Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 66 Fufeng Ma Chao, Thief Li Kan

After everyone sighed and visited, they left one after learning that Ma Chao was indeed blessed. At this time, only Ma Chao and Ma Teng, the father and son, were left in the room.

"Father, if Chao'er's expectation is good, Pound and Brother Chou should have won a lot if they go to the camp today, right?" After this assassination, the two internal traitors placed by Han Sui have been eliminated. However, the thieves outside the city were still a sharp sword hanging over Fufeng County, making Ma Chao restless.

"Well, as expected, Li Kan and Cheng Yin were not prepared at all, probably because of last night's exhaustion, which made them neglect. When our army rushed over, most of the soldiers in the bandit camp were actually sleeping, and even most of the soldiers who reacted fled in the chaos instead of struggling to resist. Saying this, Ma Teng became happy and said to Ma Chao, "This time, our military attack camp, and we didn't return until the big account of the Chinese army of the thief. During this period, more than 2,000 enemies were killed, and more than 10,000 thieves fled.

"Well, after this time, the thieves must have lost their courage and will reduce the number of sieges. And this period is the time for my father to plan. Ma Chao told Ma Teng about his strategy and thought that if he could not deal with those thieves, it would show that the difficulty of this game in troubled times was too great. He still had better hit his head to death quickly and don't fool around in this troubled times.

After listening to Ma Chao's plan, Ma Teng looked even more happy, but the shock was no longer there. After all, the miracle that Ma Chao brought to Ma Teng has made Ma Teng get used to and numb.

"Father, the timing of this thief is really too coincidental. If possible, try to leave Li Kan or Cheng Yin's life. Oh, no, I'm afraid these two people are just used as gunmen. If they have no eyes on the battlefield, they don't have to be soft-hearted when they should be killed. Ma Chao said here, and the scribe-dressed man he saw in the thief's camp that night came to his mind. He couldn't help saying, "But in the thief's camp, there is a man dressed in a scribe's crown, and his father must save his life. I'm afraid that the mystery behind all this has to be solved from this person.

"Well, I also noticed it. This time, Li Kan and Cheng Yin led them, not like those rabbles. Looking at its siege means and the quality of soldiers, it is more like an officer..." Ma Teng frowned and nodded to agree to Ma Chao's request.

"Yes, has Yan Xing and that woman been properly imprisoned? These two may be an important bargaining chip for our negotiations with Han Sui in the future. My father should be careful. Thinking of assassinating himself, Ma Chao hated it so much that he hated it. If it weren't for the Xiliang Ma family, he really wanted to kill the bastard who made him bedridden immediately!

"You can save these naturally for your father. Don't worry too much about the situation. You are still a patient now. It's better to rest in peace." When Ma Teng saw that Ma Chao was full of everything and complicated, he couldn't help feeling guilty about Ma Chao for the first time: he did not lay a foundation for Chaoer, but made Chaoer think left and right. It was really a little vain to be a father!

"Father should not work too hard. If we use super tricks, those thieves will fall into our hands within three days. At that time, Fufeng County will add tens of thousands of people and countless grains..."

"Well, if so, I will arrange it for my father first. Chaoer should remember to rest at ease, don't be able to use force, and don't worry too much about the situation..."

Looking at Ma Teng's majestic back leaving, Ma Chao somehow thought of Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow" in his previous life. It seems that whether in ancient times or now, his father's love is like a mountain, and his love of licking the child is always the same...

Outside Fufeng City, a man is urging the war horse to fly against the wind, and his ears are full of the roar of the wind. However, even the roar of the wind can't blow away the bitterness of Xiao Tian's heart.

Finally, about half an hour later, Xiao Tian heard that the voice gradually became noisy. He looked up. The clouds were very low, as if they were about to fall to the top of the helmet. In front, a few rays of sunlight passed through the thick cloud shells like the city wall, adding a few golden lines to the gray sky.

The terrain began to be a little uneven, and he slowed down the pace of the war horse.

Going further, the smell of sweat and blood gradually thickened. Xiao Tian knew that no matter how long the road to Jincheng was, he still had to return to this familiar and strange place.

Look at the pinch of people gathered together: ragged military uniforms, ragged armor, and faces full of dirty hair and beards. Their eyes were dull and their expressions were numb or sitting or lying down. Some were grabbing the lice on their bodies, some were picking the blood bubbles and mud of their feet, and some were simply lying motionless, like smelly dead bodies.

Xiao Tian is not surprised and is used to it. Because as long as there is no task, he is also in this way.

He jumped down and led his horse to move forward and walked about two miles through the crowd. He looked up at the top of the hillside not far away and saw several banners sticking in the wind around the flagpole. Sometimes they curl up into a roll, sometimes pulled into a dirty and wrinkled side, covered with holes left by arrows and swords.

On those flags, there are simply hundreds of surnames, all kinds of surnames. And on the two largest flags, there is a word 'Cheng' and a 'Li'.

This is the so-called banner. Poorly, it doesn't even have the official title of the imperial court, but just writes the surname of * collar, which is also a bold way to tell the court: I'm here to rebel! One surnamed Cheng and the other surnamed Li, if you catch me, you dog officials will be rewarded; and if you are unlucky, let me catch you, hum...

Xiao Tian is still walking slowly. It's not that he can't walk. Li Kan and Cheng Yin's military food supply is still not lacking. But the person he wanted to see in front of him was really scary to Xiao Tian. Sure enough, after going up the slope through the antler fence, I heard the whip crackling and rough curses from afar: "What does it mean to have no news, a born bucket pig!" What does it mean that more than a dozen brothers have died? There is still no news, and they still can't get into Fufeng County!"

Xiao Tian secretly complained to himself. It seemed that today was not a good day, and he was in a bad mood to catch up with Li Kan. In fact, Xiao Tian knew that Li Kan had not been in a good mood since he began to attack Fufeng County. Every time he failed to attack the city, he had to find faults and whip soldiers: Xiao Tian had also been whipped by Li Kan, but he sent him to Jincheng for three days to contact him this time, which saved him from three days of skin and flesh.

And it was really not the right time for him to come back this time. Xiao Tian leaned over slowly and walked around several tents to the open space in front of the Chinese army tent. Sure enough, from afar, I saw the tall and powerful Li Kan being naked and beating a soldier. Every whip swings, it must bring a string of splashing blood beads. The tortured soldier couldn't stand it for a long time and fainted. The beast was still puzzled and hit sixty or seventy whips in a row, and then stopped his hand breathlessly.

"Come on, drag this dead dog out!" There was a fire in Li Kan's angry voice, which was obviously not enough. He picked up the robe on the ground and wiped his sweat casually. He turned his head and glanced at Xiao Tian. Then he took a bloody whip and strode over.

Xiao Tian lowered his head and stood solemnly: "Rebuke Xiao Tian, see Leader Li."

He deliberately avoided Li Kan's face, not that Li Kan was too horrible, but that he didn't want to see Li Kan's angry look: three days ago, Pound and Huang Yuan, Ma Teng's subordinates, each led 5,000 Xiliang iron riders to attack the camp, and because the two leaders Li Kan and Cheng Yin were drinking in the account, they were completely unable to organize Effective defense made the soldiers in the camp run away more than 10,000 people in the chaos. This matter has always made Li Kan worried.

"Are you back from Jincheng? What did the old dog Han Sui say? Li Kan fell in front of Xiao Tian and asked in a joking tone.