Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 70 You have entered the urn

On Fufeng Street, with the surge of more than 10,000 thieves of Li Kan, the wolf smoke suddenly rolled up.

Cheng Yin's subordinates also wanted to march, but were stopped by Yang Fu: "Let the reckless man explore the way first. I don't believe it. There is no way to deal with it in Fufeng County. As long as we keep the gate of the suspension bridge, Fufeng County will be in our pocket sooner or later!"

Although Cheng Yin was moved, after listening to Yang Fu's persuasion, he gave up his plan to enter the city and shouted harshly to the little school around him: "You lead a thousand people to guard the gate of Fufeng County. You must not let the county soldiers close the gate again!"

However, Li Kan in the city did not have the consciousness of being cannon fodder at all. He rushed forward and roared loudly: "Little guys, break through Fufeng County, as long as you can install what you can see, how much as you can!"

Li Kan looked angry. This Fufeng County is located in the three auxiliary land of the capital, which is rich and rich, especially the property accumulated in the county guard for a hundred years. Thinking about it makes Li Kan excited and inexplicably!

"Leader, I feel something is wrong..." Although Xiao Tian was not ashamed of Li Kan, his little life was in Li Kan's hands at this time and couldn't help reminding him, "We have been running for a long time, but there is no response in Fufeng County. Moreover, there is no panic or noise in the residential shops on the street, presumably..."

"It must be your mother!" Li Kan slapped Xiao Tian in the face and said angrily, "You haven't heard from the military division that Ma Teng is already ready. As long as we break through the county guard this time, even if Ma Teng's plan is, he can't stand our cooperation inside and outside!"

Xiao Tian was slapped by Li Kan, and his eyes were already angry. But the next moment, he immediately hid the anger and rolled back several steps with the power of that slap: You stupid pig is in a hurry to die, but don't burden me!

Li Kan looked at Xiao Tian's embarrassed appearance and grinned, but saw Xiao Tian flexibly avoiding the thieves who came later. With a flash, he slid back to the center of the thieves.

Li Kan looked at Xiao Tian's ability in a while, and he also felt interesting in his heart, and he couldn't help slowing down a little. And it was at this moment that Li Kan suddenly heard the frightened shouts of the thieves in front of him:

"Ouch! The ground is trapped!"

"Don't fucking rush forward, there is a trap ahead!"

"Which dog pushes me?! Ouch..."

Li Kan ran forward and suddenly saw a huge gap before he saw the messy crowd. About hundreds of people fell into the pit. Those at the bottom had been turned into mud. Those who were unlucky were also broken by the thieves who fell later. Constantly cursing in the pit.

"Stop it for me!" Li Kan shouted, but the thieves in the rear knew the situation ahead and still rushed forward. If Li Kan hadn't killed dozens of people in front of him with a knife, maybe he would have been pushed into the pit by those thieves.

And his example immediately let the thieves in front of the pit follow suit, and pulled out their weapons to kill those forward thieves, and those thieves were not good people. Seeing that those people in front of him actually wanted to kill themselves for no reason, they naturally fought for their lives. For a while, before fighting with the officers and soldiers of Fufeng County, this group of thieves had already fought infighting.

"Futam, Ma Teng has been digging holes in this street for the past three days?" Li Kan was furious. Around him, there were many thieves lying down. Fortunately, although the thieves fought and killed many people, most of them also knew the situation. Only a few people who had killed red eyes were still fighting for their lives there.

Li Kan threw his waist knife at those places that were still fighting and scolded, "Don't fucking kill each other!" If you don't let the horse vacate, you stupid pigs will die first!" After shouting the thieves, Li Kan also wondered: The trap is so huge that where did the excavated soil go? These days, I haven't seen Fufeng County transporting soil outward...

But the next moment, Li Kan knew that the soil had been there. I only heard the rumble and rolling sound from the street, like thousands of horses running and roaring like thunder. Looking up, Li Kan suddenly cracked his liver and gallbladder: four large stone balls about one foot in diameter were rushing towards them at a very fast speed!

Li Kan looked at his feet and immediately felt that the previous charge was so brisk that it had always been running downhill: the excavated soil had long been paved down the street, and hundreds of steps away, coupled with the darkness, how could the thieves feel it?

Four big stone balls, like angry bears, roaring towards the thief under the action of acceleration. These thieves had been shocked for a long time, trampling and fighting again and again, and they were crazy to escape for their lives. However, the more chaotic it is, the more unable to avoid these four huge stones. The four huge stones are like crushing ants, crushing countless pieces of limbs along the way. The whole surface of the stone ball is dyed red. The wailing of the thieves before their death resounded through Fufeng County, like a tragic mourning song.

Before Li Kan was in trouble, he had an idea and quickly dodged into a nearby store. When he was lucky enough to escape from the disaster, he saw several steel knives coming in an instant. Li Kan couldn't avoid it and roared, "There is an ambush!"

With Li Kan's shout, countless arrows were shot out of the residential shops on both sides, starting the prelude to the massacre. The thieves were first caught off guard by the pit, and then scared by the boulder. At this time, they heard that there was an ambush, and there was no trace of resistance. Under the coaxed, they dispersed and fled.

Unfortunate, after a round of arrow rain, tens of thousands of troops were killed, leaving less than 3,000 people. Subsequently, several lights flashed on Fufeng Street, and the next moment, the residential shops on both sides also lit torches at the same time. After that, the firelight gradually grew, echoing the lights on both sides, like a fire dragon that devours life.

Before the torch, a majestic general was wearing a scarlet court and was running with a huge spear. His face was full of irrefutable determination, and the cold face of Xiliang iron riders on both sides.

"It's Ma Teng!"

These thieves had seen Ma Teng's appearance as early as when they attacked the city. At this time, they saw Ma Teng running like a frightened mouse.

And Ma Teng ran and laughed, "You have been waiting for the rats, and you have been tricked by me. Why don't you take your life now?"

At this time, Li Kan had already hacked and killed the county soldiers who attacked him. Seeing that his thieves behaved like this, he hated it in his heart: "You son of a bitch, haven't I told you before coming? Hurry up and go to the inside and outside of the city wall. As long as you kill all the county soldiers on the wall and join the army, what are you afraid of?"

Those thief soldiers were not at heart when they heard this: If you didn't want to grab your achievements and go straight to the county guard, how could you kill so many brothers in vain?

But for a moment, they didn't even have anyone to complain about. Because just after Li Kan's roar, Ma Teng took the lead and hit Li Kan violently. He turned around and shot him to get rid of Li Kan.

"The thief chief has been awarded the head, do you still want to resist stubbornly?" Ma Teng jumped off the horse and cut Li Kan's head, picked it up on the spear and roared.

The rest of these thieves looked at the robes in the trap, as well-equipped and murderous Xiliang iron riders in front of them, and then thought of the sharp arrows hidden in the residential shops on both sides... For a while, Xiao Tian was the first to throw away the weapons, and then these thieves had no choice but to resist.

After all, they are only the lowest level of cannon fodder and have never had a sense of belonging...