in troubled waters and preemptively, and has become the voice of the court. However, as a frontier warrior, how can he easily do what he wants to master the whole Han Dynasty? If the child expects it well, Dong Zhuo will also be anxious. At this time, we occupy Fufeng, which is not necessarily bad news for Dong Zhuo.

"Superer, you mean..." Ma Teng is not completely an idiot. Ma Chao said so clearly, how can he not guess?

"Yes, Dong Zhuo will definitely get married with us. And as long as we find a step, we will immediately change from a thieves to an orthodox imperial army!"

The black brother wants to be whitewashed, isn't it usually like this? - I've seen a lot of time-traveling men's words in police and bandit films.