Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 13 Another version of Xu Shujin Caoying

On Chang'an side, Dong Zhuo has made a conclusion about Ma Teng's matter. However, a group of people in Fufeng County are still worried about this matter.

Ma Chao really didn't expect that his plan would not be able to catch up with the change in the end.

Originally, Ma Chao was not very sure that Dong Zhuo would recruit An Ma Teng. Therefore, in his plan, after attacking Fufeng County, even if he carries some bad names, he will take the initiative to write a letter to Dong Zhuo, indicating that he just wants to sweep Liangzhou for Dong Zhuo's old son and be loyal to Han Shenma.

In Ma Chao's opinion, Dong Zhuo may be quite unreasonable, but Li Ru is definitely an eye-catching guy. At this time, the beautiful woman Diao has not yet appeared, and Dong Zhuo has just moved to Chang'an, and has not been provoked by the beautiful woman to develop a bad temper. He is still obedient to Li Ru. That is to say, as long as you can take the initiative, this matter will become a fore.

But a Cai Yong was killed halfway, which disrupted Ma Chao's plan at once.

The old man Cai Yong belongs to the kind of old scholar who is stupid in reading and is poisoned by the loyal monarch's patriotic feudal thought. Despite Ma Chao's three-inch tongue, Cai Yong still only admitted his death. He not only did not accept Ma Chao's idea of 'regime out of the barrel of the gun', but also scolded Ma Chao several times. Several times, he almost turned into a super Saiyan and beat Ma Chao.

However, Cai Yan was a little young and was praised by Ma Chao with a few words, and then used sweet food**. He no longer had a deep hostility to Ma Chao. However, if Cai Yan asked him to persuade the old man, Cai Yan still shook his head with a mighty face.

This is completely worried Ma Chao: Cai Yong is here and hasn't signed Ma Chao's servile letter yet. Does that make Dong Zhuo suspicious?

You should know that the old man Dong Zhuo has considerable respect for Cai Yong - at the beginning, he relied on Cai Yong's reputation to win over a group of scholars to wave the flag and shout for Dong Zhuo - at this time, as long as Cai Yong does not really recognize Ma Chao, he will make a small report, and Ma Chao will definitely not be able to eat it!

Ma Chao came to the end of the Han Dynasty, although with the help of some knowledge and experience of his previous life, he formulated a big strategy for Ma Teng. But it is still the technician of the agricultural base station in the 21st century. In terms of military strategy, we still need to learn and understand slowly. In particular, this evil ideas of this sword are not what he is good at.

As a last resort, Ma Chao simply came to discuss several generals under his command.

Pang De, Huang Yuan, Han Feng, and even Meng Da, who was temporarily threatened by Ma Chao with Cai Yong's life, were invited here. As for Meng, I guess he should go to work normally in the county guard's office at this time, right? On the contrary, in Ma Chao's heart, the county guard has not yet entered Ma Chao's eyes.

"I'm coming to everyone today to discuss how to deal with the old man Cai Yong." Ma Chao looked at several generals under his command and vaguely felt that he might have been rushed to the hospital.

Yes, when others discuss things, there are all feather towels and handsome counselors under the account. Look at the original team of his subordinates: Pound looks good, but he is too murderous. One there makes Ma Chao feel cold. Needless to say, Huang Yuan still doesn't know how to restrain and stare at him. Pound seemed to know that Pound was talking about letting him die early before capturing Fufeng County; Han Feng looked decent and had also read books, but he was obviously afraid that others would not know that he was from the torture camp, and he was playing with a dagger; only Meng Da was moderate, at least he seemed to be able to make suggestions. The counselor, but this guy's loyalty... Well, Ma Chao has already felt the smell of Xu Shu entering Cao's camp.

Ma Chao only felt a little pain in his brain, but now he has gathered everyone together, thinking that even if he can't discuss a way, it's good for everyone to deepen their feelings. So he smiled dryly and said, "I know that this kind of brain-smoving thing is a little difficult for everyone, but... Three cobblers, top one... Well, I mean brainstorming. Maybe my way of thinking is too routine, but what kind of ideas can you have?

Ma Chaoyue felt more and more discouraged and thought that he was really full. Fortunately, these thick-lined generals thought for a while, and Huang Yuan was the first to speak.

The ugly man looked murderous and said in a low voice, "Young master... We can send our men to rush into the county guard pretending to be thieves, teach the old man and his soldiers a lesson, injuring a few, and kill someone if necessary to see if that guy still has such a hard backbone!"

Ma Chao took a look at Brother Chou, sighed helplessly, picked up a brush and stuffed it to him: "Brother Chou, take this pen, that's the corner. Go and squat there and draw circles..."

Then Ma Chao looked at Han Feng and felt that he might still rely on a little: "Wend, do you have any suggestions?"

"Otherwise, find someone to copy Mr. Cai's handwriting, write a letter, or sign our letter... Fufeng County is an important place in the capital. It is not difficult to find a few literati who can copy the handwriting.

Ma Chao stared at Han Wende for a while, handed him a pen, and pointed to the corner: "Wender, go and draw with Brother Chou..."

Joke, not to mention that Cai Yong, a great calligrapher in the Eastern Han Dynasty, is not so easy to imitate. Even if someone can imitate six or seven points, he has to imitate Cai Yong's usual tone and habits when writing, as well as Cai Yong's private letters. When this is done, the cauliflower will have been cold for a long time...

When Ma Chao looked at Pound, Pound seemed to be a little weak. Before Ma Chao opened his mouth, he directly smiled bitterly and said, "Young master... Please give me a pen, too."

Well, in a few minutes, the whole army was destroyed, and Ma Chaoyue felt that his brain hurt.

Finally, Meng Da, who was left in the corner, seemed to think for a while and seemed to want to speak, but the words came to his mouth and swallowed again. Ma Chao is not blind. Seeing this scene, he really felt that Meng Da was like Xu Shu who entered Cao Ying. Suddenly, don't mention the sadness in Ma Chao's chest...

Rubbing his temples with his hand, Ma Chao suddenly remembered that the thousand broken soldiers he had captured last time had not been subdued, so he planned to let these 'strategies' retreat first and go to the Xingqi camp to work blindly. However, at this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, and a bad idea came into being.

"Maybe... This method can be tried. However, I'm afraid you need to cooperate."

"Oh?" Everyone's eyes lit up, and even Meng Da became interested.

Ma Chao then came up with a strange ideas: Cai Yong did not recognize Ma Chao, entirely because Ma Chao took Fufeng as a thief, even if no casualties were caused, even if the whole Fufeng did not fall into chaos. But the old man just admits that he is loyal and patriotic and makes trouble.

But during this period, a group that is more disgusting to the old man suddenly appears, and its intentions are unfaithful and cruel to Cai Yong. After that, Ma Chao came out to save Cai Yong as a righteous man and let Cai Yong see the trend that Ma Teng Group has begun to defect to the Han court and gradually transform. Will Cai Yong affect Ma Teng's group of rebels with the fearless spirit of 'I will not go to hell, who will go to hell'?

"It's possible!" The three blinked their shining eyes, and the tough Han suddenly turned into a cute puppy. Even Meng Da was suddenly stunned and looked at Ma Chao, just like a flower on Ma Chao's face.

"The old man is softer than you can say; he is hard and famous, and can't be beaten or scared; it seems that he can really be crooked when he cheated like a young master!" Although Pang De has no ability to make suggestions, he is still very judgment-capable compared with Huang Yuan and Han Feng.

"Well, that's right. That's more disgusting than us, and I want to kill him more quickly..." Ma Chao held his chin and said slowly with a treacherous face.

"There is nothing more suitable than Qiang Hu Mandi. What's more, Han Qiang's hatred has long been deep, and this black pot is not to wrong them. In the corner, Meng Da, who was gradually overwhelmed by Ma Chao's treacherous atmosphere, finally opened his mouth to speak.

And Ma Chao looked at Meng Da with deep meaning and smiled...