Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 86 Jia Fox abused Yang Fu

"Get up, I just taught you Tao strategy for two years during my trip, and I can't be called your teacher." Although Jia Xu said so, his body did not move at all and calmly accepted Yang Fu's gift.

When Yang Fu saw Jia Xu like this, he was even more frightened. When he saw that Jia Xu came with a young man in brocade, he actually had an ominous feeling in his heart: "Didn't your teacher also come to persuade Fu to surrender? If so, Funing will die!"

Yang Fu did not know Ma Chao. First, on the battlefield, Ma Chao commanded the defense of the county soldiers on the wall. Even if the two had a relationship, Yang Fu could not think of Ma Chao's identity. Second, during Yang Fu was captured, Ma Chao responded in his heart. Although Ma Teng, Pound, Chou Ge, Han Feng and others all came to persuade Yang Fu. But Ma Chao did not come in person.

But at this time, Jia Xu entered the room calmly, and the bodyguards were extremely respectful to Jia Xu and the young man in brocade. Yang Fu's eyes were so vicious that he guessed the reason why Jia Xu came here at a glance.

"I advise you to be sincere? Ha ha, I have traveled for many years and have also guided many talented scholars, but it is the first time I have met such an arrogant and whimsical apprentice as you. Since then, don't tell others that you have learned from me, so that others won't think that I have no eyes!" Jia Xu looked pale and got up and was about to leave.

Ma Chao looked at Jia Xu's fake performance. Although it was funny in his heart, his prestige and evaluation of Jia Xu were a little higher: this old fox actually studied all over the world. If his apprentices were young talents like Yang Fu, the world would be just around the corner!

Jia Xu turned around and was about to leave, and Ma Chao also followed with a pitiful appearance. Only Yang Fu panicked, hurriedly hugged Jia Xu's thigh, and repeatedly complained and said, "Don't worry about your teacher. You know your mistakes, and you know your mistakes..."

In ancient times, the status of this teacher was much higher than that of modern society. Especially the teacher, who is even higher, is basically the same as the apprentice's own father. Therefore, although Yang Fu's performance at this time is a little numb, it is also reasonable.

After seeing Yang Fu's behavior, Ma Chao couldn't help sighing: Yang Fu, if you can still escape from the palm of Jia Fox's hand, you are not his apprentice, but his father!

However, this Jia Fox doesn't play cards according to the routine! Relying on the identity of a teacher to suppress others is just like relying on top equipment to abuse the enemy in the game. There is no technical content at all... And if I had known that he had such a relationship with Yang Fu, what would he have to do before?

"I saw that you still wrote Han Qiang's strategy on that paper. Well, you are so imprisoned but don't lose your ambition, diligent and thoughtful. You can be regarded as a person of determination. If not, I will definitely cut off the relationship between you." Hit a stick and give a sweet date. Jia Fox's hand is really beautiful.

"What the teacher taught is that the resentment between Han Qiang has been deep, and the enemy soldiers have been puzzled for years, which is really the trouble of my Han. The teacher is here, and I hope to teach Fu..." Yang Fu had been trapped in this unsolved proposition before. Hearing Jia Xu say this, he naturally bowed to ask for advice.

"You also know that the lifelong wish of being a teacher is to see Han Qiang unify and be harmonious and prosperous. Naturally, there is a way to solve the problem of your book as a teacher. However, what I want to tell you today is that fantasy can only rejuvenate the country by bowing down. How can you come up with a solution if you are so thoughtful but don't do anything?

Ma Chao stared at Jia Fox: What on earth does this old man mean by saying so much nonsense?

Not only did Ma Chao think so, but even Yang Fu looked confused. He raised his head and asked respectfully, "If you want to do a good job, you must first use your tools. Your teacher's learning is like the sea, and he just bows down. Fu's knowledge is humble and confused. Even if you want to do it, you are powerless."

"Today, when the master is here, why did the disciple abandon the beautiful jade and ask the bricks and stones?" Jia Xu seemed to look at Ma Chao with a smile, sitting on the shore and watching the fire.

At the same time, Ma Chao's heart also moved, and he couldn't help admiring Jia Xu's method: first, he knocked on the mountain and shocked the tiger, which dispelled Yang Fu's arrogance; then took a soft strategy and gave Yang Fu hope; finally, he made himself gorgeously. In these few words, he actually used three strategies, which was really old and refined!

And then, Ma Chao also knew that this was the coming of the play. Jia Xu did not tell his identity. Obviously, he let himself fool Yang Fu first. Finally, Jia Xu explained that he was already a military division of the Xiliang Ma family. The teachers are all military divisions. What are you waiting for? Why don't you bow and swear to the death?

Old fox, old fox, you really sold Yang Fu and asked Yang Fu to help you count the money... Fortunately, you are not my enemy. If you are my enemy, I'm afraid I don't know how I died!

And Yang Fu saw that Ma Chao was young, and he couldn't help but feel a little doubtful. However, how could the words his teacher say in person be false? Therefore, Yang Fu bowed to Ma Chao and said respectfully, "Please... Mr. Xiao teaches Fu.

In fact, Ma Chao has already had a manuscript in mind about the problem between Han Qiang - don't forget that this guy set a big strategy for the Xiliang Ma family at the beginning! - After Jia Xu came, Ma Chao exchanged his thoughts with Jia Xu, and the two finally decided on the solution to the Qiang people.

From this, Ma Chao also returned a salute and pretended to be bullish and coaxed, "Sincerely, as Yishan said, Han Qiang's hatred has been accumulated for a hundred years. If you want Hanqiang to be harmonious, it is not a day's work, but everything has a source, and there is a law to find the root and the bottom. The solution is between the laws.

Scratching his head, Ma Chao felt that it was really hard to talk to these intellectuals. He quickly turned to the topic and continued to say, "The source of Han Qiang's contradiction is to draw the boundary between Han and Qiang people in the world. If the world is a family, whether it is Qianghu or barbarians, those who are dominated by the Han Dynasty are all the sons of the Han Dynasty, with no relatives, noble and lowly. There can be cultivated fields, grazing pastures, weaving silkworms, labor and trade, and even enter the county as officials. So that these people are rarely raised, old and dependent, men have the pride of the world, and women have warm families. In this way, how can there be the resentment of Han Qiang?"

"Sir, great talent, this is unprecedented!" Ma Chao immediately stunned Yang Fu. In fact, this is no wonder. In ancient times, who put forward the ideological argument of 'fifty-six ethnic groups, fifty-six flowers, and fifty-six brothers and sisters are one family'?

"Although Mr. has told the source of the contradiction between Han Qiang, the swordsman has been puzzled for many years. What can you take to make the Han Qiang family?" After thinking carefully about Ma Chao's words, Yang Fu immediately raised his own doubts.

Now that Ma Chao has told the root cause, the solution is naturally not a problem.

"Mr. Xi is full of Tao strategy. He has benefited from Mr. Xiu's guidance and contemptible inferences. Finally, both of us believe that the following three points can make the Han Qiang family." Ma Chao also glanced at Jia Xu and thought to himself: Since Jia Xu has given him such a big air, how can he not be interested and not to lift Jia Xu again?

When Jia Xu's old fox heard Ma Chao say this, he couldn't help showing Ma Chao a 'child-instructable and fearful' look. Only Yang Fu, who was kept in the dark, only felt that this old gentleman was a great talent. He could get the guidance of the two in his life, although there was no regrets death!