Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 26 For Xiliang!

March 12th, the traditional festival of the Qiang people.

The Qiang tribe was most affected by the cold disaster because they spent the winter under the snowy mountains this winter. As a result, the Poqiang tribe paid more attention to this year's sacrifice.

This is not the first time that the leader of Rimu has hosted such a grand festival, but it should be said that it is the first time that he has supported this festival with an indescribable mood.

This year's situation is much more complicated than in previous years. On the one hand, many cattle, sheep and livestock in the tribe were frozen to death because of the cold disaster, making it difficult for the tribe to spend a year safely. This situation made Rimu's mood very heavy; on the other hand, he, who was decisive and wise, immediately issued orders from other Qiang tribes that were not seriously affected, which actually broke Qiang. The tribe harvested a lot, and the tents of the nobles of the whole broken Qiang tribe were full of looted goods and thousands of slaves. Even, there are many prisoners of the Han Dynasty.

Thinking of the Han Dynasty, Rimu's mood began to be irritable again. Originally, he had a smooth plunder in Beiding County, Anding County and Xinping County, but after looting Fufeng County, somehow the Xiliang Ma family got the news and sent elite horses to chase the 5,000 warriors of the tribe and killed them!

This naturally made Rimu angry and vowed to let the nosy Ma Teng be punished! When he received a mysterious letter, he became more determined to revenge on Ma Teng. He never thought that to this day, the eight thousand warriors he sent still did not return any news...

Maybe they got too much property this time and delayed the date of their return?' Rimuda believes that, after all, according to the situation written in the letter, Fufeng County is like a skinned lamb, waiting for the broken wolf to devour it at will.

Speaking of the white and tender lambs, Rimu's big eyes fell on the women with chains: "The skin of Han Dynasty women is like a skinned lamb, which is indeed much more beautiful than the women on the grassland. Even the noble women in the tribe inevitably smell, but these Han Dynasty women are all charming and grab them back. Washing can really dazzled people's eyes.

Thinking of this, Riki couldn't help feeling a little hot: of the thousands of slaves recovered this time, women accounted for the vast majority, and most of them were distributed to the warriors in the tribe. Presumably, there will be many more cubs in the tribe next year.

Rimu thought happily that after today's festival, he should also fuck those Han Dynasty women well when he returns to the account and strive to sprinkle seeds to make his bloodline flourish. At the thought of this, Riki suddenly felt full of energy: as long as there is someone, the tribe can continue to thrive. As long as the population of the tribe increases, it will be easier to plunder and conquer other tribes. Maybe it won't be long before the broken Qiang tribe will become the most powerful tribe, and even make the people of the Han Dynasty become slaves, farming grain, herding cattle and sheep, and weaving clothes for the tribes...

The heavenly sacrifice meeting was held as scheduled, and the interest of Rimu was also very high. After the nobles and herdsmen of the tribe recited the congratulatory, they also lit a bonfire and began to sing and dance to their heart's content. Unconsciously, the night has come slowly, but it may be immersed in the harvest of this robbery. Those nobles and herdsmen saw that the whole sheep had been peeled off and was roasting on the fire. They couldn't help taking out the horse milk wine they had prepared for a long time and indulged in drinking and eating meat. How could they care that the night would interfere? Their interest?

In the darkness of the tribal camp, a group of slaves chained their faces were clear, and their empty eyes looked at the dark sky. This happy festival meant nothing to them. Even this festival will soon become their good day.

However, no one knew that about ten miles away from the place where the Qiang tribe was stationed, an army was standing quietly, without a sound or a little **. Ten thousand soldiers and horses were like ghosts integrated into the night. Even those horses wrapped in horses' hoofs and stuffed with wooden branches on their mouths seemed to be so quiet. Silent and deterrent, without any restlessness. In front of this military horse, the silver-white brocade robe that ignited the whole night stood up. Ma Chao is quietly staring at the bright firelight not far away.

In the dark night, the firelight was like a target, quietly indicating the target of Ma Chao's attack this time.

"Young master, the Qiang thief returned home happily. When we fall asleep, it should be the moment for us to attack." Jia Xu also looked at the firelight in the distance, and a faint ghost fire flashed in his eyes and Ma Chao whispered.

Ma Chao nodded, but felt that his blood had boiled and even couldn't help it: since he really participated in several killings, Ma Chao found that he had been a little addicted to this game.

Yes, inheriting the fierce and cruel Xiliang Jinxiu's martial arts and ambition in history, now Ma Chao has indifferently regarded war and killing as a game, a game that can make him feel indescribable and comfortable!

What's more, this is still a sneak attack, and it's a revenge! After this conforming to all the deformed elements before the battlefield charge, Ma Chao's body has even been slightly throbbing!

These stupid and damn broken Qiang people didn't even put a peripheral sentry. Hey, they must have never dreamed that those Han soldiers who were regarded by them as pigs and dogs would attack them again for dozens of miles in 200 years?!

At midnight, the thick black became thicker and thicker, making the Han soldiers quietly lying on the grassland covered with a layer of night. Finally, at this moment, the boiling camp in the distance gradually began to quiet down.

Ma Chao stood up and said, "Brother Chou, lead the cavalry camp! Remember not to fall in love with war, just set fire and create chaos.

"Ling Ming led 3,000 Xiling iron riders to detour from the right. After seeing the chaos in the camp, he immediately attacked. The result I want is that you sweep everything and destroy all the resistance in front of you!"

"It's your honor to rush into the left with the remaining three thousand Xiliang iron riders from me and follow the brocade of Xiliang!"

Finally, Ma Chao saw Jia Xu around him and immediately arranged for the Qiang warriors who came together to protect Jia Xu's safety.

Although Jia Xuyi is a counselor, he has a banditry, but he dares not compliment him by force. And this guy is of great value. Ma Chao doesn't want an exciting sneak attack to get the more exciting news that Jia Xu was lost and shot to death...

After the arrangement, Ma Chao licked his already cold lips, showing his snow-white teeth and smiled. The big gun pointed at the sky, and then suddenly waved it down and stabbed straight ahead. He shouted in a low voice, "For Xiliang, let's go!"

In an instant, like a sculpture ignited by the soul, 10,000 Xiliang iron riders resurrected like evil spirits in the night, jumping up from the ground and rushing towards the target.

This battle, indeed, for Xiliang!