Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 31 The plan can't keep up with the change

It was a strategy discussed by Ma Chao and Jia Xu along the way to lead the cavalry camp to escort the goods, cattle and sheep. At this time, not only did the ugly brother secretly take a shortcut back to Fufeng, but also the old fox Jia Xu disappeared - he was going to Chang'an to ask for help.

After destroying Qiang, Ma Chao, under Jia Xu's persuasion, gave up his plan to go deep into the grassland and chose to return to Fufeng County safely. Because he knows that the children on the grassland are not allowed to provoke their dignity like this.

Moreover, he has a hunch that he may face the most turbulent revenge on the prairie tonight.

There is no other reason. Ten thousand Xiliang iron riders did eradicate the broken Qiang tribe, but it was not annihilation. The scattered and fled Qiang herdsmen will soon bring this news to anywhere on the prairie.

Since I can find many tribes that have a grudge against Poqiang, it is obvious that I will also be retaliated by those friendly tribes.

Therefore, along the way, Ma Chao divided a small amount of property to those tribes that are friendly to the Han people, not hoping that they could stand up at a critical moment. It's just that those tribes can not take advantage of the fire at a critical moment.

In response to tonight's revenge, Ma Chao discussed with Jia Xu all the way and finally chose a way to die: Jia Xu went to Chang'an for help; ugly brother escorted the property back to Fu Feng secretly; and Ma Chao and Pound stayed to pull the hatred value of those tribes on the grassland.

Before sending troops to the grassland, Ma Chao asked Han Feng to publicize the news that the Qiang people had suffered from the cold, and fabricated rumors that the Qiang tribe wanted to wash Chang'an and repay Dong Zhuo for the blood revenge of the Qiang people. Of course, this rumor can only make Dong Zhuo suspicious, but it may not cause Dong Zhuo to send troops. But what if rumors are flying all over the world and Cai Yong's handwritten letter?

Although the last performance by mistake, the fake play was made true, but the thrill and subsequent effects were also very obvious. Cai Yong is a great scholar in the world and a fanatic with the temperament of 'Big Han chauvinism'. Under Ma Chao's oil and jealousy deception, Cai Yong immediately wrote a letter about his personal experience in Fufeng County. The letter simply portrayed the Qiang tribe as a cancer of the Han Dynasty that was crazy and angry with people and gods. As if he were a Han Chinese, anyone who did not come to the grassland to kill the Qiang people would be ashamed of his ancestors for 18 generations.

Of course, in Ma Chao's view, the most useful content of this letter is that Cai Yong used his own experience to confirm that the Qiang people did suffer a lot of cold last winter...

Ma Chao admired Cai Yong's calligraphy and was also sloppy and satisfied with the content of his letter. On a starry night, he let Han Feng take turns riding two horses straight to Chang'an and send the letter to Dong Zhuo. When Dong Zhuo saw this letter, as long as he hadn't arrived home, I'm afraid he would be ready to move, right?

Well, assuming that Dong Zhuo is a calm emperor and can't survive, what if it is added to the deception of Jia Xu's old fox?

Although Ma Teng's letter asked Dong Zhuo to leave Jia Xu in Chang'an, it is undeniable that Jia Xu still has some popularity in Chang'an. With Jia Xu's up and down activities and his eloquence, it is believed that under this multiple effects, the probability of Dong Zhuo not leaving the army is almost non-existent.

Maybe there is no need for Jia Xu to do it at all. The real purpose of letting Jia Xu go to Chang'an is to need Jia Xu to successfully find the mark left by Ma Chao and lead Chang'an's army to relieve the siege! To put it bluntly, this old fox may be a leader this time.

In addition, on the one hand, Brother Chou is absolutely loyal, and his cavalry camp is also his confidant, and he will never betray Xiliang for these goods; on the other hand, although Brother Chou is not as good as Pound in martial arts and military strategy, he is much stronger than Pound in terms of ingenuity and military secrets.

After arranging all this, Ma Chao also heard the rumbling thunder in the sky and sighed to the miserable Pound, "It seems that even God doesn't help us..."

"Don't worry about the young master. The strategy of the military division is amazing. I think the military division will definitely be able to attract Chang'an reinforcements. And even if the military division fails, Brother Chou will send the news to Fufeng. The master has 30,000 elite soldiers, and he will definitely try his best to save him.

"I hope so..." Ma Chao sighed again, and there was no emotion in his heart: If it hadn't been for the low starting point of the Xiliang Ma family and the Qiang people had suffered from the cold disaster and planned to plunder Fufeng County, Ma Chao would have killed him and would not have gone deep into the grassland to destroy Qiang.

In his plan, he should have occupied Fufeng County, using the seeds of crops and the knowledge spanning nearly 2,000 years to make trouble in Fufeng County: revitalizing the economy, pulling talents, reforming the political system, strengthening the military, and striving to do a good job in the three projects of 'vegetable garden', 'iron shop' and 'military barracks', and building Prosperous and harmonious Fufeng New Park. After these were on the right track, they would pull relationships and make tricks to interact with the Qiang people and Chang'an, fish in troubled waters step by step, gradually destroyed Han Sui and annexed Liangzhou, and then took Liangzhou as the base to make a lot of money when Chang'an was in chaos, and stared at the Central Plains.

But the time was not right, and the plan did not catch up with the change.

Although Jia Xu's old fox came in time and his scheme was awesome, the price of failure was also quite hard.

Before sending troops, Jia Xu's plan was divided into three aspects and was carried out at the same time.

First, go deep into the grassland to attack and break through Qiang with lightning speed, and draft the original civil strife, so that the attention of the Qiang tribes on the grassland turn to internal struggle. In this way, it can greatly reduce the pressure on Fufeng County and also bring trouble to Han Sui in Jincheng.

Second, Meng Da was ordered to investigate the finance and grain of Fufeng County and tentatively carry out Han Qiang trade around Fufeng County, which can not only help some pro-Han Qiang tribes to survive this year safely, but also gather the hearts of the Qiang people and prepare for Ma Teng's infiltration into the Qiang power in the future.

The third is to make Han Feng create rumors in Chang'an, and at the same time fool Cai Yong into writing to Dong Zhuo and the court to force Chang'an to respond to the Qiang people.

With these three-pronged approach, Fufeng County can not only keep safe in the turmoil, but also find an opportunity for Fufeng to develop in the future.

But it's still the same sentence: the plan can't keep up with the changes!

Who knows that he happened to meet the festival of the Qiang clan? Who knew that his Xiliang iron horse was so fierce, and who knew that the Qiang tribe was so vulnerable. Under his large-scale raid, he actually destroyed the broken Qiang tribe...

This is good, although there has been no change in the general policy - well, in fact, as long as it is properly planned, it can even make a greater political capital for the Xiliang Ma family: if Chang'an really sent troops and beheading the military achievements of the Qiang barbarians, it will definitely make Dong Zhuo's momentum. Huang. As a result, Dong Zhuo's views on the Xiliang Ma family will also be greatly improved. In addition, these tribes that chased Ma Chao are undoubtedly supporters of the Tieqiang League. Their annihilation can be said to have cut off Han Sui's arm, and then even realize the situation of Ma Teng and Han Sui's equal rivalry on the grassland.

However, but!

The result of these changes is that the revenge of the Qiang army will definitely be summoned. Moreover, Ma Chao can be sure that this revenge will come to him soon! And once you fail, the consequences will definitely be quite painful - there may be nothing else, but I'm afraid I will stay in the grassland to feed the hungry wolves...

And after Ma Chao filtered out all the causes and consequences and possibilities, Pound suddenly shouted, "Young master! Look!"

Ma Chao looked in the direction of his finger and couldn't help shaking his whole body. He saw the smoke and dust rising in the west, and his head surged, as if a large band of cavalry were coming!