Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 17 Canyon Killing

With Ma Chao's laughter, logs, stones and other objects suddenly rolled down the canyons on both sides, which immediately caused chaos in the impact of the Qiang-breaking cavalry. Many Qiang-breaking soldiers saw the heavy objects rolling down the sky and panicked. But how can it be in time for the army to charge?

Many horses were pulled by vigorously, and the horse raised their hoofs to lift down the knights on the horse. Even warriors with superb riding skills were hit into mud by the surging cavalry later. Some unlucky knights were hit by logs or stones in panic, and even people and horses turned into a pile of broken flesh and blood in an instant.

The charge of 5,000 cavalry, which devoured everything like a flood, was intercepted by Ma Chao's plan, just like a python that swallowed the sky was cut into two sections by a sharp blade from the sky!

Ma Chao on the canyon is the ancestor of cavalry. Naturally, he knows the taboo of cavalry: that is, he must do it in one breath and move forward!

Once the cavalry's charge is disturbed, not to mention how many enemies are killed and injured, even the chaos of their own cavalry will immediately damage a small half! What's more abominable is that once the momentum of the cavalry is stopped, it is like a girl stripped of her coat and can only be trampled by the enemy!

Pound has been fighting in the cavalry camp for many years, how can he not know this? At this time, when he saw the young master coming like a god and his great power, he immediately felt a stream of blood burning in his chest. He suddenly raised the big knife in his hand and shouted, "Reject the horse array and pick down the cavalry who rushed over. The long archer continues to shoot, the knife and shield hand protects the convoy, and the rest of the cavalry, rush with me!"

It seemed to have a good heart. After a storm, two more cavalry gushed out on both sides of the canyon. Immediately, the knight Xiliang's leather armor, with a two-long gun on the horse's head, like a hard and huge nail, is preparing to stab into the center of the broken Qiang cavalry that has become broken tofu!

"Shameless Han army! How do you know that we are coming to help the wind and plunder?!" The handsome man of the broken Qiang cavalry's eyes were cracked, and he looked at the white-dressed Ma Chao and shouted angrily.

"Want to know? Go down and ask the king of the night!" Ma Chao waved a big gun and swept it with a false move. When the handsome man wanted to block, he suddenly turned his wrist to a straight stab with softness. The tip of the gun was like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, suddenly turning into the handsome man's neck, bringing a bloody fog.

"Hahaha..." Stimulated by blood, Ma Chao is now more and more disgusted, but also more and more obsessed with this battlefield.

He likes to break or tear fresh bodies with sharp big * to make their lives float in blood and fire. He likes this kind of moment when he can kill but may be killed at any time, and prefers to bet his life on this moment to bet on winning or losing!

The only thing I hate is the scarlet, wet and hot blood. Ma Chao likes to see them render the color of the sky, but he hates these shining robes that humiliate him with blood!

A brocade silver robe turned into a soul-seeking flag, leading 2,000 tigers and wolves under his command, roaring like the wind, and ploughing the rear of the broken Qiang cavalry like a plowing hole.

Ma Chao's morale is like a rainbow, fighting fiercely. But Pound's side gradually became a little unsupportable. Although the Qiang cavalry has been cut into two sections by logs and stones, the Qiang cavalry that rushed to Pound's motorcade before was also four or 500 people. During this period, even a handsome man was shouting: "The general of the Han family vowed to defend the carriage to the death, and there must be extremely important people in the carriage. The sons got up bravely and took the carriage!"

The broken Qiang warriors who dared to come to plunder the Han land have cruel blood like a wolf in their bodies. Hearing the shouts, they even ignored the murdered compatriots behind him, condensed the anger on the machete, bravely the sharp arrows, and hit the car once. The team's round shield!

And the knives and shields with only more than 60 people were immediately stirred up by the rushing Qiang cavalry. The round shield array is obviously fragile and looser, and obviously can't support the next shock!

"How dare a thief?!" Pang De's eyes were red. Looking at the Qiang handsome man still shouting for command, he angrily threw the big knife in his hand. The handsome man was unaware of it for a moment. He was cut off the skin on his arm by the big knife and rolled off his horse.

But at this time, Pound was already unarmed. Facing the broken Qiang cavalry in front of him, he could beat the knight out with superb horsemanship, and the machete in the knight's hand also fell into Pound's hands. However, at the moment Pound won the machete, a loss shot into Pound's left arm. .

"Ah... General Pang is injured!" Pound did not shout for pain for the arrows on his arm at all, but Cai Yong, who was always observing the battle situation, was stunned: "The enemy is strong and I am weak. The general should quickly converge with General Ma!"

"Bulls!" Pound shouted angrily, suddenly broke the arrow on his left arm, and killed a rushing Qiang knight and said, "The fifty cavalry have been exhausted. They rely on the formation and may be able to hold on. If the pawn moves a little, we will immediately become moving targets and be cut into mud by these thieves!"

"But the front has been blocked by those logs and huge stones. Even if Brother Chao wants to save us, he can't climb over!" Cai Yan, who was extremely frightened, was so scared that he couldn't speak, but he knew in his heart that it was already dangerous in front of him.

"Don't worry, little girl, someone will come to save us soon!" Pound seemed to be a little angry and ashamed to say this, which made Cai Yong and Cai Yan confused - Pound knew that the young master would naturally not be able to come for a while, but the ugly guy could never really escape from the battle!

At this moment, it is really not the time to ask again. Although Cai Yong is full of doubts, he does not dare to disturb Pound's mind any more words. Looking out, I suddenly saw that the remaining three or four hundred broken Qiang cavalry were back together again, about to hit this already full-porous round shield array again!

Pound's heart was stunned, and his boiling murderous intention suddenly burned like wildfire in his eyes. Looking at the young master who was still fighting in front of him, Pound exhaled a sigh of breath and felt that the breath was burning: "Brothers, we are going to die. Fortunately, we were appreciated by the young master, so we broke away from slavery, killed many Qiang people who killed and plundered our people, and made the name of our Xiliang cavalry camp!"

"Today, I have nothing to say, only one death to repay the young master! Brothers, fight against the enemy with all your strength!"

Although Pound and his cavalry battalion soldiers already knew that this round shield could not withstand the impact of the broken Qiang cavalry, none of them showed any timidity and hesitation. Only the crazy fighting spirit spewed out of their eyes, making them like a bloodthirsty wolf!

"Fight for the young master, I'm worth it!"

"I have killed so many people in my life, but today I want to see who cut off my head!"

"I have lived long enough, and another good man 20 years later!"

The soldiers of the cavalry camp don't want to die, but they are never afraid of death! Pound's order to attack happened to speak to their hearts, because even if they die, they will die on the battlefield of blood and fire!

Come on, come on!

Let these broken barbarians learn about the front of the Xiliang Cavalry Battalion! Even if there are only more than 60 people, they will kill the blood of the cavalry camp! In the end, there is only victory and destruction, and there is no choice to retreat and beg for surrender!

This time, did the broken Qiang cavalry kill the Xiliang Xingqi camp on the way forward, or did the Xingqi camp successfully kill and devour the thief python who dared to come to Han for food? Today, let the whole Fufeng Army take a good look and see who will laugh to the end!